DAX 的Calculation分別做DatesQTD 各季度銷售額、DatesYTD 各年度銷售額、SamePeriodLastYear同期比較
00:00:00 DatesQTD 各季度比較
00:15:50 DatesYTD 各年度比較
00:28:00 SamePeriodLastYear 同期比較

DAX 的Calculation分別做DatesQTD 各季度銷售額、DatesYTD 各年度銷售額、SamePeriodLastYear同期比較
00:00:00 DatesQTD 各季度比較
00:15:50 DatesYTD 各年度比較
00:28:00 SamePeriodLastYear 同期比較
00:00:00 取得資料
00:10:00 資料轉置
00:45:00 分析
國立陽明交通大學-數據科學與雲端運算- Advanced visualization-機器學習
00:00:00 E3下載範例
00:09:40 進階視覺化分析
01:28:00 機器學習-線性回歸做預測
01:40:00 機器學習-分群
網路上已有多篇文章說明CALCULATE的用法(知乎、SQLBI ),但我還是想以自己工作時較常用的實務邏輯脈絡來做整理。 囿於我自用的Excel屬家用版,沒有power pivot的功能,所以 ... ... <看更多>
CALCULATE performs the context transition. It uses the current value of columns in the original row contexts to provide a filter with a unique value for all the ... ... <看更多>
DAX 複製. Total sales on the last selected date = CALCULATE ( SUM ( Sales[Sales Amount] ), 'Sales'[OrderDateKey] = MAX ...
#2. [DAX] 新手搞不懂,但卻一定要搞懂的CALCULATE() 與ALL()
網路上已有多篇文章說明CALCULATE的用法(知乎、SQLBI ),但我還是想以自己工作時較常用的實務邏輯脈絡來做整理。 囿於我自用的Excel屬家用版,沒有power pivot的功能,所以 ...
CALCULATE performs the context transition. It uses the current value of columns in the original row contexts to provide a filter with a unique value for all the ...
#4. Power BI Tips: Calculate | One of the most used DAX functions
The CALCULATE function is useful because it can modify the filter context of the Expression inside, as indicated by the n number of filter ...
#5. 理解CALCULATE原理- DAX圣经 - PowerBI极客
CALCULATE 和CALCULATETABLE 是DAX 中惟二可以修改筛选上下文的函数。实际上,CALCULATE 创建了一个新的筛选上下文,然后在新的上下文中计值表达式。
#6. The CALCULATE Function In Power BI - DAX Tutorial
The CALCULATE function allows you to change the context of a calculation within a measure wherein the context is coming from the environment ...
#7. How CALCULATE works in DAX - SQLBI
How CALCULATE works in DAX · The CALCULATE function applies a calculation (the first parameter) for each cell, considering the resulting context ...
#8. The CALCULATE() Function in Power BI | Tessellation
The CALCULATE function is one of the most important DAX functions for any Power BI developer to learn. Check out how to effectively apply it ...
#10. DAX CALCULATE Function Explained - Goodly
The CALCULATE function is a very powerful DAX function, which can modify the visual filters which is another way of saying, it has the power ...
#11. Using the DAX Calculate and Values Functions - Simple Talk
Learning the CALCULATE function is key to understanding how to create measures in DAX, but the VALUES function runs it a close second. The rest ...
#12. Standard time-related calculations - DAX Patterns
This action (applying a filter on the Date column) is performed by all the time intelligence functions used in CALCULATE. DAX implements the ...
#13. Advanced DAX with CALCULATE - Power BI Experience
Filter x Row Context · Total Sales Red = CALCULATE ( [Total Sales], 'Product'[Color] = “Red” · % Total Sales = DIVIDE ( [Total Sales], [Total ...
#14. DAX CALCULATE and FILTER Functions in Power BI - 3Cloud
Using DAX in Power BI enables you to get the most out of your data. Learn more about adding CALCULATE and FILTER functions in DAX within ...
