【2019 Open House】
本次 Open House 精選 28 組國內外優質新創團隊,包含自全球 31 國 228 件Startup Global Program申請入選的 15 組國際團隊及 13 組台灣團隊,領域涵蓋健康醫療 、人工智慧、大數據應用、物聯網、智能設備、綠能科技等領域;歡迎各企業事業部高階主管、企業投資部、創投先進及新創夥伴,蒞臨交流共創商機!
👉 可應用於智慧城市、智慧製造和醫學影像的高效AI運算平台 #影豹智慧科技
👉 一站式金融科技服務,協助企業及金融機構進行內部金融科技設計/開發/導入專案 #翎生科技
👉 運用圖像、人工智慧和電腦繪圖,協助找出消費者趨勢並執行各項觀察 Dashmote
👉 即時智慧醫病互動系統,提供醫療診所的即時客服 #搶鏡創意
👉 互動、連結和分析的互動媒體服務 #HotSwitch
📆日期:12 月 6 日(五) 14:30-17:00
👣地點:嘉新水泥前棟大廳、後棟 9F Garage+
Join us on Friday, December 6 at the Open House of Garage+ !
This year, we invite 28 thriving startups to showcase their products and technologies, including 15 international startups out of the 228 Startup Global Program(SGP) applications from 31 countries. Also participating are the 13 selected Taiwanese startups. All these startups are in Healthcare, AI/Data Analytics, IoT/ Smart Devices, Green Tech.
We welcome business partners, investors, and entrepreneurs to explore potential opportunities and resources together!
See the new technology in AI & Big data
👉 AI Explore: International award-winning AI Platform
👉 Blue Magpie Technology: Disruptive FinTech Products &
Solution Powerhouse
👉 Dashmote: Unlock the power of AI
👉 Dr.Right: Real-time medical customer service
👉 HotSwitch: Interactive media as a service to interact, connect, and analyze
📆Date/Time : 14:30-17:00, Friday, Dec. 6th
👣Venue: No.96, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Taipei
✅Register: https://twepoch.org/9_OH_23/1119
#StartupGlobalProgram #AI #Bigdata