同學們,最近是不是忙著期中考呢? 星期五Friday night換個心情來AIT看電影吧!星期五首場的AIT電影之夜,我們將放映根據真人真事改編的電影"勇闖禁區 (Glory Road)",講述白人籃球教練率領校隊獲得1966年NCAA冠軍,並成為首支獲得全美冠軍的黑人球隊。本片探討了種族、美國大學運動等議題。電影英文發音,中文字幕,保證精彩!而且美國中心代理主任孔世杰將會在電影放映之後與大家座談喔。快上網報名吧!#IEW2015
電影: 勇闖禁區 (Glory Road)
時間: 2015年11月20日晚上18:00 – 20:30
報名網址: http://goo.gl/forms/J4IQsuuNOj
Don’t forget, AIT Movie Night is FRIDAY NIGHT!! After a busy week, join us to watch a movie at #AITAmericanCenter and learn something new about U.S. culture. Tomorrow’s exciting film “Glory Road” is based on the true story about an all-black basketball team that played in the 1966 NCAA championship. The movie will be screened in English with Chinese subtitles. AIT’s Acting American Center Director Jesse Curtis will lead the after-movie discussion. #IEW2015
Time: November 20, 2015, 18:00-20:30
Venue: AIT American Center (2101, 21st FL. 333 Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei, Taiwan)
Registration: http://goo.gl/forms/J4IQsuuNOj
aitamericancenter 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
朋友們,來AIT看電影囉! 美國在台協會即將舉辦AIT電影之夜,首場AIT電影之夜將於11月20日(週五)晚上6點在AIT美國中心舉行。配合國際教育週,首場AIT電影之夜要播放的電影是《勇闖禁區》(Glory Road)。本片根據真實故事改編,故事發生在一所德州的小型州立學校,描述一個白人籃球教練如何帶領一支黑人球隊,在美國大學籃球聯賽擊敗其他全是白人的籃球隊,打進1966年的大學籃球聯賽冠軍戰。這部電影主要在探討種族多元和運動在大學裡所扮演的角色。在忙碌了一週之後,來AIT看一場電影吧!美國中心代理主任孔世杰將會在電影放映後與大家座談。
#IEW2015 #EducationUSATaiwan #AITAmericanCenter
時間: 2015年11月20日晚上18:00 – 20:30
報名網址: http://goo.gl/forms/J4IQsuuNOj
Hello friends, get ready for AIT Movie Night! AIT is launching a new Movie Night series. The first screening will be Friday, November 20, 2015 at 18:00 at the American Center in downtown Taipei. To mark International Education Week, our first AIT Movie Night film is “Glory Road.” Based on the true story of a white coach at a small state school in Texas, who formed an all-black basketball team that beat several all-white teams to play in the 1966 NCAA championship game. This movie touches on issues of racial diversity and the role of sports in academics. AIT’s Acting American Center Director Jesse Curtis will lead the after-movie discussion. Celebrate the end of mid-terms with us.
Time: November 20, 2015, 18:00-20:30
Venue: AIT American Center (2101, 21st FL. 333 Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei, Taiwan)
Registration: http://goo.gl/forms/J4IQsuuNOj