#15. Power BI CALCULATE: Key To Advanced DAX Formulas
In this article, I discuss the Power BI CALCULATE Filter DAX function in detail by providing some examples of how it works in advanced ...
#16. DAX calculate sum of current year. | Power BI Exchange
DAX calculate sum of current year. Melissa CornfieldSep 11, 2020 03:53 PM. Hello, I am trying to Create a measure in DAX that only looks at ...
#17. Learning DAX and Power BI – CALCULATE | endjin
This is the final blog in a series about DAX and Power BI. This post focuses on the CALCULATE function, which is a unique function in DAX.
#18. Dax: calculate with filter and all, result not expected - Stack ...
You should try to put in your Filter DateTable[Year] instead of 'SP Index 20201028'[Date] because you have a relationship and filtering on ...
#19. Mastering DAX Calculations in Power BI | Udemy
Create advanced analytical models by learning how to harness the power of DAX calculations for use within Power BI.
#20. Create DAX Calculations in Power BI Desktop, Part 2 - GitHub
In this lab you will create measures with DAX expressions involving filter context manipulation. In this lab you learn how to: Use the CALCULATE() function to ...
#21. DAX Cheat Sheet - Pragmatic Works
Calculated measure using two previously created calculated measures to determine profit. Profit = [Total Sales] - [Total Cost]. Profit Margin, Calculated ...
#22. Function DAX CALCULATE – Aggregation With a Condition in ...
CALCULATE is an important function for a large number of calculations and for those of you who actively do DAX formulas in Power BI or PowerPivot.
#23. A hard lesson on Filter Context with Power BI and DAX
The DAX Measure. The customer used the following DAX measure: Last Sales Amount = CALCULATE ( SUM ( 'SalesOrderBacklog'[SalesAmount] ),
#24. Excel DAX - Calculated Columns - Tutorialspoint
The DAX formula used to create a calculated column is like an Excel formula. However, in DAX formula, you cannot create different formulas for different rows in ...
#25. DAX 第四篇:CALCULATE详解- 悦光阴 - 博客园
CALCULATE ()函数是DAX中最复杂的函数,用于计算由指定过滤器修改的上下文中的表达式。 第一个参数是用于计算聚合值的度量,后面的参数是可选的过滤器 ...
#26. Year to Date calculation in DAX | Data Awareness Programme
This post explains how to achieve Year to Date calculation using DAX script. In DAX, there is a pre-defend function available to get the ...
#27. How to Use ALL in a DAX Expression in Power BI - RADACAD
The calculation above gets filtered by the Promotion, and by the Education, but not by the Color (from DimProduct). Ignoring Filters from Two ...
#28. Power Pivot Principles: The A to Z of DAX Functions
This week, we look at one of the key functions in DAX: CALCULATE. This function evaluates an expression in a modified filter context.
#29. Power BI and Power Pivot DAX: CALCULATE is a ...
Excel users familiar with the SUMIF formula will really like the CALCULATE function in Power BI and Power Pivot - CALCULATE is a ...
#30. Ultimate Time Based Calculations Cheat Sheet for DAX ...
Power BI provides great time intelligence features to calculate Year-to-date (YTD), Month-to-date (MTD) and Quarter-to-date (QTD) totals.
#31. Understanding the DAX CALCULATE function - Edureka
Using the CALCULATE function makes the DAX perform a context transition. The value in the Group column of each row acts as a filter when you ...
#32. Calculated Columns vs Measures in DAX - Excelerator BI
This article looks at Calculated PowerPivot Columns vs Measure ✓ PowerPivot expert, Matt Allington, explains the No.1 mistake he sees in ...
#33. DAX error: A function 'XXXX' has been used in a True/False ...
The error is caused by using a TRUE/FALSE expression, something that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE, to filter the table in a way that CALCULATE ...
