Taiwan is like a diamond in Asia: Veteran educator Doris M. Brougham
“Taiwan is like a diamond in Asia,” U.S. educator and the founder ( ) of “Studio Classroom,” Doris M. Brougham, said on Wednesday.
“The Diamond is very small, but diamonds shine all around,” she added.
Doris M. Brougham, who has been working in Taiwan for more than 70 years, gave a speech at the opening event of the exhibition ( ) “Foreigners Love Taiwan” organized ( ) by the Taipei City Archives on Wednesday at the West Benevent Square ( ).
Echoing ( ) the theme of the exhibition, Brougham, 95, said she has stayed in Taiwan for more than 70 years and recalled ( ) that when she first came to Taiwan, the land was still developing and many people were facing illnesses.
The veteran educator explained that “the great thing about Taiwan is that people are very willing ( ) to change and to learn.”
She added that Taiwan is a beautiful place and that although “there are many beautiful places around the world, the place is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the people.”
The 95-year-old who has dedicated ( ) several decades to English education in Taiwan amusingly ( ) shared that buffaloes ( ) could even be seen on Zhongshan Road when she first arrived in Taiwan.
She recalled that she learned to speak Mandarin, Taiwanese, and even some indigenous ( ) languages. Yet, she stressed ( ) that the most important thing is to be able to communicate no matter what language we speak.
And we all communicate with each other based on the connection that we are all part of this beautiful island, she remarked ( ).
Brougham ended her speech by stressing that Taiwanese people are very tolerant ( ), and those who have been here all agree that Taiwanese people are very friendly.
“No matter what languages we speak, we are all people living in Taiwan and we are all Taiwanese.”
The “Foreigners Love Taiwan’ exhibition will open from March 10 to April 8, between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
‘The exhibition features three major sections ( ): “Foreigners Who Love Taiwan,” “Sentiments Beyond 100 Years,” and “High-Five Love Taiwan,” featuring ( ) the stories of foreigners who have made selfless ( ) contributions to Taiwan, such as Mackay, Marjorie Ingeleiv, Robert Swinhoe, Sidney Barton and Marjorie Landsborough, Yoichi Hatta and more.
資深教育家彭蒙惠女士 讚許台灣如鑽石般瑰麗
#高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
#高中英文 #成人英文
#多益家教班 #商用英文
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open speech 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
Tessa and Elvis had a great time at @kidsgallery_intl over the summer. Thank you to the teachers that guided their creativity and made it so much fun! There’s also a communications class that really helps kids gain the confidence to share their work in front of the class. If your kids love art and music too, they offer visual arts classes, musical theatre, and speech and communication classes. If you’re interested in checking them out you can register for their open day on August 28th and 29th on their website.
open speech 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最讚貼文
1) I thought it would rain.
過去のある時点で、その先に起こることを予め予測や推測をしていたことを示す言い方です。例えば、「I thought it would rain so I brought an umbrella.(雨が降ると思っていたので、傘を持ってきました)」や「Since I was a kid, I knew I would become a teacher.(私は子供の時から先生になると分かっていました)」のように表現できます。
また、「He said he would _____.(彼が〜すると言っていました)」のように誰かが(過去に)言ったことを他の誰かに伝える状況でも使われます。ポイントは、誰かが何かをすると約束したり、何かをすると意思を述べたことを、他の誰かに伝える状況で用いるのが一般的です。例えば、「He said he would buy coffee for us.(彼は私たちにコーヒーを買うと言っていました。)」や「She said she would talk to him about that issue.(その問題について、彼女は彼に話すと言っていました)」という具合に使われます。
When I met my wife 5 years ago, I knew I would marry her one day.
I never thought this proposal would go through.
She said she would come to the party.
2) She would not help me.
