【撐特朗普連任未必救到香港,但至少他會對抗中國?#國際戰線 上,香港人要 #Trump or #NoTrump?】全文: https://bit.ly/3efbACd
重磅:實驗室裏的政治陰影,被FBI瞄準的中國「千人計劃」 👉 https://bit.ly/2YJQZQ1
專訪中美經貿斡旋人:與其說是「脱鈎」,不如稱為「避險」 👉 https://bit.ly/2BhMWm7
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#端傳媒 #香港 #反修例運動 #國際遊說#非裔平權示威
notrump 在 黃浩銘 Raphael Wong Facebook 的精選貼文
打倒種族歧視! 打倒宗教歧視! 特朗普立即下台!
反對特朗普禁止穆斯林入境 -聲援美國人民鬥爭
由於近日特朗普頒令禁止伊斯蘭國家公民入境,社民連今午聯同 香港天主教正義和平委員會、 社會主義行動 Socialist Action、立法會議員 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick、International Migrant Alliance、 Asian Migrants Coordinating Body (AMCB) 及 多個外傭團體前往美國駐港領事館抗議特朗普的種族及宗教歧視政策。
然而,這位商界大亨却變本加厲,進而以更可恥的舉動轉移視綫,暴露其大國沙文主義的歧視偏見。最近,他針對伊斯蘭宗教及文化,悍然宣布禁止伊朗、伊拉克、敘利亞等七國公民入境,立時引起全球嘩然,抗議不絕,更觸動美國人民於各地上街抗爭,更有不少人興訟,挑戰此一禁令涉及歧視,違反美國憲法。署任司法部長耶茨(Sally Yates)不值特朗普所為,下令其下屬毋須為其違憲之命令抗辯,隨即受到報復,被惱羞成怒的特朗普免職,改派親信接任。
特朗普橫蠻若此,令人想起另一共和黨總統尼克遜在1973年「水門事件」之齷齪,當時他為著隱瞞竊聽醜聞,竟然下令撤換該案的特派檢察官考克斯(Archibald Cox),引起司法部長李察遜(Elliot Richardson)及司法部副部長拉克爾肖斯(William Ruckelshaus)不滿,拒絕執行命令,辭職抗議;最後尼克遜亦因醜聞曝光,不得不承認撒謊而黯然下台。
社會民主連線 香港天主教正義和平委員會
Trump shall crumble if the Ban does not go – Supports from Hong Kong
Waves of fury soared across the globe as Donald Trump assumed presidency of the United States of America for just one week. By being refused to pay for a wall built to separate Mexico from the US, and by signing the anti-Obamacare order, Trump has turned himself into a true but scary clown.
The billionaire politician went further to even expose his extreme and discriminative White Nationalism and Chauvinism by announcing the “Muslim Ban” several days ago. The Ban forbids citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, including Iran, Iraq and Syria etc., from entering the US, which has immediately drawn global dissent. Enraged protestors flooded American cities and airports, affected individuals and rights groups brought law suits against the decision as the Ban has literally violated the Constitution for the United States.
Upon Acting Attorney General Ms. Sally Yates refusing to defend the Ban against legal challenge, she was fired by Trump. The removal of the respectable Ms. Yates really reminds people of what had happened during the time when President Nixon’s Watergate crisis broke out. In 1973 Nixon ordered Mr. Elliot Richardson, the then Attorney General, to fire Mr. Archibald Cox because Mr. Cox was the prosecutor assigned to conduct the Watergate investigation. Mr. Richardson resigned in protest. Mr. William Ruckelshaus, the successor of Richardson, also refused to fire Mr. Cox, and was fired by Nixon. However, firing the two men of principle did not stop Nixon from stepping down in response to countrywide scrutiny against his corrupted scandal.
Trump has turned the America into international bully by adopting racially and religiously abusive polices. This shameless bully will no doubt also be applied to the grassroots and minorities within the American territory, and in return fuels his ambitious and hegemonic diplomacy. Politics is the most concentrated expression of economics, while diplomacy is an extension of domestic politics. Trump tests us with a Ban with specific targets, but his real hunger is for a global hegemony.
We hereby echo the global outcry and urge Trump to drop the Muslim Ban. We will support the people of the America by joining this fight for justice with people from all around the world. Anti Racism! Support Freedom of Religion! Trump to step down now!
League of Social Democrats
Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese
1st February 2017
#特朗普 #種族歧視 #宗教歧視
notrump 在 Jessica 簡淑兒 Facebook 的最讚貼文
What's happening to this world??? ...it's not even funny anymore! 😑 #NoTrump