#34. DAX CALCULATE Debugger - The BIccountant
The DAX Debugger measure shows details of the filter arguments from your CALCULATE measure if you have to debug it. M-function creates the ...
#35. Stairway to DAX and Power BI - Level 14 - SQLServerCentral
In this Level, we will introduce the powerful DAX CALCULATE() function. As we become more familiar with using DAX in Power BI, ...
#36. DAX Best Practices For Power BI | MAQ Software
It is common practice to use a/b — 1 to calculate a ratio and avoid duplicate measure calculations. However, you can achieve the same ...
#37. 10 DAX Most Useful Power BI Functions - AbsentData
It is primarily a formula language and is also a query language. DAX can be used to define custom calculations for Calculated Columns and for ...
#38. Calculate last year value in DAX for Power BI - Expert-Only
Simply use the two available DAX CALCULATE function combined with the PREVIOUS YEAR function. In financial dashboard and reports, use the previous year value ...
#39. Unlocking DAX Measures in Calculated Columns | Blog
DAX Measures are fundamentally different from calculated columns. They allow the user to aggregate and manipulate data in ways that ...
#40. DAX calculations | Data and Analytics with Dustin Ryan
In this series I've blogged ten different DAX calculations you may find useful in your Power Pivot, Tabular or Power BI model. So if you missed part one, I ...
#41. Calculate Percentage Growth Over Time with Power BI
You can get more information on how to use time intelligence functions in DAX here. Try this tip out in your own dataset. Related Articles.
#42. Percentage (%) of Total using DAX in PowerBI - Analytics Tuts
Hello friends! Today we'll be learning to calculate percentage of total using DAX in Power BI. There is inbuilt function in Power BI but ...
#43. 5個適用於初學者的有用數據分析表達式(DAX)函數
#44. Understanding Evaluation Contexts in DAX - Microsoft Press ...
You know how to create calculated columns and measures, and you have a good understanding of common functions used in DAX.
#45. DAX Calculate的使用说明_Fluffy的百宝箱 - CSDN博客
对数据进行建模分析时经常会使用到DAX中的Calculate函数,这个函数微软给的中文解释是“在筛选器修改的上下文中对表表达式进行求值。”读起来很是绕口, ...
#46. Measures - Dynamic Percent Change - Using DAX - - PowerBI ...
This tutorial will produce a measure that will dynamically calculate a percent change every time an item is selected in a visual. The previous tutorial can ...
#47. DAX-CALCULATE工作原理 - 知乎专栏
原文:How CALCULATE works in DAX 转载:BI佐罗(bi@excel120.com)欢迎加入QQ群Excel120讨论简介CALCULATE是学习DAX(也就是学习PowerPivot,PowerBI,Excel数据建 ...
#48. What is the difference between Power BI calculated columns ...
These calculations are mainly Calculated Columns or Measures. Both are defined in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), the native formula and ...
#49. Add Multiple Columns Using DAX In Power BI - C# Corner
Use DAX expression in a Calculated column; Use DAX expression in Measure column. Based on the requirement, we can choose whether to create a ...
#50. DAX for Power BI and Power Pivot - FILTER inside CALCULATE
CALCULATE in DAX is such a powerful and complex function to fully understand. In essence what CALCULATE will do is modify the current filter context.
#51. Power BI DAX Simplified: DAX and calculation language of ...
Power BI DAX Simplified: DAX and calculation language of Power BI demystified by practical examples - Kindle edition by Rad, Reza. Download it once and read ...
#52. Understanding the Differences Between Calculated Columns ...
A concept that users want to recognize with (DAX) in Power BI is knowing when to use a calculated column vs. when to use a measure – a ...
#53. Calculate Last Twelve Months Using DAX - ehansalytics
One of the more common calculations a company uses is the last twelve months, or LTM, of data. This can be tricky if your date table always ...
#54. How does the filter context in DAX apply? - THE SELF ...
