【#賴奕諭:🇵🇭 自由噤聲的國度?】
「這個國家...會從2020變1984嗎?」菲律賓6月初通過了極為爭議的《反恐怖主義法案》(Anti-Terrorism Bill)。隨著疫情逐漸解封,菲律賓各地發動了反法案抗爭,許多本來只在推特上追蹤韓星與泰星、平時完全不關心政治的海內外網友也紛紛加入行列,發文批判法案恐扼殺言論自由。法案通過隔日,菲律賓軍警甚至打破「默契」協議,直入大學校園逮捕反對法案的示威學生,抗爭愈趨激烈。
#菲律賓 #言論自由 #反恐怖主義法案 #杜特蒂 #反恐 #恐部分子 #民答那峨 #MILF #叛軍 #馬拉威 #JunkTerrorBill
junkterrorbill 在 Naomi Nikola Facebook 的精選貼文
so much bad things going on around the world, my heart is so heavy with sorrow
Like the rest of the world at the moment, my country has also been in a constant crisis. I want to share to my readers, especially for the Filipinos out there who aren’t aware of what’s been going on right now and what we can do to help. This is only the tip of the iceberg to what my people has been going through of decades of corruption and injustice.
“We urge for the rejection of the ‘Anti-Terror Bill’ to protect the fundamental rights of the Filipinos to freedom of speech, as stipulated in Article 3 Sec. 4 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.”
What is the anti-terrorism bill?
With everything that’s going on in the PH right now, the most vulnerable are those in the frontlines for COVID-19 relief as well as indigenous groups continually being displaced by our government.
A thread for donations: https://twitter.com/kaninrice/status/1267219775148773377