Wouldの後にnotを付け、否定文(Would not)にすることで「〜しようとしなかった」という意味になります。基本的に何かしらの依頼や申し出に対し、乗り気じゃない、協力的じゃない、積極的に応える意欲がない、などのニュアンスで断ったことを表します。例えば、親に何度も仕送りをして欲しいと頼んでるが、いっこうにしてくれない状況では「My parents would not send me money.(私の両親は、仕送りをしようとしてくれない)」と言うことができます。
また、人に限らずテレビやパソコン、車などの機能に対してもwould notを使うことができます。例えば、「今朝、車のエンジンがかかりませんでした」は「My car would not start this morning.」となります。
✔肯定文にしても「〜してくれた」とはならず、意味が変わってしまうので注意。「My parents would send me money」と言うと「両親が仕送りをしてくれた」とはならずに、「両親が(何度も)送金した」を意味する。詳しくは下記の3)の解説を参照。
I asked him many times but he would not tell me what happened.
My girlfriend is really upset with me. She would not talk to me.
I charged my phone but it would not turn on.
3) In the summer, I would go camping with my friends.
過去によくやっていた行動パターンや習慣を表す際にもwouldが使われ、used to(よく~したものだ)と似たような役割を果たします。しかし、used toの場合は、習慣となっている行動がより高頻度なもので、且つ“今はもうしていない”ということを強調するニュアンスがあるのに対し、wouldの場合は、習慣となっていた行動頻度が週1回であろうと年1回であろうと、その頻度には関係なく「よく〜した」ということが話の趣旨となります。例えば、「When I was a kid, my grandmother would bake cookies.(子供の頃、私の祖母はよくクッキーを焼いてくれていました)」と言うと、クッキーを作る頻度ではなく、祖母がクッキーを作ってくれていたことが要点になります。それに対し、「私は高校生の頃、毎日サッカーの練習をしていました」と言いたいのであれば、used toを使って、「I used to practice soccer every day in high school.」と言うのが適切です。“毎日練習していた”ことが強調され、且つ“今はもう練習をしていない”ことが相手に伝わります。
✔過去の“状態”を表す場合はwouldではなくused toを使う。例えば「過去にオートバイを持っていました」は「I used to have a motorocycle.」と言い、「I would have a motorcycle」とは言わない。
When I lived in Japan, I would go out drinking almost every week.
Sometimes she would come over and cook Mexican food for us.
During the winter, I would get together with my friends and do a nabe party.
1) If I won the lottery I would buy a house.
架空の話や実際には起こり得ない出来事について話す時にもwouldを使います。一般的に「If _____, I would _____.(〜だったら〜する)」の形式で表現します。例えば、「世界中のどこにでも住めるとしたら、ハワイに住みます」は「If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live in Hawaii.」と言います。
✔文末に「if I knew」に付け足してもOK。
If you could date a celebrity, who would it be?
I would tell you where she was if I knew.
If I found a hundred dollars on the ground, I would take it to the police station.
2) Would you try online dating?
相手に“もしも”の質問を投げかける時は「Would you _____?」と表現するのが定番で「あなただったら〜しますか?」を意味します。相手の意見やアドバイスを尋ねる場合は「What would you _____?」と表現します。例えば、「あなただったらどうしますか?」と聞くなら「What would you do?」、販売員に「あなただったら何をお勧めしますか?」と尋ねるなら「What would you recommend?」となります。
Would you date someone older than you?
What would you do? Would you apologize?
Would you be open to living abroad?
3) If I were you I would apologize.
「私だったら〜する」と相手の立場になって何かしらのアドバイスや提案をする場合に使われる表現です。shouldを使った表現よりも控えめに助言したい場合にピッタリの言い回しです。例えば、東京で給料の良い仕事のオファーが入ったが、家族の不幸で地元に引っ越さないといけなくなってしまったと友達に相談され、「私だったら仕事のオファーを断るかな」と言うなら「If I were you I would turn down the offer.」となります。
✔日常会話では「If I were you」を省いて、「I would _____」と直接言うことも一般的。
✔「If I were in your shoes, I would ______.(私があなたの立場だったら、〜をします」という言い方もある。
If I were you I wouldn't go.
