諾格公司(Northrop Grumman)和馬丁無人機系統(Martin UAV)合作測試美國陸軍新一代V-BAT無人機系統,測試無GPS導航系統下飛行,具垂直起降、持續性空中偵察和目標指定能力,重量約38公斤,可由兩名士兵操作,速度達167公里/時,最高高度20,000英尺,可透過機動載具或黑鷹直升機運輸
同時也有78部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅ezManager,也在其Youtube影片中提到,什麼是“行為反饋”?具體又該如何應用? 分享美國VT理工大學給校長、學術領導者的管理包,讓你掌握這七大關鍵就高效。美國透過研究「行為反饋behavior feedback」並做成一套系統知識,應用範圍大到對人、對事、對產品,用在領導管理、教育、感情、人際、健康、產品開發...etc. :: 本集會聚...
designation 在 誠實大叔 張誠博士 Facebook 的精選貼文
新武器大觀 - 雷射炫光器
1. 雷射武器
- 憑藉雷射光的高熱,直接破壞來襲的砲彈與飛彈。
- 雷射功率極高,耗用電力極大,現在軍艦的發電量,通常無法提供。
2. 雷射炫光器 ODIN(Optical Dazzling Interceptor Navy)
- 低能量雷射「炫目」,使敵方的光電/紅外傳感系統給(暫時)失效
- 對人使用,會有永久性傷害
3. 雷射武器的其他應用
- 測距(LRF: Laser Range Finders)
- 照明目標(LTD:Laser Target Designation)作為飛彈乘波導引(LBR: Missiles Laser Beam-Riding)
1. 能量武器目前的有效距離,目前仍在10公里內...
2. 若供電能力不是問題,能量武器是近迫防禦上不錯的選擇
美國神盾艦加裝雷射炫光器 張競:背後藏著美國認知戰
designation 在 COMPUTEX TAIPEI Facebook 的精選貼文
NSS Labs acknowledges Harmony Endpoint for offering comprehensive endpoint protection
Harmony Endpoint* has earned an AA product rating in the 2020 NSS Labs Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP) market test. The designation indicates that Check Point’s endpoint solution has a very strong capacity to deliver on its commitments to customers.
We believe the results establish Harmony Endpoint as a comprehensive endpoint protection solution, delivering impressive overall protection against a wide variety of attacks, the vast majority of which were prevented prior to infection.
Register for Harmony Endpoint Trial!👉https://reurl.cc/9rXxOd
Check Point Taiwan #cybersecurity #remoteworkforce
designation 在 ezManager Youtube 的最佳貼文
什麼是“行為反饋”?具體又該如何應用? 分享美國VT理工大學給校長、學術領導者的管理包,讓你掌握這七大關鍵就高效。美國透過研究「行為反饋behavior
:: 本集會聚焦在職場上的應用,也是領導管理學的必要管理包裡必備工具喔!
:: giving effective feedback.提供有效的反饋。有效=照你預期的方向走
:: 一分鐘商業英文One-Minute Business English
👉【5分鐘填節目問卷&抽獎, 7/13止】
親愛的ezManager聽友, 需要你的建議讓我們節目被你更喜愛💕
👉【7/15(四)20:00 Mixer Box APP 免費LIVE語音講座】
主講 podcast【#英文留聲機 feat. #ezManager_Dài老師】
#國外商管類 讀書會,Great Managers are made, not born.
★ 本集導讀書籍:the making of a manager: what to do when everyone looks to you
★ 亞馬遜去年最佳商業書第一名、華爾街日報暢銷書。原文書 9折購 https://lihi1.cc/dnwIH
作者:Facebook 產品設計副總 Julie Zhuo 的十年管理心法。
★ 本集私語:雜音問題已找出,是主持人音色自帶雜音😅
歡迎加入我們讀書會 lihi1.cc/NOlrM 一起交流分享 (FB私密社團加入需填email,若被拒絕請再寫一次即可)
★ 優惠方案:
ezManager五種超值方案:現在就幫自己加分,讓你Level Up!
黃金職人領導力199|VIP職人超越力399|伯爵經理人通行證899|專屬1對1職場問題諮詢1199|職涯成長新星 99
::2分鐘說明影片 https://lihi1.com/p6101
📚 專屬一對一線上諮詢六大主題選項:
1. 好履歷健檢|獲得成為職場贏家的敲門金磚
2. 團隊管理類|帶人疑難雜症經驗轉換給助力
3. 向上管理類|想受到賞識體貼上意又不委屈
4. 抗壓管理類|突破職場倦怠抗壓增強軟實力
5. 溝通技巧類|成熟大人職場提升自信好感力
6. podcast新手入門諮詢
1.同樂禮: 除99以外的 ezManager五種超值方案(見上方說明),享限時首月7折優惠!讓自己職場更勝利!
