2022年3月16日 — outlaw的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. (especially in the past) a person who has broken the law and who lives separately from the other…。了解更多。
#2. Outlaw Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
a lawless person or a fugitive from the law ; b · a person or organization under a ban or restriction ; c · one that is unconventional or rebellious.
#3. Outlaw definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
1. a lawless person or habitual criminal, esp. one who is a fugitive from the law ; 2. a person, group, or thing excluded from the benefits and protection of the ...
#4. Outlaw Definition & Meaning |
a lawless person or habitual criminal, especially one who is a fugitive from the law. · a person, group, or thing excluded from the benefits and protection of ...
#5. Outlaw - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |
An outlaw is a criminal who's on the run. Historically, the word outlaw was used for Western criminals like Billy the Kid or Jesse James, not so much for ...
An outlaw is a person declared as outside the protection of the law. In pre-modern societies, all legal protection was withdrawn from the criminal, ...
#7. outlaw - Longman Dictionary
outlaw meaning, definition, what is outlaw: to completely stop something by making i...: Learn more.
#8. Outlaw Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
OUTLAW meaning : a person who has broken the law and who is hiding or running away to avoid punishment.
#9. Outlaw - definition of outlaw by The Free Dictionary
outlaw · 1. (Law) (formerly) a person excluded from the law and deprived of its protection · 2. (Law) any fugitive from the law, esp a habitual transgressor · 3. ( ...
#10. OUTLAW (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary
Definition of OUTLAW (verb): make something illegal.
#11. Best 26 Definitions of Outlaw - YourDictionary
Outlaw definition · A habitual or notorious criminal who is a fugitive from the law. · To deprive (one declared to be a criminal fugitive) of the protection of ...
#12. OUTLAW | Meaning & Definition for UK English |
UK English definition of OUTLAW along with additional meanings, example sentences, and ways to say.
#13. outlaw - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
Definition of outlaw_2 noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and ...
#14. outlaw - Meaning in Hindi - आउट्लॉ मतलब हिंदी में - Shabdkosh
Definitions and Meaning of outlaw in English. outlawadjective. disobedient to or defiant of law. Synonyms : lawless Example
#15. 49 Synonyms & Antonyms for OUTLAW |
Find 49 ways to say OUTLAW, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, ... See definition of outlaw on
#16. outlaw - Wiktionary
NounEdit. outlaw (plural outlaws). A fugitive from the law. (history) A criminal who is excluded from normal legal rights; one who can be killed at will ...
#17. outlaw - Dictionary of English
a mean, intractable horse. any rogue animal. v.t.. to make unlawful or illegal:The Eighteenth Amendment outlawed the manufacture, sale, or transportation of ...
#18. outlaw | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Any member of the public could murder an outlaw with complete impunity. Through this process, the government essentially sanctioned acts of violence as a means ...
#19. Outlaw Meaning - YouTube
#20. outlaw 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
outlaw · n. 罪犯;歹徒;被被逐者;被褫奪法律保護的人;宣布…為非法;使失去法律上的效力;使失去法律之保護;將…放逐 · v. 取締.
#21. outlaw是什么意思 - 海词词典
outlaw. 扩展词汇. 英 ['aʊtlɔː] 美 ['aʊtlɔː]. n. 被剥夺法律保护的人;逃犯;反叛者; v. 使... 失去法律保护;将... 逐出社会;宣告非法.
#22. outlaw - Urban Dictionary
(n.) One who lives ouitside the law, using his or her own morals or religious experience as guidance. (v.) To declare illegal. Robin hood was an outlaw, ...
#23. outlaw - definition and meaning - Wordnik
noun Synonyms Robber, bandit, brigand, freebooter, highwayman, marauder. To deprive of the benefit and protection of law; declare an outlaw; proscribe. To ...
#24. Etymology, origin and meaning of outlaw by etymonline
OUTLAW Meaning : "one put outside the law" (and thereby deprived of its benefits and protections), from a Scandinavian… See definitions of outlaw.
#25. Outlaw meaning in Hindi - ऑउटलॉ मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
Watch video on meaning of outlaw and inclusion of outlaw in Daily word of day. RELATED SIMILAR WORDS (Synonyms):. criminalize · criminalise · illicit · outlawed.
#26. Outlaw Family History - Ancestry
Outlaw Name Meaning. English: nickname from Middle English outlawe 'outlaw' (from Old Norse útlagi). (When a sentence of outlawry was passed ...
#27. outlaw中文 - 查查在線詞典
n. 1.喪失公權者,被剝奪法律保護的人;歹徒;慣犯;逃犯;亡命徒。 2.難馴服的動物;烈馬。 vt. 1.取締;剝奪…的法律保護。 2.使失法律效力。 短語和例子.
