在四月「爵士欣賞月」的此際, 我們要向三位上星期因為新冠肺炎而病逝的美國爵士樂大師:
鋼琴家艾利斯.馬沙利斯 (享壽85)
吉他樂手巴基.皮茲扎雷利 (享壽94)
小號樂手瓦歷斯.羅尼 (享壽59)
更多有關爵士傳奇樂手請參考史密森尼雜誌的報導: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/covid-19-claims-lives-three-jazz-greats-180974574/.
April is Jazz Appreciation Month, and we feel deep sorrow at the loss of pianist Ellis Marsalis Jr. (85), guitarist Bucky Pizzarelli (94), and trumpeter Wallace Roney (59) to COVID-19 last week. Marsalis was also one of America’s most celebrated jazz educators and had left an indelible mark on the New Orleans music scene. Four of Marsalis’s six children are musicians, including nine-time Grammy-winner Wynton Marsalis. Read more about these departed jazz legends here: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/covid-19-claims-lives-three-jazz-greats-180974574/.
#JazzAppreciationMonth #EllisMarsalis #EllisMarsalisCenterForMusic #爵士欣賞月
ellismarsaliscenterformusic 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
在四月「爵士欣賞月」的此際, 我們要向三位上星期因為新冠肺炎而病逝的美國爵士樂大師: 鋼琴家艾利斯.馬沙利斯 (享壽85)、吉他樂手巴基.皮茲扎雷利 (享壽94)與小號樂手瓦歷斯.羅尼 (享壽59),致上深切的哀悼之意。艾利斯.馬沙利斯是美國最受推崇的爵士音樂教育家,更為紐奧良的爵士傳統烙下不可磨滅的印記。他六位兒子當中的四位也繼承音樂衣缽,包括曾獲九座葛萊美獎的爵士小號手溫頓.馬沙利斯。更多有關爵士傳奇樂手請參考史密森尼雜誌的報導: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/covid-19-claims-lives-three-jazz-greats-180974574/.
April is Jazz Appreciation Month, and we feel deep sorrow at the loss of pianist Ellis Marsalis Jr. (85), guitarist Bucky Pizzarelli (94), and trumpeter Wallace Roney (59) to COVID-19 last week. Marsalis was also one of America’s most celebrated jazz educators and had left an indelible mark on the New Orleans music scene. Four of Marsalis’s six children are musicians, including nine-time Grammy-winner Wynton Marsalis. Read more about these departed jazz legends here: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/covid-19-claims-lives-three-jazz-greats-180974574/.
#JazzAppreciationMonth #EllisMarsalis #EllisMarsalisCenterForMusic #爵士欣賞月