【The Surprising Science Behind Friendship】
For many of us, the top of our life priority list might look something like this: family, work—maybe exercise. Time with friends can sometimes end up near the bottom.
That’s a mistake, says Lydia Denworth, a science journalist and the author of the new book “Friendship,” which was published last month by W.W. Norton & Co. Ms. Denworth interviews animal biologists studying baboons and rhesus macaque monkeys, anthropologists and neuroscientists to uncover just how important friendship is not only for happiness and emotional health, but, she argues, physical health, too. In fact, friends are key to our very survival, Ms. Denworth asserts.
這種排序是錯誤的,科學記者丹沃斯(Lydia Denworth)說。丹沃斯是《友誼》(Friendship)一書的作者,這本書不久前由諾頓出版公司(W.W. Norton & Co.)出版。丹沃斯通過對研究狒狒和恆河猴的生物學家、人類學家和神經科學家進行採訪,揭露了友誼背後的科學:友誼的確對提升人的幸福感和情緒健康非常重要,同時對保持身體健康也十分關鍵。事實上,丹沃斯認為,友誼對人類的生存至關重要。
What does studying how animals relate to each other tell us about human friendships?
At its simplest, it’s just how critical quality social bonds and friendships are. In animals, the big measures that evolutionary biologists study are reproductive success, which they count as either how many babies you have or how long those babies live, and longevity, or how long you survive. Nonhuman primates have very structured hierarchies that they exist in, and everyone assumed that that must have more importance for how long you live and how many babies you have and how healthy they are. And it wasn’t. The most important thing was the strength of the social bonds, how positively and well and regularly an individual animal interacted with other animals. Scientists really couldn’t believe it.
How does friendship affect physical health?
Friendship literally improves your body’s cardiovascular functioning, how your immune system works, how you sleep. You can imagine the food you put in your body makes you healthy or not. But sitting in a coffee shop with someone and just chatting about what’s going on with your life, we always thought emotionally that made you feel good. But actually it really is doing much more.
A big study at Harvard of men across their lives from 20 to 80 found that the single best predictor of your health and happiness at 80 was not your wealth or your professional success. It was your relationships at 50.
To read the full story:
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[托福和雅思單字表+mp3] Human Biology and Health care
Audio file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/82yk91rhvzwswl2/HBH.mp3
老師這次花了很多時間幫大家整理了 human biology and health care 的單字,為了讓同學不會聽到睡著,老師融入了很多音效...但是建議不要晚上的時候聽,免得被嚇到喔!
老師雖然每次在提供單字表時都會附上中文解釋,但這只是方便學生更快知道這個單字最通用的意思,不代表是它最完整的涵義及用法。除此之外,有心的同學應該進一步使用其它工具查詢,最好是單字,配詞與句子一起背 (死背一個單字是無用的),再透過經常使用單字的方式,加強自己對單字的認知和應用。當然,你也可以利用老師或字典提供的單字音檔,進而增加自己對單字的辨識能力和發音!
Use the audio file to improve your pronunciation of these words. The file can also be used as a simple listening and spelling test! Further, like I said many times in class, you must learn in context! Do not just learn the vocabulary words and collocation. You must also construct sentences, read articles suitable for your level on the given topic, and then use the new words and phrases in writing. The accumulation of background knowledge is also essential. Always learn in meaningful context!!!
Human Biology and Health care
abdomen (n.) 腹部
absorb (v.) 吸收
abstain (v.) 避免
abuse (v.) 濫用
accident (n.) 意外
ache (n.) (持續性地)疼痛
admit (v.) 准許進入; (be admitted to a hospital 送入醫院 )
airway (n.) (肺的) 氣道、氣管
allergy (n.) 過敏
allergic (adj.) 過敏的
alternative medicine (n.) 另類醫療
ambulance (n.) 救護車
amputate (v.) 截斷; 截肢
anesthesia 麻醉
ankle (n.) 腳踝
antibiotics (n.) 抗生素(複數)
appendix (n.) 盲腸
artery (n.) 動脈
bacterium (n./pl.=bacteria) 細菌
balanced (a.) 均衡
bandage (n.) 繃帶
benign (a.) 良性的
beware (v.) 注意
biohazard (n.) 生物性危害
biological (a.) 生物的
biology (n.) 生物學
blood (n.) 血液
blood pressure (n.) 血壓
blood vessel (n.) 血管
body (n.) 身體
bowel (n.) 腸
breathe (v.) 呼吸
bruise (n.) 青腫
calorie (n.) 卡路里(熱量單位)
cancer (n.) 癌
carbohydrate (n.) 醣類
cardiovascular diseases (n.) 心臟血管疾病
care (n.) 照顧
carrier (n.) 帶茵者;病媒
cast (n.) 石膏
cell (n.) 細胞
cell division (phr.) 細胞分裂
chicken pox (n.) 水痘
chiropractor (n.) 脊骨神經醫師; 按摩醫生
cholesterol (n.) 膽固醇
circulation (n.) 循環
clinic (n.) 診所
clone (n. / v.) 複製
cold (n.) 感冒 (I caught a cold.)