#28. What does outlaw mean? -
Outlaw noun. A person engaging habitually in criminal activity, especially theft or robbery; an habitually lawless person, especially one who is a fugitive from ...
#29. outlaw - Translation into Arabic - examples English - Reverso ...
Translations in context of "outlaw" in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: to outlaw.
#30. outlaw - American Heritage Dictionary Entry
Outlaw can be traced back to the Old Norse word ūtlagr, "outlawed, banished," made up of ūt, "out," and lög, "law." An ūtlagi (derived from ūtlagr) was someone ...
#31. outlaw | Free On-Line English Dictionary | Thesaurus - Kids ...
Definition of outlaw. Free online Dictionary including thesaurus, children's and intermediate dictionary by Wordsmyth.
#32. outlaw - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
outlaw · n.[C]. 歹徒,罪犯,亡命之徒;被剝奪法律保護者;被放逐者 · vt. 宣布……為不合法;剝奪……的法律保護;使在法律上失效;禁止,限制 ...
#33. 《Hypnospace Outlaw》 | 立即在Epic Games Store 購買及下載
立即到Epic Games Store 下載《Hypnospace Outlaw》並遊玩。查看可遊玩平台和價格!
#34. outlaw synonyms with definition | Macmillan Thesaurus
Synonyms for 'outlaw': criminal, offender, underworld, delinquent, juvenile, gang, lowlife, ... outlaw. nounverbtopicsexplore. outlaw - noun. Definition.
#35. Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs: Aspects of the One-Percenter ...
Outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMGs) are an iconic element of the criminal ... and an ethos of “one on all, all on one” prevails, meaning that to assault or ...
#36. Outlaw 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
outlaw 被剝奪法律保護的人,罪犯(vt.)使…失去法律保護,將…逐出社會,宣告非法來源(2): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]
#37. outlaw - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"outlaw" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#38. outlaw是什么意思? outlaw翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
outlaw 的解释是:歹徒, 逃犯, 丧失公权者, 将放 … 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:outlaw的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#39. outlaw (【動詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"outlaw" 意思. outlaw. /ˈaʊtlɔː/. 動詞. "outlaw" 例句. Powerful medicines have been outlawed because their effects are unknown.
#40. Outlaws and outlawry in medieval and early modern England
1. What was an outlaw? An outlaw was a man who had literally been put outside the protection of the law. Only men over 14 could be outlawed.
#41. The Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1928 - Milestones: 1921–1936 ...
The Kellogg-Briand Pact was an agreement to outlaw war signed on August 27, 1928. ... called upon signatories to settle their disputes by peaceful means.
#42. Outlaw motorcycle gang crime - BKA
Outlaw motorcycle gang crime is defined by the motivation for the offences committed that is directly linked to the motorcycle group. For a classification, a ...
#43. outlaw的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
outlaw 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. (Outlaw) (美)奧特洛(人名)n. 歹徒,罪犯;亡命之徒,逃犯;被剝奪法律保護者v. 宣布……為不合法;禁止,取締;將……放逐;剝奪…
#44. OUTLAW - Translation in Chinese -
Translation for 'outlaw' in the free English-Chinese dictionary and many other Chinese translations.
#45. Australian outlaw motorcycle gang involvement in violent and ...
Indeed, an 'outlaw motorcycle gang' has come to be most simply defined as a motorcycle club used by members to engage in criminal offending (US Department ...
#46. Gender Outlaw - SAGE Knowledge
Home · SAGE Reference · Encyclopedia of Gender and Society · Entry; Gender Outlaw ... In Western societies, sex is often conflated with gender, meaning that ...
#47. [下載] Outlaw - 遊戲庫
APK 大小: 117.20 MB. 《Outlaw》是一款由Zepetto推出的動作手機遊戲。在本作中,玩家需要操縱角色通過1v1的射擊對決方式打敗敵人。
#48. TEXANA READS: In 19th century Texas, what defined an ...
Texas was a violent place in the 19th century, after the Civil War. Outlaws roamed freely, and shootings and killings were commonplace.
#49. outlaw Meaning in Bengali at
Phrases, Idioms & A. prep. outlaw /verb/ দসু্য, ডাকাত, আইনের ...
#50. Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs) | CRIMINAL-OCGS
Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs) are organizations whose members use ... The Hells Angels, Mongols, Bandidos, Outlaws, and Sons of Silence ...
#51. Country Hit 'Indian Outlaw' Hits a Nerve : Pop music: Some ...
“A lot of times a song or something like the 'tomahawk chop' isn't the real issue, but a means to an ends (for the protesters), a way to be ...
