今晚 第三集 8%的聲音 8pm 星期日 ViuTV
大家記得睇啦 睇完比下意見 😉
今集與尼泊爾Band成員小山及柏山一起jam歌,用音樂去答謝他們的老師—Miss Chan。
而你又會否想起你的"Miss Chan"嗎?
Learning a lot from school, but we understand that not all the knowledge are useful in our careers.
What really inspire us may probably be a role model of a teacher.
Teachers are so busy in their daily works. If someone who spends extra time in tutoring and chatting with his or her students, it is very precious.
In this episode, Kimman has music jamming with two Nepalese band members, Susan and Prasant. They sing and give thanks to their teacher: Miss Chan.
Do you think of your own “Miss Chan”? #8%的聲音
#ViuTV #星期日晚8點 #尼泊爾 #第三集
#小山 #柏山 #MissChan
#8%voices #ViuTV #Sunday8pm @viutv
#Nepal #Episode3
#Susan #Prasant #MissChan
等一次主持成個節目 大家比D 鼓勵我
叫多D 家人 朋友一齊睇la 唔該 ☺️
分享係一種快樂 😁
希望多啲人睇到呢個節目 因為當我拍攝呢個節目嘅時候 係當中學到好多 有感動 有意思
非常多謝監製導演 一班用心嘅團隊一年多用心嘅製作 ❤️ 希望大家鍾意 🙌🏻 節目 👇🏻 重溫 or viutv app 重溫
#感恩 😉
#song #與眾不同 請珍惜我們每一天 每一分鐘 請不要放棄在我們心中的夢 💪🏻💪🏻 經過了風風雨雨 才會看見彩虹 🌈 沒有努力過怎會得到成功
#love #life #lovelife #hongkong #music #singing #lovemusic #lovesinging #thanksgod #lovehk #godbless #hongkonglife #hkig #黃劍文 @ Hong Kong
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