2.凡參加五種超值方案者(任一), 均可參加抽書活動 , 共抽兩名, 就是我們讀書會這本 "the making of a manager: what to do when everyone looks to you" 可選原文或中文譯本乙本, 均全新實體書(價值NT$420~$910),讓自己不斷成長!
★ 本集重點摘錄:
1. 在開始時設定明確的期望
2. 盡可能頻繁地提供針對特定任務的反饋
3. 周到而有規律地分享行為反饋(==本集談)
4. 收集 360 度反饋以獲得最大的客觀性
作者表示 特定任務的”行為反饋”很有用,當您提供行為反饋時,您是在陳述 您對那個人的看法,因此您的說的話 用字遣詞, 需要經過深思熟慮,
★ 本集分點章節:
(00:00:24) 活動公告&感謝聽友Felix
(00:03:05) 本集讀書會開始
(00:09:25) 一分鐘商用英文 One min Business English (feat. Zach) Individual contributor
(00:11:43) 行為反饋面談_掌握這七大關鍵
★ 本集補充資料
::Behavioral Feedback (EN) https://reurl.cc/EnYvyk by 美國VT大學
A key contributor關鍵貢獻者, 是稱呼 對公司有實質正面影響的任何員工。
Z: A key contributor is a designation for any employee that positively impacted
the company in a substantial way.
This is a great compliment to give to your direct report or supervisor if they
did a great job on a specific project.
例句: “Jim was a key contributor to the company presentation. He was responsible
for the majority of the content that was presented today.”
★ 本集提到過往單集
Ep30. 四種激勵人改變的方法
Ep12. 04:00 打造健康的互評會議
Music C.C. by Chester Bea Arthur -Folk Physics / Free Sound Effects
Spotify|Google podcast|Firstory|KKbox|SoundOn|Pressplay| Youtube
|TuneIn|MixerBox|Himalaya|好好聽FM|CastBox ....等28平台
@節目鼓勵與反饋請到Apple Podcast 給五顆星留言& 記得訂閱
:: 如果您喜歡,請贊助鼓勵我們繼續製作節目💰 https://lihi1.cc/s1mES (50秒影片教學, lihi1.cc/N8vYt )
@活動: 一日之星|報名當來賓|Podcaster聯盟接案推廣計畫 https://lihi1.cc/C3EEF
@如果你也想開始做自己的podcast ,歡迎使用 Firstory 的邀請碼W-B23W9K可得小額啟動基金
★ 本集快問快答:
以上都來這網址分享 https://lihi1.cc/tZCUD 或 FB社團
@你也想要有一個公司以外的交流成長小組、經驗轉換&彼此支持嗎? 免費加入 讀書會群組
:: IG:www.instagram.com/ezmanagergo
:: FB社團: https://lihi1.cc/NOlrM
@合作接洽 ezmanagerGo@gmail.com (不分大小寫)
:: 上Youtube搜尋「怎麼給星評分」一分鐘教學影片,或點這 https://lihi1.cc/N8vYt (分享給你沒在聽podcast的親友)

designation 在 Nigel Sparks Youtube 的最讚貼文
CHAINS is about the imprisonment of the mind, chains of habit. This can be anything from addictions to unfounded fears. They all start as a simple, small experience and then become normal patterns of behaviour. Once they are a part of your life, they are extremely difficult to get rid of. Remember, at the end of the day we choose our own attachments in life. It is the freedom to choose your own path to believe what you want to believe in and also to be your own person.
CHAINS was written based on my personal experience, I hope it inspires everyone to let go of what holds them back. Whether if its your past or other person's judgment of you. Life is about moving on & break free! Till the next one, follow me on my socials below.
