羽織,翱翔之羽 如夢織心
Life is free and easy
Art of Nostalgia but Enthusiastic
Having the simple wish let live crosses simply; a little bit art, a little
antique, but lively vivid. Also hope can do something for Taiwanese
patchwork; expecting Taiwanese patchwork can reach peak in the
wild patchwork mountain.For this tiny thought, Haori Taiwan Co., Ltd
is established by Miss Rosa Yang April 2008.Not the great aim only tiny
and simple expecting; yes, 『Life is free and easy』is our Slogan.
Welcome you to our website; http://www.haroi.com.tw, and together share
line@id @qls9493g
message 專線 ? m.me/haori.tw
Whatsapp http://go.haori.com.tw/jyq