講返個主題,唔知大家信唔信「好心有好報」或者「正能量可以引發一啲正面嘅事情」?我一直都信呢樣嘢。呢幾日發生一件事令到我更加相信。話說我喺呢個網站認識了一個賣家(一個良心賣家用幾乎原價賣俾我),咁交易梗係要用WhatsApp聯絡,完成左交易之後佢send咗一段message俾我: “Mask is just side a little business, my key trade is also headhunting. We are looking for skilled professionals in the XXX industry, do have access good candidates within this industry? We have client in XXX, who is looking to fill several high level positions. If you are interested, let’s have a chat. I am the PM for a XXX headhunter, and we are looking for strategic partners, who could help us identify the right candidates within Asia”
嘩!網上云云幾千位賣家,咁都比我遇到一個機會,唔理最後成唔成事但係都係一件好鼓舞人心嘅消息(起碼我認為係好心有好報)。其實依半年都有唔少客戶,有啲仲係上市集團嘅HR透過依個Page認識我,大部份之後都有同我合作,有啲我仲成功幫佢哋搵到合適嘅Candidate。自己一路都有做一啲CSR,譬如之前一路有做開嘅愚公計劃、免費幫求職者配對工作、免費幫有迫切需要嘅求職者做Career Coaching,過往我都冇大事宣傳,因為唔係做俾人睇係做俾自己,反而做Career Coaching七個月以來,成功幫超過58位求職者搵到工作我就要大肆宣傳,因為想大家係呢種亂世入邊仲會有一種「相信自己」嘅心態,你要信自己係一個好嘅Candidate,咁樣你先可以寫到一份好嘅履歷表。我見過好多求職者成日同我講:我呢份工人工好低,冇乜特別要做嘅嘢,同埋自己冇乜特別技能,都寫唔到有啲咩成就/亮點出嚟。最後份履歷表簡簡單單,好「行」,好似求其上網抄返嚟又突出唔到自己咁樣,試問呢份履歷表點樣作為一張「入場券」令到你可以得到一個面試嘅機會呢?所以話,心態好重要,有正面嘅心態先可以寫到一啲正面嘅嘢出嚟,你要相信自己。再重複多一次,履歷表係一定要加“Achievements”,先可以突出自己,呢七個月入邊我見過超過200位Candidates,當中有超過九成都係履歷表上面冇寫Achievements,我做Career Coaching嘅時候會引導佢哋點樣寫,我會比功課佢哋。信不信由你,之後佢哋全部都有面試嘅機會,當中58個求職者有新嘅Offer/工作機會。
P.S 要20號先返嚟香港,之前買入嘅口罩及搓手液已經全數免費送出。月尾會在多一批大貨到時會在安排免費送出口罩及搓手液。
賣廣告時間:而家搵我同我團隊(包括現職HR及獵頭)做Career Coaching,同大家一齊抗疫,齊上齊落,全線八折!仲可以選擇三種方式:一對一面對面、電話、Google Hangouts視像,唔同價錢唔同選擇時間彈性歡迎PM查詢。好好裝備自己,打完場仗之後搵份好嘅工作!
「carousell career」的推薦目錄:
- 關於carousell career 在 全職獵人FullTime Headhunter Facebook 的最佳解答
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- 關於carousell career 在 Need a little change in your career? Carousell... | Facebook 的評價
- 關於carousell career 在 Engineering Career at Carousell - YouTube 的評價
- 關於carousell career 在 Google vs Facebook vs Microsoft - Compare career levels ... 的評價
carousell career 在 N.O.C - Night Owl Cinematics Facebook 的最佳貼文
As part of the SG Youth Action Plan, Sylvia and Marcus (Co-founder, Carousell) share insights on the ever*-*changing digital landscape in Southeast Asia and how Singaporean youths can stay competitive in terms of their education and jobs.
Watch them break down 10 useful facts about the workforce of tomorrow.
Spark the Next: SG Youth Action Plan
The SG Youth Action Plan is an extension of the Youth Conversations which gathered views from more than 8,000 youths on issues that matter to them last year. From the conversations, many youths have expressed a desire to be involved – be it in defining what success in Singapore should look like, having a say on important policies, or taking action to make a change for social good.
The Youth Action Challenge, a pillar of the SG Youth Action Plan, provides a platform for youth to start ground-up initiatives and propose policy changes. Join the challenge and be part of the change: https://gems.gevme.com/sgyap-econ
With disruptions coming from technology & digitalization, and the balance of power shifting to Asian markets, are we prepared for the future of work? Will we be fulfilled in this new economy? Join the discussion here: https://m.yoco.sg/topics/23
Read more here!
carousell career 在 Google vs Facebook vs Microsoft - Compare career levels ... 的必吃
Google: L3 / SWE II. L4 / SWE III. L5 / Senior SWE. L6 / Staff SWE. L7 / Senior Staff SWE. L8 / Principal Engineer. L9 / Distinguished Engineer. ... <看更多>
carousell career 在 Need a little change in your career? Carousell... | Facebook 的必吃
Need a little change in your career? Carousell has made this list of 10 tech companies that will make you want to quit your job right now! ... <看更多>