This milk expired 5 days ago. I wouldn't drink that if I were you.
I would call them and ask for a refund.
1) Would you turn down the volume?
人に何かをリクエストや依頼をする際に「Can you _____?(〜してくれる?)」よりも丁寧にお願いする場合は「Would you _____?(〜してくれますか?)」と表現します。例えば、「この用紙に記入してくれますか?」と丁寧に言いたいなら「Would you fill out this form?」になります。
✔より丁寧な言い方が「Would you mind _____?(〜してくれますか?)」。相手に気を使ったとても優しい質問の仕方。
Would you close that window?
Would you be able to help?
Would you mind changing seats?
2) Would you like a drink?
相手に「〜はいかがですか?」と何かを丁寧にオファーする際にピッタリの表現が「Would you like _____?」です。顧客や年上の人、または面識のない人に対して何かオファーする場合は、この表現を使うのが最も無難でしょう。例えば、会社に訪れた顧客に「熱いお茶はいかがですか?」と聞く場合は「Would you like some hot tea?」と言います。
✔友達や家族など、仲の良い人に対してこの表現はちょっと丁寧過ぎる。親しい関係であれば「Do you want _____?」でOK。
Would you like a refill?
Would you like to join us?
Would you like me to drive?
3) I would say _____.
この言い方は自分の意見を述べたり何かを推定する時に使われ「〜だと思う」や「恐らく〜だろう」「〜かな」などに相当する表現です。ハッキリと言い切る感じではなく、物腰柔らかく控えめに発言している印象があります。例えば、「彼女、何歳だと思いますか?」と聞かれた際、相手に失礼ないよう謙虚に意見を述べる場合、「I’d say early thirties. Maybe 32.(30代前半だと思う。32歳くらいかな)」という具合に使います。
✔日常会話では「I would say」を「I’d say」と省略して言うことが多い。
✔大抵の場合、「I think」の代わりに「I’d say」が使える。「I think」よりも控えめな響き。
✔必ず答えが求めらるような質問をされた際、決定的な発言や返答を和らげる言い方として「I would have to say _____(〜と言わざるを得ない)」がある。
I'd say it's a four to five hour drive.
I'd say this logo looks the best. I like the color and simplicity.
Both speeches were excellent but I would have to say Adam's speech was better.
1) I would love to go.
「I would love to」は「I want to」と似た意味で「〜を(が)したい」といった強い願望を伝える時に使われれます。「I want to」の気持ちをより強調した言い方です。例えば、同僚に食事を一緒にしないかと誘われた際、「I would love to join you guys for dinner.」と言います。
✔相手の誘いを快く受け入れるときに使われる定番フレーズが「I’d love to!(喜んで!)」
✔その他、相手の誘いを丁寧に断るときに使われる決まり文句でもあり、「I’d love to ____ but _____(〜したいのは山々なのですが、〜)」が定番フレーズになる。
I would love to meet with you next week.
I'd love to! What time should I be there?
I'd love to stay and chat some more but I have to get going.
2) I would like to think that ____.
この表現は「真相はわからないけど、そうであって欲しい・・・」のようなニュアンスとして使われます。例えば、Facebookの個人情報の取り扱いに対し、多少の疑いはあるものの情報はしっかり保護されていると信じたいといった気持ちを表す場合は「I would like to think that Facebook protects our personal information.」となります。また、自分の発言や意見を物腰柔らかく控えめなニュアンスにする役割もあります。例えば、「あなたは良い父親だと思いますか?」という質問に対し「I would like to think I’m a good father.」と答えると、「私は良い父親であると考えたいのですが・・・」といった具合に謙虚な響きになります。
✔日常会話では「I would」を「I'd」と短縮して言うことが多い。
✔「そうだと思いたい」は「I would like to think so.」
I would like to think that hard work pays off.
