第四屆的【月光行動 Operation Moonlight】
精彩報導~就在 第189期 【戰鬥王Combat King Monthly】
儘管秋冬疫情升溫,但邁向第四屆的〝月光行動〞(Operation Moonlight)依舊於日前在高雄盛大舉辦,共有來自全台各地多支戰隊的300餘位玩家參與,主辦單位不但安排了春田商社精心製作的沙漠巡邏車(DPV)和戰友改裝的悍馬車、皮卡車及4WD廂型車來增添實戰氛圍,還有壯觀的爆破特效,可視為近期台灣規模最盛大的類軍事活動,請看軍武安妮來自現場的採訪報導…
The 4th “Operation Moonlight” was held in the middle of December last year. There’re more than 300 enthusiastic airsofters attended this wargame. The organizer arranged a Desert Patrol Vehicle and few modified HUMVEE and pick-ups to increase the battle-like atmosphere, which make the 4th Operation Moonlight as the biggest MilSim activity being held recently…
#軍事 #月光行動 #軍武安妮 #戰鬥王 #CombatKingMonthly #生存遊戲 #台灣 #第四屆
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Combat King Monthly Sep. issue (No.188) will be on the market for sale on 2nd , Sep., 2020. The readers who live in the States may purchase it via http://www.Evike.com
.The magazines for US market will be arrived at Evike.com before 15th, May. Keep healthy against CODIC-19 and wish you all happy reading!
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