#國際奧林匹克委員會表示,在到達日本之前,向參加今年夏季東京奧運會的運動員和官員,提供一定劑量的輝瑞-BioNTech Covid-19疫苗。
佛羅里達州州長Ron DeSantis簽署一項共和黨發起和支持的新的投票法,為本州投票箱和郵寄選票增加了一些強有力的限制措施,隨後德州也加入,這將使其成為全美投票最困難的州之一。德州的法案除其他限制外,將極大地增強黨派民意測驗員的能力,禁止選舉官員郵寄缺席選票,並對那些在允許範圍之外提供援助的人施加嚴厲的懲罰。
每天晚上8點,緬甸軍事電視台表情嚴厲的新聞播報員宣佈當天被捕者的大頭照,其中有醫生,學生,選美皇后,演員,記者,甚至還有化妝博客作者。一些面孔看起來浮腫和瘀傷,這可能是訊問的結果。他們警告說,不要反對在2月1日的政變中奪取政權並監禁該國文職領導人的軍政府。軍事檢查員切斷了緬甸大部分地區的互聯網,士兵橫掃城市,用彈弓和步槍逮捕,綁架和毆打。夜間的敲門聲令人恐懼,居民刪除了Facebook帳戶 手機卡,抹去對緬甸民選政府支持的痕跡。
*【英法漁權爭執升溫 各派艦艇馳赴澤西島】
中國最大的火箭”長征5B”的一部分正在軌道上失控,預計該火箭將在週六或週日的某個時候掉落到地球上,它擊中居民區的幾率很小,但不是零。對於長征5B助推器所在的範圍可能在北緯41.5度到南緯41.5度之間,這意味著,芝加哥位於更北的地方雖然很安全,但像紐約這樣的主要城市可能會受到碎片的襲擊。麻麻州劍橋天體物理學中心專家Jonathan McDowell說:我認為這是他們的疏忽,他追蹤太空中物體的來往,我認為這是不負責任的。
florida voting 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最讚貼文
📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 美國總統大選 🇺🇸
📰 Biden Charts Course for New Administration
President-elect’s transition team reviews series of executive orders that could reverse Trump administration policies
📌 這篇文章關於拜登成爲美國總統當選人(President-elect),標題說他為新政府當局 (new administration)謀劃路線(chart course),副標題提述過渡小組 (transition team) 正在回顧現任總統川普的行政命令(executive order)。
WASHINGTON—President-elect Joe Biden forged ahead with his transition to the White House, charting a course for significant policy changes even as President Trump declined to concede the race.
📌 這一段說當川普總統婉拒 (decline) 承認落敗 (concede the race),拜登穩步前進 (forge ahead) 處理過渡事宜,涉及重大政策改變(significant policy changes)。
A day after the Associated Press declared the 77-year-old Democratic former vice president had garnered enough electoral college votes to win the presidency, Mr. Biden’s transition team was weighing who would fill senior roles in the White House and across the government, according to people familiar with the matter.
📌 美聯社 (the Associated Press) 宣佈拜登當選後的一天,他的過渡小組考慮 (weigh) 填補白宮 (the White House) 以及政府各處的高級角色 (senior roles)。
It also was discussing executive orders that would reverse some of the Republican incumbent’s signature policy initiatives, including his decision to pull out of the Paris climate-change agreement, the people said.
📌 川普總統有關離開巴黎氣候變化協議 (the Paris climate-change agreement) 或許會被逆轉 (reverse)。
A transition spokesman said no decision had been made on which executive orders to pursue, but added, “He has the same levers at his disposal as all of his predecessors to address the crises facing the American people.”
The Saturday announcement of Mr. Biden’s win capped an extraordinary week in which both campaigns, and the nation as a whole, awaited projections on a vote count that took longer than expected because of the widespread use of mail-in voting due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The AP’s tally of votes remains preliminary until certified by individual states, and several states have yet to be called. The Electoral College votes in December, and the final results are announced in Congress in January.
📌 郵遞投票 (mail-in voting) 令宣佈誰贏得大選需要更長的時間 (take longer than expected),美聯社的票數仍然是初步的 (preliminary),有待個別州份確認。
Mr. Trump’s campaign has filed lawsuits to contest the vote-counting process in several states, though it was unclear whether any, if successful, would meaningfully change a state’s results.
The Trump campaign announced Sunday that Rep. Doug Collins (R., Ga.), who ran for Senate but failed to advance to a runoff election, would lead its efforts to secure a recount in Georgia. Mr. Biden currently leads in the state by 0.21%, according to the AP, and state law requires an automatic recount if the margin is 0.5% or less.
Mr. Trump’s advisers are putting together a team of lawyers focused on key states, and they have diverted nearly 100 staffers to Georgia alone, according to a person familiar with the matter, many from the successful Florida effort.
📌川普陣營提出法律訴訟 (file lawsuits),質疑幾個州的點票過程,他們也調配人員去關鍵州 (key states)。
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Andrew Restuccia, Eliza Collins and Alex Leary
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florida voting 在 Hi家教 在家學外語 Facebook 的最佳貼文
The U.S. presidential election will be decided by about a dozen states that could swing to either President Donald Trump, a Republican, or his Democratic challenger Joe Biden.
These states will play a critical role in delivering the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House. Due to a surge in mail voting amid the coronavirus pandemic - as well as the states’ varying rules for when ballots can be counted - the final results for all the states are expected to take days to be revealed.
Swing states & Electoral votes
亞利桑那州 ARIZONA-Electoral votes: 11
喬治亞州 GEORGIA-Electoral votes: 16
賓夕凡尼亞州 PENNSYLVANIA-Electoral votes: 20
威斯康辛州 WISCONSIN-Electoral votes: 10
密西根州 MICHIGAN-Electoral votes: 16
北卡羅來納州 NORTH CAROLINA-Electoral votes: 15
內華達州 NEVADA-Electoral votes: 6
德克薩斯州 TEXAS-Electoral votes: 38
愛荷華州 IOWA-Electoral votes: 6
佛羅里達州 FLORIDA-Electoral votes: 29
俄亥俄州 OHIO-Electoral votes: 18
新罕布夏州 NEW HAMPSHIRE-Electoral votes: 4
明尼蘇達州 MINNESOTA-Electoral votes: 10
swing (V.) 搖擺
either…or… 兩者之中任一
critical (形) 關鍵性的
Electoral College 選舉人團
deliver (V.) 指向、實現
surge (N.) 急遽上升
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To submit an online application, you will need: Your Florida driver license (Florida DL) or Florida identification card (Florida ID card) issued by the ... ... <看更多>
florida voting 在 Florida: Election Tools, Deadlines, Dates, Rules, and Links 的相關結果
Florida : Register to vote, check your registration, vote by mail, view voter ID laws, find all the dates, deadlines, and forms you need. ... <看更多>
florida voting 在 Voting - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State 的相關結果
Florida voters can vote one of three convenient ways: Vote-by-mail upon request, vote during early voting, or vote on Election Day. Read below for more ... ... <看更多>