I would like to think professional athletes don't use drugs.
I would like to think my English is getting better.
open speech 在 HimeChar 曉玲 Youtube 的最佳解答
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Episode 131, A Textual Analysis
We open with Char sitting too close to the screen who goes on to tell Bell not to sit to close to the screen. In the background is Purple Pony - not sitting too close to the screen and the only blameless character in this entire story. Bell ignores mom's instruction and makes a virtue of sitting too close to the screen by pulling faces. She gets so close she accidentally nudges the camera.
[The opening "Hi" was from later in the VOD and got pulled to the front to set up Char to fail.]
As Bell runs out of and back into shot, we get the first hint of the cooped-up energy that will power the following drama. A misunderstanding occurs between touching and moving - in the literal interpretation of a three year old, accidentally touching the cam isn't deliberately moving it. The potential for conflict increases.
Char rightly involves Bell in her hair drying choices and the shot finishes on Purple Pony exhibiting an expression that tells us what it takes to survive in this household; Pony's seen things we people wouldn't believe.
Char is attacked by her own domestic appliance, makes an appeal for sympathy but gets a wide Pony grin. She puts on a brave face, Bell attempts her first strangulation then possesses the stream, Char gives her first 'not like this' speech explaining why Bell and chores don't mix. Bell proves she and chores don't mix by jumping on freshly folded laundry which fully triggers Char leading to Act 2.
Act 2 - full Bell meltdown. Char's ultra-mom skills birth Bell off the bed and slowly out of the world of pain she created for herself but she's still full of "no". Char counters with breathing, hugging and drinking but Bell responds by banning her from talking to Chat. Char deploys an entire bookshelf plus water plus science in what is rapidly becoming turn based combat then Bell makes a fatal mistake. Instead of banning mommy from making animal noises she instead bans Chat from reading a book we can't see anyway (well, she is only three!). Bell is slowly running out of "no", Char corners her into talking about her feelings (scary, am I right fellas?).
Act3 - age check, strangle #2 and Bell's in possession again. Char counters with "hug" but Bell cruelly starts to follow her knowing full well mommy's got more used to losing followers than gaining them. Bed incursion and the stream is knocked flat, Char enters the fray but Bell kicks clean over her to floor the stream again - our vision's blurred: medic!. Then Bell shows how she did it by kicking her mommy but it's too late: we lost this one Chat. A knockout, two falls or a submission, them's the rules. Game over.
Editor: James 'MOV r0,r0' Staples https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcn-XPhePJ5D5Uc6ExWG3PA

open speech 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的最佳貼文
Here's my last vlog from #PolyglotConference 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan. I gave my speech that day, but the full speech will be uploaded on the Polyglot Conference channel on YouTube later. Enjoy some snippets from the event! Btw, it seems lots of people are asking if they can join this event if they're not a polyglot - of course you can! The conference is open to anyone interested in languages. We're all still learning and it's a great way for us to get together and share our love of languages. Come join us in 2020 in Cholula, Mexico in October!
Insta → https://www.instagram.com/lindiebotes/
Website & resources → http://lindiebotes.com/
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$10 free italki credits (after first lesson) → https://go.italki.com/LindieBotes
10% off Du Chinese (my favorite app!) enter LINDIE10 at checkout → https://www.duchinese.net/
All discounts → http://lindiebotes.com/discounts
All language resources → https://lindiebotes.com/language-resources/
Merch → https://society6.com/lindiebotes
Welcome to my channel! My name is Lindie and I share my love for languages through my polyglot progress and language learning tips here. South African by birth, I spent most of my life in France, Pakistan, the UAE and Japan. Now I work as a UI/UX designer in Singapore. I'm a Christian and strive to shine God’s light in all I do. May this channel inspire you to reach your language goals!