colon (n.) 結腸
condition (n.) 狀況
conscious (adj.) 有意識的
contagious (a.) 有感染性的
cough (v./n.) 咳嗽
cough syrup (n.) 止咳糖漿
CPR (n.) 心肺復甦術
critical (a.) 關鍵的
crutches (n.) 柺杖,
cultivation of bacteria (phr.) 細菌培養
cure (v./n.) 治癒 ; 療法
deform (v.) 變形
dentist (n.) 牙醫
dermatology (n.) 皮膚科
deteriorate (v.) 惡化
diabetes (n.) 糖尿病
diabetic (a.) (患) 糖尿病 (n.) 指糖尿病患者
diet (n.) 飲食
diet (v.) (以治療、減肥為目的的) 節食
digestive system (n.) 消化系統
DNA (n.) 脫氧核糖核酸 drug (n.) 藥品;毒品 egg (n.) 蛋
embryo (n./adj.= embryonic) 胎兒
emergency medical kit (n.) 應急醫療包
emergency room (n.) 急診室
emotion (n.) 情感
excrete (v.) 排泄
fertilize (v.) 【生物】授精
fever (n.) 發燒
flu/influenza (n.) 流行性感冒
gene (n.) 基因
genetically engineered (phr.) 基因修改, 製造
genetically modified (phr.) 基因修改
glucose (n.) 葡萄糖
hallucination (n.) 幻覺
heal (v.) (傷口)癒合; 痊癒
health (n.) 保健
hemoglobin (n.) 血紅素
hereditary (a.) 遺傳的
high blood pressure (n.) 高血壓
hormone (n.) 荷爾蒙
hospital (n.) 醫院
hospitalized (a.) 住院的
ill (a.) 生病的
illness (n.) 生病; 疾病
immune (a.) 免疫的
immune system (n.) 免疫系統
immunity (n.) 免疫
infect (v.) 傳染(疾病)
infection (n.) 傳染;感染
infectious (a.) 有傳染性的
inflammation (n.) 發炎
injection (n.) 注射
injury (n.) 受傷
inorganic (n.) 無機
instant (a.) 立即的
insurance (n.) 保險
intestines (n.)腸子
intoxicated (a.) 中毒
irregular (a.) 不平均的
itch (n.) 癢
IV drip (n.) 靜脈滴注
kidney (n.) 腎臟
knee (n.) 膝,膝蓋
lap (n.) 膝部
latency period (n.) 潛伏期
latent (a.) 潛伏的
lens (n.) 晶體
limb (n.) 肢
liver (n.) 肝臟
long-term effects (n.) 長期影響
lung (n.) 肺
malignant (n.) 惡性的
malnutrition (n.) 營養不良
mature (a.) 成熟的
medical treatment (n.) 醫學治療
mental health (n.) 心理健康
metabolism (n./v.=metabolize) 代謝
mineral (n.) 礦物
muscle (n.) 肌肉
nerve (n.) 神經
nurse (n.) 護士
nursing home (n.) 養老院
nutrition (n.) 營養
nutritionist (n.) 營養師
olfactory (n.) 嗅覺
operate (v.) 動手術, 開刀
organ donation (n.) 器官捐贈
organic (n.) 有機
osteoporosis (n.) 骨質疏鬆
over-the-counter (a.) 成藥
pain (n.) 疼痛
palm (n.) 手掌
pancreas (n.) 胰臟
paralyzed (a.) 癱瘓的
patient (n.) 病患
pediatrician (n.) 小兒科醫師
perspiration (n./ v.=perspire) 汗
pharmacist (n.) 藥劑師
pharmacy (n.) 藥局
physician (n.) 醫師
physiological (a.) 生理學的
pill (n.) 藥丸
polio (n.) 小兒麻痺
prescription (n.) 處方籤
prevention (n.) 預防; 預防方法
protein (n.) 蛋白質
psychiatrist (n.) 精神病醫師
psychiatrist / shrink (n.) 心理醫生
psychologist (n.) 心理學家
psychology (n.) 心理學
rash (n.) 疹 ; 疹子
reaction (n.) 反應
recovery (n.) 復原
red blood cells (hemoglobin) (n.) 紅血細胞
relationship (n.) 關係
relaxed (a.) 冷靜
reproductive organs (n.) 生殖器官
revive (v.) 復原
runny nose (n.) 流鼻涕
sanitary (a.) 衛生的
scar (n.) 疤; 傷痕
scrape (n.) 擦傷
serum (n.) 血清
short-term effects (n.) 短期影響
sick bed (n.) 病床
sinus (n.) 靜脈竇
skin (n.) 皮膚
smallpox (n.) 天花
sneeze (v.) 打噴嚏
social health (n.) 社交健康
sore (a.) 痛的; 疼痛發炎的
spine (n.) 脊椎
starch (n.) 澱粉
stem cells(n.) 幹細胞
sterilize (v.) 消毒
stomach (n.) 胃
stuffy nose (n.) 塞住的鼻子
suffer from (phr.) 受...之苦; 受...困擾
surgeon (n.) 外科醫生
surgery (n.) 手術
symptom (n.) 症狀
syndrome (n.) 症候群
tablet (n.) 藥片
test (n.) 檢驗
thermometer (n.) 溫度計
throat (n.) 喉嚨
tissue (n.) (動植物的) 組織
touch (v.) 接觸、觸摸
toxic (a.) 有毒的
transplantation (n.) 移植
treatment (n.) 治療
trunk (n.) 軀幹
tuberculosis (n.) 結核病
tumor (n.) 腫瘤
unwholesome (a.) 不衛生的;不健康的;有害身心的
uterus (n.) 子宮
vaccinate (v.) 打預防針 (inoculate with a vaccine, vaccinate against…)
vaccine (n.) 疫苗
vein (n.) 靜脈
virus (n.) 病毒
vision (n.) 視覺/視覺/視力
vitamin (n.) 維他命、維生素
weight loss (n.) 體重減輕
well (a.) 健康的
wheelchair (n.) 輪椅
white blood cells (n.) 白血細胞
Complete List 完整托福和雅思單字表+mp3: http://tinyurl.com/lk3fglc
英文單字學習 I: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq2ym9m3ihsbuy6/vocabI.pdf
