IKEA 前執行長 Anders Dahlvig 分享這個全球知名北歐家具公司的經營哲學。如同他們的設計理念一般,真的可以看到從看不見的文化,到看得見的家具型錄,都充滿著簡潔,與眾不同,重視成本,以及站在平民角度思考的特質。
書本當中不客氣地批評 “以極大化投資人利益為”成功的資本主義思想,最後的結論 ”Doing good business while being a good business" (成為一個會賺錢的良善企業),也讓這個企業經營理念書有著獨特的社會主義風格。
“Capitalism depends on people working terribly hard to make other people rich, in the hope, often misplaced, that they will get rich themselves. Growth depends on making people envious of other people so that they want what the others have.” -- Charles Handy
(資本主義是讓許多人拼命工作讓其他人富有,而且還錯誤地期待著他們自己會變有錢。這種成長來自於讓人羨慕他人所擁有的,然後想要變得跟別人一樣 -- 愛爾蘭作家 Charles Handy)
或許“設計感/低成本” 還有 “全球一致性/地方認同感” 看起來都是相斥的目標,這本書很棒的一點就是說明IKEA如何兼顧,也為什麼建立強大的核心信念如此重要。這個和台灣熟悉的代工行業 “cost down" (其實正確的應該說 “cost reduction") 不太一樣,他更多從產品設計的簡單化,企業內流程的設計,還有價值鏈的管理,來讓 “低價” 卻仍然可以賺錢並且保有一定的質感。
“讓平民老百姓可以擁有良好設計風格的家具”一直是他們的目標,但不是一味的降低材料成本,他們有更多的“低價”來自於包裝設計 (可以弄成扁平讓運送成本低廉,或是客人自己載回家。在每家店可以放置更多庫存讓客戶容易取得不用等。讓店內的搬運次數降到最低,等等),還有幫客戶“省錢”(內建簡單餐廳不用煩惱午餐,逛更久!免費停車位。便宜的遛小孩空間,等等)。而“全球一致性”主要靠所有設計和型錄內容必須統一由瑞典母公司提供,但是盡量讓採購本地化,盡量創造各地就業機會和讓當地人升遷做主,以及讓各地自行分析市場選擇戰略。
他最後整理他觀察 IKEA成功的四大要領:
• A vision with a social ambition and a strong value base (企業願景帶有社會使命和強大的價值基礎)
• Differentiation through control of the value chain (透過價值鏈管理來創造競爭差異)
• Market leadership and a balanced market portfolio.(力求市場領導地位,同時平衡市場分佈)
• Company control by a committed owner with a long-term perspective (企業最好是由一個委身的經營者,才能有長期眼光)
書中很明顯可以感覺到他們強調 “做獨特的自己但不喧嘩”的個性,作者講到行銷,只有不到5頁,還虧自己說他真的很不喜歡行銷,如果再講下去他會翻白眼說把成本再降低就可以賣更多。他也很誠實說道他們常常還是在產品品質上,因著對低價的重視而做得不夠好。其實因為 IKEA不是公開上市公司,所以真的比較不受投資人壓力可以自行決定自己的節奏 (書中有個 “10 jobs for 10 years" 的十年長期計畫),但也因為不公開,過去一直收到一些質疑。2018 年初創辦人過世了。這位號稱全世界最摳門的富豪,建立起充滿他個人風格的家具公司。隨著他的離去,是否IKEA經營理念還能持續下去,大家拭目以待!
延伸閱讀,是 IKEA創辦人在 1976 年所寫的
"The testament of a furniture dealer"
"Only while sleeping one makes no mistakes"(只有在睡覺時人才不會犯錯)
"Exaggerated planning is the most common cause of corporate death." (過度的計劃是企業最常見的死因)
「corporate capitalism」的推薦目錄:
- 關於corporate capitalism 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於corporate capitalism 在 雖然媽媽說那裡太危險 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於corporate capitalism 在 Mordeth13 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於corporate capitalism 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於corporate capitalism 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於corporate capitalism 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於corporate capitalism 在 What is CORPORATE CAPITALISM? What does ... - YouTube 的評價
corporate capitalism 在 雖然媽媽說那裡太危險 Facebook 的最佳解答
[#設計| Factopia: Capitalist Freedom, Animal Farm]
#工業化生產 #農產品 #概念設計
❍ 動物農場:資本主義式的自由❍
今天和大家聊聊的是在 Bangkok Design Week 2020 看到的設計。
在展場內有乳牛、蛋雞、恐龍、鱷魚等動物,對應到的是 #農產業。
策展概念成功結合現場的 #裝置操作。
他們寫了一首關於 #資本主義 的詩,直指資本主義下,我們失去了 #個體獨特性,一切全都是關乎生意、關乎利益。
For Capitalism, War and Peace are Business and Nothing but Business.
For Capitalism, Corporate and Independent are Business and Nothing but Business.
For Capitalism, Mass-Produced and Organic are Business and Nothing but Business.
For Capitalism, Death and Life are Business and Nothing but Business.
For Capitalism, Go Big and Go Home are Business and Nothing but Business.
❍ Factopia = Factory + Utopia ❍
成立自2017年的工作室,設計概念多和 #工業化生產省思 有關。
Factopia商品網站⇉ https://factopia.info/shop
corporate capitalism 在 Mordeth13 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Two of my friends:
"Why do you hate capitalism so much?"
"Capitalism and democratic socialism are not mutually exclusive. The economy of Taiwan runs on international manufacturing and exports (capitalism). The government had enough foresight to realize that pure capitalism with few controls on it would ultimately end up with a tiny percentage of the population having the vast majority of wealth leaving the majority of the citizens getting ever poorer (the USA) which would ultimately lead to a great deal of social unrest and discontent (the USA). They set up a system where even the poorest (and usually the most hardworking) had access to healthcare, education, public transportation, and basic utilities. All of those are very cheap here, as well as education. 90% of those who choose to go onto to higher education here can afford to do so. Industries still make a great deal of money and the capitalists are wealthy beyond what they could ever possibly need.
The situation you have in the US where "trickle down economics" never materialized as theorized by Reagan has led to a situation where the middle and lower classes have only gotten poorer and wealthy corporations now control the government and all major agencies, the CDC, FDA, EPA, etc.. . These corporations are free the wreck the environment, poison the food and water supply, hold your health for ransom, and get laws passed that require people to line up on demand and be injected with debilitating drugs (thus creating life-long customers for big pharma and the extremely over -priced healthcare system). Things have changed. America today is not a place where you can start from nothing, roll up your shirt sleeves, and become rich, at least not without a bit of "luck," so says any successful corporate executive these days. Without some kind of balance in governance (so-called socialism), eventually 70% of the population (that are already one layoff, accident, or serious illness away from bankruptcy), pick up their pitch forks and rebel. The popularity of Sanders exemplifies the rumblings that they day is coming. And that situation will be in the best interests of no one, including the capitalists. It wouldn't be the first time that's happened in history."
corporate capitalism 在 What is CORPORATE CAPITALISM? What does ... - YouTube 的必吃
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