Whenever life gets you down, create your own light, your own glow! 💫 Here are some glowy picks for you to brighten up your complexion:
• @sum37_singapore Secret Essence - it’s been my go-to for a healthy, radiant complexion, I don’t know what to do without this skin saver!
• #Sum37 Secret Oil - newly launched, this is sure to keep your skin hydrated, plump, smooth & radiant
• @maybelline Master Chrome Metallic Highlighter
• @nudestix #MyNudies in Hey Honey
• @lovephilosophy Time In Bottle Eye Serum
• @laneigesg Perfect Renew Eye Serum
• @lorealmakeup Metallic by Color Riche Lipsticks in 3 Limited Edition shades
Are you gonna let it glow?
#lorealparissg #sum37 #숨 #화장품 #스킨케어 #sum37sg #secretessence #discoverunder100k #secretoil #maybelline #maybellinesg #philosophy #lovephilosophy #timeinabottle #laneigesg #라네즈 #nudestix #laneige #sephora #makeupmess #maquillaje #kosmetika #oliviaburton