【#TAVAR貴客臨門 :紐西蘭NZVRARA團隊二度來訪,強化台紐AVR連結】
還記得二月TAVAR為了強化XR(AR/VR/MR)產業的國際連結,與紐西蘭NZVRARA (NEW ZEALAND VR/AR ASSOCIATION INC)簽訂了MOU嗎? 周一早晨他們再度光臨digiBlock Taipei,與TAVAR的理監與會員廠商們交流分享彼此在產業內的經驗與觀察。
本次討論中TAVAR也特別與NZVRARA討論如何整合海內外的資源,包含了未來XR黑客松大賽時雙方同步直播或是團隊跨國參與。另外,產學聯盟與跨國實習計畫的人才交換,甚至是連結海外其他組織的MOU簽訂都是未來可以整合的方向。NZVRARA的團隊也很驚訝於TAVAR目前的人才媒合 #AVRTalent 以及資金媒合 #AVRMatchmaking 等產業人才與資源導向的活動,期待接下來很快就會有共同合作曝光在大家面前!
謝謝 VR+ iStaging 數位宅妝 跨視代科技 #擴增實境互動技術產學聯盟ARalliance #宇峻奧汀USERJOY 跨視代科技 VR+的分享;也特別感謝紐西蘭團隊 Method - NZ ,VR kiwi ,and realityvirtual.co, #ProjectrTaipei,他們分別在ARVR創新領域上都有不同的計劃與專業經驗,歡迎大家也可以看看喔!
Special guests come to TAVAR this morning! We have #NZVRARA team coming back to digiBlock Taipei again!
Did TAVAR fans remember we just signed the MOU with the ARVR association “NZVRARA” from New Zealand? Today they brought their teams back to have more deeper discussion and exchange their experiences in XR industry with TAVAR’s board of directors and members.
This time we have more discussion upon how to collaborate with each other, including future live streaming during Hackathon or sending teams to participate each other’s competition! Moreover, it might be great to have the collaborations of AVR Talent program, such as the cross-country internship exchange program or other talent matchmaking plans. We hope more collaborative events will show to the public!
Special thanks to Method Studios and M Theory, VirtualReality, VR Kiwi, and Projectr Taipei, your great sharing have inspired us a lot and hope see you soon!