#52. Outlaw : Définition simple et facile du dictionnaire - L'Internaute
Outlaw est un terme originaire de la langue anglo-saxonne pour qualifier une personne devenue hors-la-loi ou une personne vivant à l'écart ...
#53. OutLaw | University of Chicago Law School
As a means of creating and sustaining community, OutLaw member events have included dinners, brunches, and outings to Chicago's vibrant queer establishments ...
#54. Outlaws & Armadillos: Country's Roaring '70s
The Country Music Hall of Fame® and Museum's major exhibition, Outlaws & Armadillos: Country's Roaring '70s, celebrates this era of cultural and artistic ...
#55. The Robin Hood Principle: Folklore, History, and the Social ...
The hop a better world - however defined - continues to play a significan in global politics, economy, and culture. The construction of outlaw heroes involves a ...
#56. Outlaw History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms - HouseofNames
View the Outlaw family crest/coat of arms and history for the English Origin. Check out the last name history for the name Outlaw. Where did Outlaw come ...
#57. What's in a name? From criminal to elite, the history of 'Outlaw'
Outlaw comes out of an Old English word with Old Norse roots — utlaga, meaning basically “outside of the law.” It became a name when the French ...
#58. Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs - Public Intelligence
Popular Patches found on Outlaw Biker Vests Include: (All wing must be witnessed). Blue Wings means wearer had oral sex with a cop. Brown Wings means wearer ...
#59. What Exactly Makes a Country Outlaw? | Pitchfork
A new exhibit at the Country Music Hall of Fame frames the outlaw ... of what that term meant initially and therefore what it means now.
#60. 關於Outlaw的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
A: An “outlaw” is a criminal. “Aesthetic” in this case probably refers to style (clothing / appearance), or sometimes it can mean 분위기if you're talking ...
#61. A beginner's guide to biker gangs - Vox
Outlaw motorcycle gangs represent a small minority of gang activity in ... That means clubs are naturally going to operate near one another, ...
#62. Hypnospace Outlaw - Steam
Greetings Enforcer, and thank you for enlisting in the Hypnospace Patrol Department! As the world falls into its slumber, Hypnospace becomes a bustling ...
#63. What Makes a Porsche an Outlaw? - Autotrader
I discover the true meaning of Outlaw after driving a totally crazy, flame-throwing, terrifying 1974 Carrera with a 3.0 turbo.
#64. Challenge bigotry by all means, but outlaw it? I'd rather not
But Holocaust denial is legal in Britain. If, as the government claims, it wants to ensure that universities don't ban speech that is odious but ...
#65. Outlaws in Literature, History, and Culture - Book Series
Routledge & CRC Press Series: Outlaws in Literature, History, and Culture examines the nature, function, and context of the outlaw and the outlawed — people ...
#66. outlaw: meaning, origin, translation - WordSense Dictionary
WordSense Dictionary: outlaw - ✓ meaning, ✓ definition, ✓ synonyms, ✓ translations, ✓ origin.
#67. California Moves to Outlaw 'Stealthing,' or Removing Condom ...
If approved, the measure would amend the state's civil definition of sexual battery and make stealthing a civil offense, meaning victims ...
#68. Project Rock From Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Debuts ...
Outlaw Mana” is the latest Project Rock collection from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Under Armour and features new PR4 colorways.
#69. Outlaw Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History
Learn the fascinating origin of the Outlaw surname; its meaning & distribution. Unlock your family history in the largest database of last names.
#70. Can We Agree to Outlaw War--Again? - Scientific American
By the end, I concluded that war should be outlawed. ... Those means included a license to kill other people, take their stuff and occupy ...
#71. The Outlaw's Handbook: How To Be A Modern Outlaw & Gain ...
By an outlaw I don't mean he breaks the laws of the lands but rather that he becomes an outlaw in spirit and breaks free from a society who cares little for him ...
#72. 購買Rebel Galaxy Outlaw - Microsoft Store zh-HK
You are shopping Microsoft Store in: 繁體中文(香港特別行政区). Are you looking for Microsoft Store in: United States - English? Go to United ...
#73. Outlaw Shit – The Trial of Billy Joe Shaver - Saving Country ...
This trial and all the talk recently of country music “Outlaws” has been getting me thinking of what that term really means.
#74. OUTLAW meaning in Hindi - PastTenses
This site provides total 11 Hindi meaning for outlaw. PastTenses is best for checking Hindi translation of English terms. Translate outlaw in Hindi.
#75. Définitions : outlaw - Dictionnaire de français Larousse
outlaw. nom. (anglais outlaw). Bandit, hors-la-loi.
#76. The Dragon Banner in Outlaw King: What Is The ... - Decider
What is the Dragon Banner's meaning? Well, the Dragon Banner is essentially England's war flag during times of battle. The flag itself, a ...
