#英美書房 #世界藝文事Openbook都幫你整理好了
📍⚔️ #文豪大家格鬥遊戲發行
格鬥遊戲《Write N’Fight》將於11月20日在遊戲串流平台Steam上發行,在這款遊戲中,你可以操控擁有精實胸膛的海明威,對戰恐怖小說之王洛夫克拉夫特(Howard Phillips Lovecraft)!
📍👨👦 #獻給年少時摯愛科幻小說之作
憑藉《#樹冠上》贏得普立茲小說獎的作家鮑爾斯(Richard Powers),新作《#Bewilderment》於9月21日出版。這本描繪父子間親密深情及深具生態關懷之作,已通過今年美國國家書卷獎初選,以及英國布克獎決選。
📍🎊 #莎莉魯尼新作獲熱烈迴響
《正常人》作者莎莉.魯尼新書《Beautiful World, Where Are You》9月7日在英美同步上市,再度引起話題。新書正式上市後僅憑3天內的銷量就登上英國水石書店2021年度暢銷第一名,且獲得媒體和書評熱烈迴響,在Book Marks專業書評網站創下10天內獲得67篇書評的紀錄(根據Book Marks統計,史蒂芬.金的8月新書《Billy Summer》上市至今只有19篇媒體書評)。
📍🌟 #哈潑柯林斯發起獨立書店起步支援計畫
●追蹤Openbook IG:https://goo.gl/Enkzy3
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,450的網紅ROOFTOPMOB,也在其Youtube影片中提到,- 街聲傳送門:https://streetvoice.com/KaoLin/songs/623157/ - Zashō 高林 - Bewilderment【箇】(Official Visualizer) - 『討厭自己的其中一種討厭法』 ; Artist | Zashō Beat Arran...
bewilderment 在 Ismail Ariffin Lepat Facebook 的最佳解答
Pagi ini.. 7:45 pagi. Restoran Awwal Maju.
Saat mencapai piring kecil untuk 2 Vadey.
"Assalamualaikum lepat!.. Selamat hari raya, Lepat duduk area sini?"
"Alaikumussalam Bang.. ya selamat raya zahir batin, saya dok belakang tu saja.."
"Saya selalu jugak layan youtube tentang Lepat.. wah! Viral sakan baru baru ni, ramai Ustad hentam lepat."
Lepat diam di mulut dan berkata didalam akalnya 'hmm sorang lagiii...'
"Maaf Pat, kalau tersinggung, tak ada niat pun nak menyakitkan hati Lepat, cuma nak tau macam mana lepat hadap semua tu.."
"Wallahi saya tak sakit hati, cuma melugai dan sangat bosan dengan apa yang terjadi dan kesannya.. itu saja.. baik bang saya nak hadap sarapan pagi saya.."
"Ok ok baik Lepat..".
Lepat duduk merehatkan akal dan perasaan, matanya di pejamkan untuk beberapa saat. Kemudian Vadey di jamahnya, matanya kembali di pejamkan, yang di kunyah adalah kenyataan yang di telan adalah kekecewaan.
"Bagaimanakah Kakak-kakak aku menghadapi semua ini?, Sahabat aku, sanak Saudara ku?. Moga terbukalah mata hati mereka, moga terpancarlah cahaya dari akal fikir mereka, moga segalanya menjadi terang dan jelas, sedar dan kenal bahawa 'Fitnah adalah fitnah' walau ianya datang dari penyebar yang berjubah serban. Walau ianya hadir terbit dari seorang Mufti atau juga dari seorang Penceramah Agama dan dari mereka mereka yang pernah belajar di tanah Arab!" - Akal Lepat berjalan sendirian di dataran yang begitu kasar dan keras.
"Struggle with all alien thoughts, be akways mindful of what you are doing and thinking.so that you may put the imprint of your immortallity on every passing incident of your daily life.. but be always remember, 'sometime He shows Himself in one way. Sometime in the opposite way, the work of Religion is naught but bewilderment.." - Teringat dia akan baris nasihat dari seorang Wali Allah.
"Ahh.. God..." - matanya kembali di pejamkan.. Vadey telah terbiar tak lagi di sentuhi. Tangannya menggenggam telinga gelas Teh C kosong. Namun tetap saja suasana itu terbiar sebegitu.
"Ah! Syariat dengan Syariatnya!
Makrifat dengan Makrifatnya semata mata, terasing dan apa apa saja!, jika itu yang kalian setuju, maka itulah yang akan ku tempuh lalu.."
"Aku harus bangun ke depan dan menjawab secara bagaimana Aku yang telah di pergambarkan oleh mereka, iaitu Manusia Sesat! Manusia yang tidak tahu Agama!, .. hm hm .. baiklah.."
