臺灣對於詩這塊好像不怎麼重視,都是直接學習寫作文,但詩是很好導入文章的橋樑,簡單明瞭,也是最容易整合自己想法的方法,短短幾個字,含意卻很深,首推Shel Silverstein,當初是小布先看,我才看的,看了之後就深深愛上這位作者寫的書,他寫的書大人小孩都可以看,會得到不同層次的領悟,「愛心樹」這本書就是他寫的💕。
Poetry (1)
Life is very surprising
As it can be challenging
but if you face life
you will cut it like a knife
although it may seem hard
it might be like a card
if it pushes you down
just give it a frown
move with life
and you will find what’s right
Poetry (2)
I love Roblox
Because it’s like my game of life
I play it with my sight
I usually wish I can throw chanclas
Because my family drives me crazy
My mom is lazy so is my dad
And with each day and fuming
now enough with let’s get a move on
I don’t have Netflix
But my friend has it
I usually watch it with my wit
I really like to play switch
but that’s outta the topic
so if there’s anything you need
Just Find Me
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The Cha Cha Files: A Chapina Poética by Maya Chinchilla is a timely debut that makes visible the Central American-Guatemalan diaspora and disentangles the ... ... <看更多>
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May 4, 2016 - 95 Likes, 2 Comments - Tracee Orman (@mrsorman) on Instagram: “#HappyValentinesDay! #English2 #classroom #poetryparty #Valentines #sophomores ... ... <看更多>
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AMATEUR POET | POETRY PARTY · Teach Me How You Do That… | Spoken Word · World Poetry Day Flyer - PSD Template · DIL KE RISHTE | PRIYANKA GAJBHIYE | POETRY PARTY. ... <看更多>