▲ 人工智慧化身具有創造力的時尚引擎 ▲
你有想過嗎?在不久的將來,AI 將成為你專屬的時尚助理,不僅能為你提供 #造型與穿搭建議,還能 #設計潮流服飾!
Appier 研究團隊在今年的美國人工智慧年會 (#AAAI) 中針對「#AI創造力」發表前瞻性研究成果。團隊將深度學習模型以及生成對抗網路 (#GANs) 技術應用於服飾搭配與設計,讓 AI 自動學習與分析服飾搭配原則,了解服飾造型之間的搭配關係與技巧,進而設計獨特新穎的服飾!
一直以來,Appier 希望將 AI 帶到人類生活的各個面向,其中也包含了創意的展現 — 這次的研究成果發現,當機器逐漸擁有類似人類的創意以及穿搭思維,未來 AI 也能掌握設計趨勢脈動並貢獻各種創意構想,成為設計師的得力助手!
▊點我看更多 >> https://goo.gl/AQHnKm
▊2018 美國人工智慧年會 >> https://goo.gl/52DB4R
aaai18 在 Appier Facebook 的精選貼文
∴ Another exciting step forward towards realizing #creativity in AI ∴
Last week, the Appier team demonstrated pioneering research that showcased AI’s ability to be creative at the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (#AAAI18), one of the world's leading conferences in AI.
Our study takes a unique approach to applying cutting edge deep learning techniques in compatibility distance and Generative Adversarial Networks (#GANs) to apparel design.
Do you like these lovely clothes designed by AI? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
▊Learn more about our research >> https://goo.gl/AQHnKm
aaai18 在 Appier Facebook 的最讚貼文
👨💼 Our research has been introduced to several respected researchers and technology leaders at the #AAAI2018 Conference today!
#AppierAAAI18 #AAAI18