英文單字學習 II: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eu51xclk7qxb211/vocabII.pdf
英文單字學習 III: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fsx6zx150c2q7so/vocabIII.pdf
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human reproductive system 在 Linora Low Youtube 的最讚貼文
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Training and Nutrition Around The Menstrual Cycle with Ben Siong
A really informative chat with fitness and health expert Ben Siong. For all my sisters, who have always questioned bout why they have irregular periods, why they bloat, why they have painful periods, what's the possible cause for bleeding more than two weeks here's a video that will help explain those questions!
The human body is very complicated and my dear sisters, ours is even more complicated cause we have a thing called the period. Ben is one of the few coaches who takes the time to not only understand the physiology of the body but also the mind which is incredibly crucial. I do hope you take away valueable information from this video, because Ben's had shared a lot of his expertise during this 1 hour. :)
Questions Timestamps:
1:50 We hear a lot from old folks that women shouldn’t lift lower body higher than stomach for optimal reproductive system. Truth or myth?
8:25 Should we train during period?
10:15 Pre period - what to eat to avoid bloating (if ur vegan or vegetarian) so u still have the energy to lift weights?
15:16 What exercises to do pre period so that during menses it’s less painful?
16:55 Why do some cycles end quicker for instance as quick as 4 days? Should she consult the gynae?
21:00 My Personal encounter of bleeding 4 months straight, what would have been the response for excessive bleeding?
24:00 Brief chat on understanding PCOS and PCO
29:27 In a paper "Preliminary Evidence for a Window of Increased Vulnerability to Sustain a Concussion in Females: A Brief Report" the author states that declining or low levels of estrogen and progesterone (specifically in the late luteal phase and first two days of menstruation) can reduce neuroprotection and blunt recovery time from traumatic brain injury symptoms (i.e. concussions). Would those decreased levels of hormones, and reduced neuroprotection also impact CNS recovery? And would female athletes have to then avoid highly taxing sessions/peaking periods during this time frame?
37:11 I've read that lower back pain during menstruation is caused by the uterus swelling which can create pressure on the uterosacral ligaments and lead to pain in the lower back and pelvis. Is this accurate? If so should females generally avoid deadlifts/front squats/lower back intensive exercises during this period? Should they be left out entirely, or replaced by something else?
38:21 Besides the supplementation of magnesium and iron, are there other ways we should change the way we eat around our cycles?
39:48 Personally, I do workout during this period of time & it does make me feel better.
However, I realised that if I perform very high intensity workout on the first two days of my period, I tend to have lesser flow for the month. I feel completely well & healthy but I’m not sure if that’s something I should be worried about
41:53: I have irregular period, in that case what type of training and nutrition I should opt for coach?
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0J3...
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Website: http://www.learn-asp.com
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