... the standard TI functions of DAX are no longer sufficient. The pattern from SQLBI looks as follows: [SalesYTD] := CALCULATE ( [Sales],
#55. Power BI DAX – CALCULATE AND FILTER and Implicit and ...
Power BI DAX – CALCULATE AND FILTER and Implicit and Explicit filtering. As ever with DAX, I tend to have to remind myself of the basic ...
#56. Writing DAX Queries
DAX Studio; Power BI Desktop; the Adventure Works 2020 sample file ... To add a calculation to your query like measures and variables you would use the ...
#57. Calculated Columns vs Measures - insightsoftware
A calculated column is an extension of a table using a DAX formula that is evaluated for each row. These columns are distinguished from columns ...
#58. How to Make Measures Total Correctly in Power BI Tables
To correct the totals not calculating correctly in Power BI, you will need to ... You can find more information from Microsoft about the DAX ...
#59. Leveraging calculation groups in Power BI - Visual BI Solutions
The calculation group is like a table with DAX expressions for each of the calculation items. Let us consider a scenario where you need time- ...
#60. Top 5 Useful DAX Functions In Power BI for Beginners - EPC ...
This function can simplify complex and multiple calculations with simple efforts. The DAX CALCULATE function assesses an expression in a context ...
#61. 帶你了解DAX篩選轉換原理 - 每日頭條
如果把SUM ( '車型ID'[銷售額] )單獨寫一個度量值,再放回公式里會怎樣呢? SalesAmount = CALCULATE ( SUMX ( ...
#62. DAX Formatter by SQLBI
Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is a formula language introduced by Microsoft in Power BI, Power Pivot and Analysis Services Tabular to define calculations ...
#63. VAR: The best thing to happen to DAX since CALCULATE()
I used to use the bad joke, “CALCULATE is the Ummmm of DAX” – like, when you want to start talking/writing out a DAX expression before you ...
#64. Using DateDiff() To Calculate Time Intervals In DAX - Chris ...
One of the most useful new additions to DAX in Excel 2016 and the Power BI Designer is the DateDiff() function.
#65. CALCULATE -- The All-Powerful DAX Formula You MUST Know
THE must-know Power Excel and Power BI DAX formula explained as simply as possible ... Write DAX measure with CALCULATE in Excel Power Pivot.
#66. Calculating Week Start Date with DAX in Power BI - BI Elite
This is easy to do with a little DAX. I am simply going to create a calculated column on my data table and use the following DAX formula: Week ...
在本章中,我们将继续探索DAX语言的强大,并详细解释单个函数:CALCULATE。实际上,相同的注意事项对于CALCULATETABLE也是有效的,它计算并返回表而 ...
#68. How DAX calculates values - Power BI
as a functional calculation language. Using DAX, it is possible to perform simple sum calculations as ...
#69. CALCULATE en DAX: La Reina de las Funciones - Excel Free ...
La función CALCULATE es sin exagerar la función más imprtante en el Lenguaje DAX, pero así mismo la más complejo, en este artículo vemos una ...
#70. DAX – wstęp do funkcji CALCULATE - Seequality
Funkcja CALCULATE jest jedną z najważniejszych funkcji dostępnych w języku DAX ponieważ jako jedyna daje nam możliwość zmiany kontekstu ...
#71. New DAX functions: CONVERT and REMOVEFILTERS - XXL BI
As a CALCULATE filter, the function works exactly like ALL and accepts the following arguments: Single table name; Single column name; Multiple ...
#72. Power BI–DAX函数总结 - 数据分析师之路
一.筛选类函数1.ALL, ALLEXCEPT, ALLSELECTED ALL(table/column) --ALL用来清除整个表或某个字段的筛选条件,通常配合CALCULATE ...
#73. Fear & Greed Index - Investor Sentiment - CNNMoney - CNN ...
How we calculate the index More ». Market Momentum. Extreme Greed. The S&P 500 is 6.92% above its 125-day average. This is further above the average than ...