New here? Best videos → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRCVN94KILKXGx45JKaVBSpPkrpXhrhRe
FAQ → https://lindiebotes.com/faq/
Practical Chinese Grammar → https://geni.us/PracticalChineseGram
Japanese for Busy People on Amazon → https://geni.us/JapaneseForBusy1
Advanced Japanese for Busy People → https://geni.us/JapaneseForBusy3
Korean Grammar in Use Intermediate → https://geni.us/KoreanGrammarUse
Korean TOPIK exam prep → https://geni.us/TOPIK2prep
Short Stories in Spanish → https://geni.us/spanishshortstories
Camera → https://geni.us/CanonPowerShotG7
Mic → https://geni.us/RodeSmartLavMicr
Tripod → https://geni.us/ManfrottoTravel
Some links are affiliate links, and a percentage goes towards supporting my channel.
Collabs & partnerships: hello@lindiebotes.com

open speech 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的精選貼文
I had a great time talking to Steve Kaufmann and learning from his expertise. We met at Polyglot Conference in Fukuoka but this is our first long chat about languages. Steve also surprised me with his Korean, and of course his fluent Japanese, Cantonese and Mandarin. He's one of my great YouTube polyglot (or rather, linguist, as he prefers to be called) inspirations. Hope you enjoy the video and learn a lot from him as I did! Press CC for subtitles at 10:58!
Keep an eye out for the interview we did on his channel!
Steve's channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCez-2shYlHQY3LfILBuDYqQ
LingQ https://www.lingq.com/en/
Here's my last vlog from #PolyglotConference 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan. I gave my speech that day, but the full speech will be uploaded on the Polyglot Conference channel on YouTube later. Enjoy some snippets from the event! Btw, it seems lots of people are asking if they can join this event if they're not a polyglot - of course you can! The conference is open to anyone interested in languages. We're all still learning and it's a great way for us to get together and share our love of languages.
Insta → https://www.instagram.com/lindiebotes/
Website & resources → http://lindiebotes.com/
Twitter → https://twitter.com/lindiebee
FB → https://www.facebook.com/lindiebotesvideos/
Ko-fi → https://ko-fi.com/lindiebotes#
$10 free italki credits (after first lesson) → https://go.italki.com/LindieBotes
10% off Du Chinese (my favorite app!) enter LINDIE10 at checkout → https://www.duchinese.net/
All discounts → http://lindiebotes.com/discounts
All language resources → https://lindiebotes.com/language-resources/
Merch → https://society6.com/lindiebotes
Welcome to my channel! My name is Lindie and I share my love for languages through my polyglot progress and language learning tips here. South African by birth, I spent most of my life in France, Pakistan, the UAE and Japan. Now I work as a UI/UX designer in Singapore. I'm a Christian and strive to shine God’s light in all I do. May this channel inspire you to reach your language goals!
New here? Best videos → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRCVN94KILKXGx45JKaVBSpPkrpXhrhRe
FAQ → https://lindiebotes.com/faq/
Practical Chinese Grammar → https://geni.us/PracticalChineseGram
Japanese for Busy People on Amazon → https://geni.us/JapaneseForBusy1
Advanced Japanese for Busy People → https://geni.us/JapaneseForBusy3
Korean Grammar in Use Intermediate → https://geni.us/KoreanGrammarUse
Korean TOPIK exam prep → https://geni.us/TOPIK2prep
Short Stories in Spanish → https://geni.us/spanishshortstories
Camera → https://geni.us/CanonPowerShotG7
Mic → https://geni.us/RodeSmartLavMicr
Tripod → https://geni.us/ManfrottoTravel
Some links are affiliate links, and a percentage goes towards supporting my channel.
Collabs & partnerships: hello@lindiebotes.com

open speech 在 VoxPopuli: The largest open multilingual speech corpus for AI ... 的必吃
To help NLP researchers create advanced translation and speech recognition systems for more languages spoken around the world, Facebook AI is releasing... ... <看更多>