#77. outlaw meaning in malayalam - Hello English
outlaw. വന്കുതിച്ച്. definition. verb. Maryland outlawed cheap small-caliber pistols. ban ...
#78. Texas abortion ban: What it means and what happens next
Protesters demonstrate outside the Texas Capitol in Austin in late May in response to a bill that outlaws abortions after a fetal heartbeat ...
#79. Martin Luther as Priest, Heretic, and Outlaw: The Reformation ...
Within less than four years, the Catholic Church would brand Luther a heretic, and the Holy Roman Empire would condemn him as an outlaw.
#80. In-Laws or Outlaws? Making Siblings' Spouses Part of the Team
A happy spouse, on the other hand, can support a sibling partnership and contribute to its strength. Some in-laws call themselves “outlaws” – they feel they are ...
#81. Ned Kelly: The outlaw who divides a nation - BBC News
More than 130 years after he was hanged, Australia's most notorious outlaw is being buried, as old tensions resurface about what he really means ...
#82. Sudan outlaws Female Genital Mutilation: what does it mean ...
Sudan outlaws Female Genital Mutilation: what does it mean for women's rights in the country? by Tiago Medeiros Delgado, Universal Rights ...
#83. Outlaw culture : resisting representations / bell hooks. - Library ...
Raising her powerful voice against racism and other forms of oppression in the United States, hooks unlocks the politics of representation and the meaning of ...
#84. Sam Outlaw Talks About His Debut Album, 'Angeleno'
... I thought, 'You know, I love this Outlaw name, and it means a lot to me.' And fortunately it's also catchy in kind of a country way.
#85. (PDF) Aesthetics, Authority and the Outlaw of the Street
PDF | This is a paper about the meanings of aesthetics, authority, street art, and graffiti. It is about the potential that graffiti has to disrupt the.
#86. Outlaw Meaning in Urdu - Hamariweb
Outlaw Meaning in Urdu · (v. t.) To remove from legal jurisdiction or enforcement; as, to outlaw a debt or claim; to deprive of legal force. · (n.) A person ...
#87. Meaning of OUTLAW in Hindi - अंग्रेजी हिंदी शब्दकोश (डिक्शनरी ...
English to Hindi Dictionary: "Outlaw". Raftaar World's Leading Shabdkosh: Meaning and definitions of Outlaw, translation of Outlaw in Hindi language with ...
#88. Explaining The Outlaw Brand Archetype - Serendipit Consulting
Brand Archetypes Explained. First, each of the twelve brand archetypes' meanings and traits forms a very distinct personality style. Some people and brands ...
#89. 5 Legendary Wild West Outlaws - HISTORY
Cold-blooded murder. The most notorious outlaws of the Wild West have long been romanticized as daring robbers and swashbuckling killers since ...
#90. What does OUTLAW stand for? -
What does OUTLAW mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: OUTLAW.
#91. By their colours: Outlaw motorcycle gang identification guide
According to the Australian Crime Commission, outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCGs) are among the most identifiable components of Australia's ...
#92. 《Hood: Outlaws & Legends》次世代多人線上新作 - 4Gamers
中文. 中文; Tiếng Việt; ภาษาไทย. avatar; 發表話題. 新聞 · 話題 · 競猜; 會員福利 · 投票 · 就肆專訪 · 紳士 · 影音 · 元素圖騰.
#93. Outlaw - Collaborative contract management for all teams
Outlaw is a modern contract management solution that streamlines the contract lifecycle for organizations - from templated document generation to ...
#94. The Most Dangerous Biker Gangs in America - Complex
The most dangerous motorcycle gangs and notorious bike crews in America, including Outlaws motorcycle club, Warlocks, Hells Angels, The Sons ...
#95. outlaw 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary ...
outlaw. 'aʊtlɔː. Main. English Definition. (形) As an adjective. Disobedient to or defiant of law. ... Declare illegal; outlaw. Hyphenation, out•law.
#96. The Outlaw Logic and of Matthew McConaughey - InsideHook
McConaughey wrote Greenlights without a ghostwriter. One of its most surprising aspects, and I mean no disrespect, is how well written it is.
organized crime activities of outlaw motorcycle gangs in the United States. ... prison gangs because of an inbreed sharing of white-supremacy ideas--a means.
#98. Outlaw Facts for Kids
A longtime criminal can be declared an outlaw, which means the outlaw cannot use the legal system to protect himself if needed.
#99. outlaw meaning in Hindi
outlaw meaning in Hindi. pronunciation: [ 'autlɔ: ] sound: verb past tense: outlawed verb past participle ...
outlaw meaning 在 Outlaw Meaning - YouTube 的必吃
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