#74. Power Bi Filter Rows
Ideas on Excel, Power BI, Power Query and Power Pivot: blog by Maxim Zelensky. Writing efficient DAX measures and calculated columns in Power BI or Power Pivot ...
#75. Dicas do Power BI: CALCULATE| Uma das funções DAX mais ...
Antes de dar uma olhada na função CALCULATE, devemos entender o conceito de 'contexto de filtro'. O contexto de filtro é um dos conceitos DAX ...
#76. European Stocks - 17-11-21 | ARMENPRESS Armenian News ...
The equities use free float shares in the index calculation. ... 1999 only XETRA equity prices are used to calculate all DAX indices.
#77. DAX Index - DAX Market - DAX Stocks - Moneycontrol
The L-DAX is calculated from 17:30 to 20:00 CET. The Eurex, a European Electronic Futures and Options Exchange based in Zurich, Switzerland with a ...
#78. Using DAX for Budget Allocation | Andrew Smith
In this post I'm deconstructing a DAX budget allocation ... This performs a standard variance calculation, where the DAX() DIVIDE() function ...
#79. Send Money Internationally for Less with Xe
Check rates for any date · Converter Widget. Use the Xe converter on your website · Travel Expenses Calculator. Calculate foreign exchange charges.
#80. How to do tiered calculations in one formula - Get Digital Help
This kind of formula is often used to calculate commissions, bonuses, ... I am currently trying to transfer this formula over to DAX, ...
#81. MPG and Cost Calculator and Tracker - Spritmonitor.de
Use Spritmonitor.de, the online gas mileage calculator and database, to determine the fuel consumption of your vehicle and compare it with others.
#82. Chart Of The Day: DAX Set For Potential Correction - Investing ...
Stocks Analysis by Fawad Razaqzada covering: EUR/USD, DAX, IBEX 35, FTSE MIB. Read Fawad Razaqzada's latest article on Investing.com.
#83. Average Payment Period - [ Formula, Example Analysis ...
To calculate the average payment period formula, you have to divide the company's average accounts payable by a derivative of credit purchase and number of days ...
#84. DAX Ends the Week 0.41% Higher at 16159.97 — Data Talk
Our investment management business generates asset-based fees, which are calculated as a percentage of assets under management. We also sell ...
#85. Germany 40 | Call 16300 | Dec | ODAXDEC21C16300 CFDs
Plus500 News & Market Insights · What to Expect From Amazon and Apple Earnings · Turkish Lira Hits Record Low For the Third Straight Day · Germany DAX 30 Is Set to ...
#86. ETF Screener | justETF
Fund Name Fund CCY Fund Size; (in m €) TER; in % p.a 1Y; in % 21Shares Crypto Basket Index ETP USD 204 2.50% 396.72% iShares ATX UCITS ETF (DE) EUR 156 0.32% 56.09% Xtrackers ATX UCITS ETF 1C EUR 67 0.25% 55.89%
#87. Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services ...
In Chapter 3, you learned about the calculation model in Analysis Services 20122 ... In Chapter 6, you learned how to use the Calculations tab in the Cube ...
#88. Position Size Calculator | Myfxbook
The Position Size Calculator will calculate the required position size based on your currency pair, risk level (either in terms of percentage or money) and ...
#89. Microsoft Power BI Cookbook: Gain expertise in Power BI with ...
DAX CROSSJOIN function: https://bit.ly/2Ryr3qx ▻ DAX HASONEVALUE function: ... DAX. and. Calculated. Tables. In addition to the M query transformations ...
#90. Kasper On BI - All about Power BI, Modelling, DAX and ...
Everything on Power BI, DAX, data modelling and Microsoft BI.
dax calculate 在 CALCULATE - 計算函式(DAX) 的相關結果
DAX 複製. Total sales on the last selected date = CALCULATE ( SUM ( Sales[Sales Amount] ), 'Sales'[OrderDateKey] = MAX ... ... <看更多>