AIT處長酈英傑於昨日出席外交部額溫槍捐贈典禮表示:「這次的『台灣模式』為世界提供了五項寶貴的經驗,它們可以用五個『T』來概括,即:透明度(Transparency)、交通管制(Transportation Controls)、追蹤(Tracking)、檢測(Testing)和科技(Technology)。今天,我想我們可以再加上第六個『T』,那就是:體溫計(Thermometers)!美國人民知道『台灣能幫忙』,我們在此向台灣表達感謝!」
The United States and Taiwan have been enhancing cooperation on preventing the spread of COVID-19, including sharing the effective #TaiwanModel with the international community.
“The #TaiwanModel offers five key lessons for the world which can perhaps be summarized as the ‘Five Ts’: Transparency, Transportation Controls, Tracking, Testing, and Technology. Today, we could add a sixth T: Thermometers! We are so grateful for the donations of both face masks and now thermometers from the Taiwan. Thank you from the American people who know that Taiwan can help.” —— AIT Director Christensen at MOFA Thermometer Donation Ceremony on April 24, 2020
Read more: https://www.ait.org.tw/remarks-by-ait-director-w-brent-christensen-at-mofa-thermometer-donation-ceremony/
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AIT's online customer portal for fast, easy access to all your vital shipping information and activities, including quotes, claims, tracking, billing and ... ... <看更多>