余光中的我的四個假想敵裡有句話「人生有許多事情,正如船後的波紋,總要過後才覺得美」,最近在一本書上見著這句話,忽然有一股思緒在腦海裡盤旋著,人的一生有多少時候是困在負面情緒裡的? 悲傷、憤怒、煩惱、擔憂⋯年長後回憶起,有些事也許就雲淡風輕,不過情緒當下卻是那樣的不顧一切,彷彿是不一個完全不同的自己⋯
Review the memory which once you suffered is easy.
In recent, I read a book mentioned a meaningful sentence from Kaung-Chung Yu said “the beautiful thing you just know after experienced such as the ripple behind the boat”, there suddenly came a concept lingering over my mind about why is the negative thinking always take up our time when we in the mood, why we couldn’t just deal with in easy way?
The end of April in Vancouver is the beginning with the tulips festival, the new tech applications from social medias were generous to remind it, I remembered the the day which been two years was rainy day, we went there with nothing, moist dirt wet cloth and dispensable fare, many of members were in the mood and finished the day quickly, the innocent one who held this trip became the target.
Many years passed, we are still close, remember it up, regret is full of the mind, god can control the weather not people, what were we annoyed for ? If we stood another side, it would be different maybe a happy ending.
Experienced, suffered , obtained, then owned.
No matter how important the matters are, there is always a process before the end, deal with in clam and gain a brilliant outcome.
#vancouver #explorevancouver #dailyhivevan @dailyhivevancouver #yvr #abbotsford #tulips #imtaiwanese
dispensable 在 PC3 Magazine Facebook 的最佳貼文
小米受香港人歡迎有原因? 再次出玩命 POST:「五大平台 缺一不可」
dispensable 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 的精選貼文
【 性情中人的Roberts部長 】
看到帛琉衛生部長Emais Roberts今年又在WHA幫我們仗義執言,眼淚差點掉下來。
2017年我在中華民國駐帛琉大使館 Embassy of the ROC Taiwan in Palau 服務時,有幸認識這位帛琉當地人人尊敬的Roberts醫生。因為負責國際醫療業務,有許多機會跟他互動。除了Roberts部長之外,每天跟我通電郵通電話聯繫的還有帛琉衛生部的國際協調人Dame Wally 。
You are dispensable. You are indispensable.
(It's not Taiwan who is left behind. It's us at WHA.)
如果你有興趣聽聽帛琉及WHA的故事,歡迎聽聽我跟BuzzOrange 報橘 合作的這兩集podcast節目:
Sound Cloud|http://bit.ly/bo_pl
Sound Cloud|http://bit.ly/bo_wha_sc
(這一集我專訪了世衛無國界 Global Health Diplomacy 總召姜冠宇醫師 Pro'spect )
Dear Minister Emais Roberts,
This is Jerry Liu, who served in Taiwan Embassy in Palau from 2015 to 2017. I wish you find this letter in good spirits.
I saw the video clip that a few days ago you spoke for Taiwan at WHA this year, and that reminds of our fond memories back in 2017. I just wanna say THANK YOU. Please allow me to extend my sincere appreciation for your precious support and the genuine friendship between Palau and Taiwan.
Take care, my friend. I hope to see you again soon. If you visit Taiwan in the near future, please allow me to buy you a drink.
Best regards,
Jerry Liu in Taipei
青年外交官 劉仕傑
照片說明:我跟Dr. Emais Roberts。我手裡拿著酒杯,那一晚我喝好多啊!
dispensable 在 dispensable - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 的相關結果
dispensable · 查看更多. KK[dɪˋspɛnsəb!] DJ[diˋspensəbl]. 美式. adj. 非必要的;可分配的;可寬恕的. Dr.eye 譯典通. dispensable. IPA[dɪˈspensəbl]. 美式. 英式. ... <看更多>
dispensable 在 dispensable在線翻譯- 用法_例句 - 海词词典 的相關結果
用作形容詞 (adj.) A garage is useful but dispensable. 汽車房雖然有用; He repents having compensated the dispensable pesion for fear of penalty. 他後悔因害怕 ... ... <看更多>
dispensable 在 dispensable中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
dispensable 的例句. dispensable. This is not to say that such norms are useless or wholly dispensable for those purposes. 來自Cambridge ... ... <看更多>