來分享張雅琴主播 五分半鐘全英文告訴大家近期台灣防疫相關新聞❤️幫大家重點整理一下。(只有五分鐘硬要整理😆😆😆)
Ps, 我是雅琴姐姐的粉絲😆下班必看年代晚報✌️ 大家留言給我喜不喜歡🤣如果大家喜歡的話 之後會繼續整理 (反正我也是會收看😆)
📍0"30 疫情指揮中心宣布14天買9個口罩。並允許寄給海外親戚。
The CECC announced that we can buy 9 face masks per person every 14 days.
We are now allowed to ship the masks to our relatives overseas.
📍0"44 希望可以澄清BBC對於在台隔離的英國情侶報導。
There is only one truth about the BBC report of British couple in Taiwan👉Justice Will Prevail. Taiwanese government actually provided helps for this couple while they stayed in Taiwan.
📍1"33 武漢台人撤離航班相關。
Evacuation of Taiwanese from Hubei, China. Real vs. Fake.
📍2"25 桃機旅客服務中心確診案269。
Briefing about Covid-19 confirmed Case#269 who works in the Tourist Center at TPE airport.
📍3"40 英國情侶在台隔離相關。
Talk about British couple during 14 days quarantine in Taiwan.
📍4”26 陳時中指揮官回答美國之音記者問題(3/30 疫情記者會)。
CECC head Chen, Shih-Chung answered the question from of the reporter from Voice of America (3/30 press conference) .
press briefing vs press conference 在 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Daleep Singh 的必吃
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