我這個禮拜收到了美國國會兩位議員的兩面美國旗。 我很高興能夠與你們分享美國對台灣的支持和讚賞!
美國在六月底捐給台灣寶貴的疫苗,我因為美國的慈善行為和台灣人的感激之情所感動。 我決定寫信給50 多名國會議員,每封信都包含 400 多條來自台灣人自己的感謝信息。 好幾個國會會員收到此封信而兩位已經回答了寄給我一個美國旗. 這些美國旗為什麼特別呢?這些美國旗都飄揚在美國國會大廈來紀念台灣和美台關係。
這篇文章中的照片來自一面美國旗,另一面美國旗下個禮拜可以開箱給你們看。 我計劃在九月將這些旗幟運送到台灣,我計畫把兩面美國旗捐贈給台灣其中一個博物館、一個城市政府地方或任何其他合適的地方,並且會像我一樣重視它。
感謝你們所有的支持,尤其是我的 YouTube 頻道成員,感謝你們慷慨的捐款,這些捐款幫助我支付了所有國會議員的寫作費用,以及將國旗運往各州和台灣的費用。也非常感謝我媽媽的協助,因為她我才能夠做得到這件事.
文件 1:
美利堅合眾國國旗 - 茲證明隨附的旗幟於 2021 年 7 月 27 日應美國參議員邁克爾·李 (Micheal S. Lee) 閣下的要求懸掛在美國國會大廈上空。
這一請求是為 Logan D. Beck (小貝)提出的,以紀念台灣在 2021 年 6 月 20 日對美國慷慨捐贈疫苗的感激之情。
文件 2:
祝賀你們為加強美國與台灣之間的關係所做的工作。 您的工作改善了與您同住的人的生活,也改善了受益於與台灣牢固關係的美國人的生活。 這一切就證明了您的辛勤工作、領導能力和服務。 像你這樣的人讓猶他州和整個美國變得非凡。
保持良好的工作! 我毫不懷疑你會在未來幾年對我們偉大的國家和民族產生影響。 再次祝賀你繼續取得的成就。
This week I received two flags from two members of the United States Congress. I’m very thrilled to be able to share with you a token of America support and appreciation for Taiwan!
After the United States donated vaccines to Taiwan in late June I was moved by the charitable act of the United States and the gratitude shown by the Taiwanese. I decided to write over 50 members of Congress, each letter containing over 400 messages of gratitude from the Taiwanese themselves. In return two answered back by sending a United States flag that was specially flown over the United States Capitol in honor of Taiwan and the US Taiwan relationship.
The photos in this post are from one flag, the other flag should be ready to show you by next week. I plan to ship these flags to Taiwan in September and plan to donate them to a museum, Government building or any other place that is suitable and would value it as much as I do.
That for all your support, especially my YouTube channel members for you generous donations that helped me pay for writing all of the members of Congress and for getting the flags shipped across states and to Taiwan. Also, big thanks to my Mom for assisting my in the ambitious project, without her help this couldn’t have been accomplished.
Letter 1:
The Flag of the United States of America - This is to certify that the accompanying flag was flown over the United States Capitol on July 27, 2021 at the request of the Honorable Micheal S. Lee, United States Senator.
This request was made for Logan D. Beck in honor of Taiwan gratitude for the United States generous donation of vaccines on June 20, 2021.
Letter 2:
Dear Logan,
Congratulations on your work strengthening the relationship between the United States and Taiwan. Your work has improved the lives of those you live with as well as the lives of Americans who benefit from a strong relationship with Taiwan. This achievement is a testament to your hard work, leadership and service. People like you make Utah, and the United States at large, remarkable.
Keep up the good work! I have no doubt you will make an impact on our great state and nation for years to come. Congratulations again on all you continue to accomplish.
Warm regards,
Michael S. Lee
United States Senator
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