(English version below)
受到 SLSMusic 的邀請在他的頻道feature有點受寵若驚,30萬訂閱的頻道邀請500訂閱的頻道feature絕對不是為了點閱率 ,真的是想尋求音樂的更多可能性! 🤣🤣
在所喜愛的日系音樂以及動漫音樂中加入一些即興跟改編,真的玩得非常滿足 ,而且是有壓力的那種滿足(?
在前段我比較保守,是在跟隨並且輕輕的支撐S大的鋼琴,但在 02:21 之後,S大的旋律開始加入許多即興,我感受到他給的刺激並且也開始跟他對話,後面在音樂down下來後加一些風鈴增添顏色,後段再換成鼓棒把能量推上去。最有趣的是,明明沒講好,但ending我們同樣都一起舉起手,變成了超美的巧合!分享給大家~
(links in the messages)
Thanks for letting me be featured in this video! And SLS are really good at not only music but also video editing!
At first in this video, I tried to follow the melody and supported the groove slightly. In the mid, I felt SLS improvising the melody. I catch this moment and do some conversations with piano. Last part I changed my brushes to drum stick to build up higher energy. BTW, in the end of the song, we both raised our hands finishing this song coincidentally.
It was a good chemistry!
Hope you enjoyed it, thank u so much 😊