You can listen to CHAINS here :
Spotify - https://spoti.fi/35KLxhO
Apple Music - https://apple.co/2XXK4Sp
Music produced by : Ezzad (@exactesy)
Illustrated by : Arian Akif (@arianakif)
Nigel Sparks - Official Social Media (@nigelsparks)
Instagram: http://instagram.com/NigelSparks
Facebook: http://facebook.com/NigelSparks
Twitter: http://twitter.com/NigelSparks
Freedom is the power to choose our own chains
Freedom is the power to choose our own chains
I got 2 chains, 3 chains, lotta chains
They look at me strange
When I move on to greater things
[Verse 1]
I need more power, why u tripping I need more hours
The time is ticking, shit can turn sour
If you waste it, I done taste it, once complacent
You throw it out the window
Like your ego, start from zero
If u snooze then u lose, so fuck a pillow
I stay woke, working graveyard shifts
25, found a gold mine, Christmas gift
Freedom is the power to choose our own chains
Freedom is the power to choose our own chains
I got 2 chains, 3 chains, lotta chains
They look at me strange
When I move on to greater things
[Verse 2]
All my chains heavy
But I'm born ready
The cowards never started and the weak remains lazy
The struggle don't make it bitter, all your excuses do
Greatness is a process, listen to the voice within you
What's your occupation, what's your designation
Get a job, get a life, I call that the chain reaction
What's your occupation, what's your designation
Get a job, get a life, I call that the chain reaction
I was once told the chains of habit are too light to be felt
Until they're too heavy to be broken
Change, change is scary but change is necessary
It is for the better or best, never the worse
I say embrace!

designation 在 Sài Gòn Dấu Yêu Youtube 的最佳解答
Vườn quốc gia Udawalawe nằm trên ranh giới của các tỉnh Sabaragamuwa và Uva, Sri Lanka.
Vườn được tạo ra như là mái nhà chung cho động vật hoang dã được di dời bằng việc xây dựng Hồ chứa Udawalawe trên sông Walawe, cũng như để bảo vệ lưu vực của hồ chứa.
Khu bảo tồn có diện tích 30.821 ha (119,00 dặm vuông) và được thành lập vào ngày 30 tháng 6 năm 1972.
Trước khi chỉ định vườn quốc gia, khu vực này đã được sử dụng để canh tác nương rẫy.
Công viên cách thủ đô Colombo 165 km. Udawalawe là môi trường sống quan trọng của chim nước và voi Sri Lanka. Đây là một điểm du lịch nổi tiếng và là công viên được du khách ghé thăm xếp thứ ba trong cả nước.
Thời điểm lý tưởng đến vườn Udawalawa là từ tháng 10 đến tháng 4 năm sau, khi hàng ngàn loài chim di cư về đây trú đông. Vé vào cổng khoảng 4150 Ripe, tương đương 530.000 đồng.
fanpage facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saigondauyeu87/
Các anh chị, các bạn biết nơi nào có quán ăn ngon, đông khách muốn giới thiệu đến nhiều người hoặc muốn quảng cáo quán ăn vui lòng comment bên dưới hoặc gọi số 0789570389.
Nội dung được bảo hộ bản quyền, vui lòng không reup đăng youtube, facebook hoặc các nguồn khác. Cám ơn các bạn đã ủng hộ Sài Gòn Dấu Yêu.
Mời mọi người xem clip.
Fanpage facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saigondauyeu87/
Udawalawe National Park lies on the boundary of Sabaragamuwa and Uva Provinces, in Sri Lanka.
The national park was created to provide a sanctuary for wild animals displaced by the construction of the Udawalawe Reservoir on the Walawe River, as well as to protect the catchment of the reservoir.
The reserve covers 30,821 hectares (119.00 sq mi) of land area and was established on 30 June 1972.
Before the designation of the national park, the area was used for shifting cultivation (chena farming).
The park is 165 kilometres (103 mi) from Colombo. Udawalawe is an important habitat for water birds and Sri Lankan elephants. It is a popular tourist destination and the third most visited park in the country.
The ideal time to visit Udawalawa garden is from October to April, when thousands of birds migrate here for winter. Entrance ticket is about 4150 Ripe, equivalent to 530,000 VND.
If you know where there is a delicious restaurant, crowded to recommend to many people or want to advertise the restaurant, please comment below or call 0789570389.
Content is copyright protected, please do not reup post youtube, facebook or other sources. Thank you for supporting Saigon Beloved.
Invite everyone to see the clip.
I often review Vietnamese street food. I live in Ho Chi Minh city. If you have passion and interest in watching and enjoying street food, please visit my channel. I post food clips at 6 PM o'clock every day. Thank you very much.

designation 在 designation - 說明 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙 的相關結果
designation. 以designation 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文 ... ... <看更多>
designation 在 designation - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 的相關結果
KK[͵dɛzɪgˋneʃən]; DJ[͵dezigˋneiʃən]. 美式. n. 指定;任命;命名;稱號. Dr.eye 譯典通 · designation · 查看更多. IPA[ˌdezɪgˈneɪʃn]. 美式. 英式. n. 名稱;指定 ... ... <看更多>
designation 在 designation中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
designation 的例句. designation. We are consulting our colleagues who are concerned with possible designations in the health and social services sector. ... <看更多>