Nantikanlah video aku yang seterusnya, kalian akan ku ajar sepertimana aku yang kalian perwatakkan, bahasa kasar maki hamun itulah orang yang telah tersesat dari kaedah Agama, tersasar pada tata tertib kaedah satu pada yang ramai, ramai pada yang satu...
"There no turning back! Allah akhbar".
. . https://youtu.be/aIdwNE_Cqt0
bewilderment 在 Miura Haruma (三浦春馬 ) Facebook 的最讚貼文
For some reason, when you smile My anxieties vanish
Time starts moving as if you cast a spell
I was dreaming about a whale flying in the sky Beyond a sea with no borders
If it would take my sorrows away somewhere All there would be left is a blank white world
I want you to just be yourself With a candid heart
You started walking without even wiping away the tears
There’s no need to worry I’ll always be watching over you
Heading for tomorrow We are living in the present with certainty
Finding similarities between us and getting inexplicably happy
If only we could live gathering little bits of joy like that
I found a red balloon somewhere It carries someone’s feelings with it
I wonder if they’ll come true We’ll be next and open up our hands and release our wishes into the sweeping sky
I want you to be just the way you are With your unchanging smile
So that it won’t vanish no matter what kind of days come
If you get tired of believing and can’t see anything
I’ll shout your name out loud no matter where I am
When you stop in your tracks, at your wit’s end at the waves of bewilderment that come and go
Don’t forget about the path you followed And that you aren’t alone
I want you to just be yourself With a candid heart
You started walking without even wiping away the tears
There’s no need to worry I’ll always be watching over you
Heading for tomorrow With a firm step
One step at a time, one step at a time We are living in the present with certainty :)
bewilderment 在 ROOFTOPMOB Youtube 的最佳解答
Zashō 高林 - Bewilderment【箇】(Official Visualizer)
Artist | Zashō
Beat Arranger | derrickpannther
Composer & Lyricist | Zashō
Producer | Zashō / Zac Rao
Recording x Mixing | Zac Rao
Recording Studio:金剛門大樹林工作室
Visual Design : pussinbooots
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rooftopmob_official/
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/rooftopmob
StreetVoice : https://streetvoice.com/Rooftopmob/
Zashō 高林:
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rooftopmob_zasho/
StreetVoice : https://streetvoice.com/KaoLin/
Zac Rao :
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rooftopmob_zac_rao/
StreetVoice : https://streetvoice.com/zac60422/
朱亭貞 pussinbooots :
常看著鏡子的第一句話 是:
連恐懼也大 大到漸漸眼熟卻不認識他
箇中差異 有何等差距
成一 種人拿到許可
到底解心的藥 得去哪要
我不知道 我不知道
野心的笑 我去不掉 我不想要
停止對自我控制 停止 終止停止 終止
停止對自我漠視 停止 終止停止 終止
停止對自我仇視 停止 終止停止 終止

bewilderment 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文
《夢中夢》官方翻譯由我們提供 🎉🎉🎉
Facebook 讓你下載單字卡:https://www.facebook.com/bingobilingual/
Instagram 讓你看 Bingo 私生活:https://instagram.com/bingobilingual_bb/
➡️ 金曲譯者的其他影片:
《玫瑰少年 Womxnly》蔡依林 | 歌詞解析及翻譯
絕美翻譯!! 郁可唯 路過人間 cover 用英文唱
兩秒學5個單字 | 周湯豪 兩秒終 歌詞翻譯
綠茶婊翻成 green tea bxtch?! | 波霸奶茶 陳瑾緗 歌詞翻譯及解析
不同的城市 同個故事
Different cities, same story
不同的粉絲 同種注視
Different fans, same gaze
不同的音軌 重複錄製
Different soundtracks recorded over and over
不同的巡迴 演無數次
Different tours performed again and again
不同的光芒 同樣刺眼 像把我穿透
Numerous rays of light, dazzling alike, all try to pierce through me
不同的訪綱 同樣嗜血 等著我犯錯
Numerous interview outlines, sinister alike, are all filled with traps
不同的房號 同樣失眠 和夢魘纏鬥
Numerous hotel rooms, unsleepable alike, all give me nightmares
不同處方藥 同樣制約 暫時性挽救
Numerous prescriptions, inhibiting alike, all cure only the symptoms
不同人知道我 但沒人認識我
People know me, but no one understands me
不同人需要我 沒人敢正視我
People need me, but no one looks at me directly
不同的治療後 沒人能根治我
After receiving different therapies, I’m still not cured
不同的包裝粉飾後 我感到更赤裸
After putting on different masks, I feel more naked
As the loop repeats itself
My soul and body gradually fall out of sync
不同的佈景 上演同個劇情 不同幕
Different settings, same scenario, different acts
抽離後 看著自己變麻木
Looking at myself from a distance, I feel more and more apathetic
it’s just like déjà vu
it’s just like déjà vu
When I’m yet again surrounded by unfamiliar people
Flashlights from the paparazzi
Noise of the crowd
skr 煞車聲伴隨刺耳尖叫
skr car brake sounds and shrill screams
man you‘re sick as hell
man you‘re sick as hell
Into the mic someone speaks
man you’re sick as hell
man you‘re sick as hell
Memories flash before my eyes like a teaser of a musical
is it real?
