為鼓吹對人權的重視,由台灣冤獄平反協會主辦的「2019平冤影展–如果 WHAT IF」,即將在12月11日至12月15日期間於華山光點二廳登場。本次影展匯集了17部影片,真實呈現台灣、美國、日本、冰島與菲律賓等地誤判與冤獄的案例。影展對大眾開放且完全免費,每場並安排有映後座談,讓觀眾與導演及人權倡議者有更深入交流的機會。千萬別錯過了!更多詳情:https://twinnocenceproject.org/tiff2019/ #TaiwanInnocence #CivilSociety #DemocracyandHumanRights #ExchangeOurWorld
To promote greater awareness of human rights, the Taiwan Innocent Project will launch the Taiwan Innocence Film Festival: WHAT IF on December 11 at Spot Huashan Cinema A Two. The Festival will run from December 11-15 and will feature 17 films about wrongful conviction from around the world, including Taiwan, the United States, Japan, Iceland, and the Philippines. The festival is free and open to the public. Each screening will include a Q&A session with directors and human rights advocates. Don’t miss it! For more information: https://twinnocenceproject.org/tiff2019/
democracyandhumanrights 在 Education for Democracy and Human Rights in 10 steps 的必吃
How can #education help to protect and preserve # democracy in Europe? Discover the ten steps that every country can take to reach this goal. ... <看更多>