is it real?
注定的人生 像由人編造
My life is predestined like a script already written
is it real?
is it real?
宿命都成真 是否是圈套
Can't escape my destiny. Is this all a trap?
is it real?
is it real?
When the screen goes upside down
The colors are sucked out; only lines are left
一瞬間忘記我在追夢中 還是睡夢中
Suddenly, I’m not sure whether I’m chasing my dream or dreaming a dream
It’s like a vivid dream within a dream
造神 毀神 標準 流程
Being put on and then knocked off a pedestal; what a standard procedure
掌聲 噓聲 一轉身 鴉雀無聲
Cheering and criticism both disappear as I turn around
I look at the city in the foothills of the mountains while it’s fast asleep
那曾是珍貴的人事物 驀然回首人事已非
There used to be people and things I cherished, but they’re all gone now
everything fading away
everything fading away
已沒有了退路 只能向上奮力的推
There’s no turning back; all I can do is push the rock uphill
That rock is my guilt
每個晚上 質問著我會不會扼腕
Every night, I feel guilty and ask myself whether I feel regret
For my temporary pleasure
讓那業障不斷堆砌 積沙成塔
My karmic debts accumulate day after day
已無法急剎車 像邁向註定結局希臘神話
There’s no stopping now; I’m like a tragic hero in Greek mythology
然而當我達到山頂 I’ll be recognized
But I'll be recognized once I reach the summit
悲劇夠經典也會永遠被記載 right?
And my tragic story will be remembered, right?
and I’ll never rest
and I’ll never rest
Til I’m higher than Everest
Til I’m higher than Everest
a legend that will never die
a legend that will never die
I’ll never die!
I’ll never die!
As the fame fades
Half of the fans disappear
Interest on the wane
娛樂版 追尋下個天團
The paparazzi start looking for the next superstar
man your end has come
man your end has come
Someone is reading my diagnosis
man your end has come
man your end has come
Memories flashes before my eyes like comic strips
is it time?
Is it time?
夢想的成真 永遠最璀璨
A dream looks the most beautiful the moment it comes true
is it time?
Is it time?
陪葬的純真 鮮少人揭穿
But few talk about the innocence sacrificed
is it time?
is it time?
When the screen rotates
The colors are sucked out; only darkness is left
一瞬間忘記我在追夢中 還是睡夢中
Suddenly, I’m not sure whether I’m chasing my dream or dreaming a dream
It’s like a vivid dream within a dream
造神 毀神 標準 流程
Being put on and then knocked off a pedestal; what a standard procedure
掌聲 噓聲 一轉身 鴉雀無聲
Cheering and criticism both disappear as I turn around
Big rock, big rock
Uphills, uphills
In my dream, someone once promised me freedom
作為交換條件 某部分的我被奪走
As long as I give up some parts of me
究竟為何 在夢中卻已渾濁
Which parts? The memory is too vague now
夢醒後 內容回想起總是荒謬
The dream always feels ridiculous when I’m awake
But somehow I still hear the voice saying we’ll meet again
帶著參悟 帶著困惑 一步步邁向業果
With enlightenment and bewilderment, my efforts will culminate in my karmic fruits
Big rock, big rock
Uphills, uphills

bewilderment 在 Bewilderment by Richard Powers - Goodreads 的相關結果
Bewilderment book. Read 1546 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. A heartrending new novel from the Pulitzer Prize–winning and #1 New... ... <看更多>
bewilderment 在 Bewilderment | 誠品線上 的相關結果
Bewilderment. 作者, Richard Powers. 出版社, W. W. NORTON & COMPANY, INC. 商品描述, Bewilderment:【2021 ... ... <看更多>
bewilderment 在 bewilderment中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
bewilderment 的例句. bewilderment. A failure to comprehend which cannot be role-played - is far more devastating, as it imposes a sense ... ... <看更多>