「亞洲超級新星大賽」參賽歌手:Nowhere Boys [香港]
「大家好 我們是 Nowhere Boys
我們很興奮可以參與 希望到時候見到大家
Nowhere Boys - 致旅途中的我 Official MV
Nowhere Boys 於2015年,由五位性格、音樂背景及風格截然不同的音樂人所組成, 結合各人在音樂領域的長處,延伸出充滿童話及科幻意境的「電影式」搖滾曲風。 成員包括唱作人Van、 爵士鼓手Nate、 結他手Ken、 琴手/小提琴手Fisher 和全能樂手Hansun。 電台上榜歌曲包括《天外飛仙》、 《地心吸力》、《生死時速》及《致旅途中的我》 等。
出道以來,Nowhere Boys便獲得不少參與大型活動演出的機會,如:Wow and Flutter the Weekend、 自由約及Dr. Martens Stands for Something等, 亦曾在東莞、廣州等中國城市演出。
2017年10月推出第三張專輯《月光寶盒》,並在香港舉行首個售票音樂會「 《月光寶盒》平行時空音樂會 」;於2018年6月,更在廣州舉行首個內地專場演唱會。另外,Nowhere Boys以「我要上迷笛粵港澳區總決賽2018」優勝代表的身份,代表粵港澳的樂隊出席「迷笛音樂節」。
Five independent musicians get together and grouped as “Nowhere Boys” in 2015. Their music aimed to express in a more dramatic way, from fairy tales to science fictions, by showing their talent and abilities in music to perform with cinematic rock band sound. Nowhere Boys consists of singer-songwriter Van Chan, jazz drummer Nate Wong, guitar expert Kenneth Angus, psychedelic pianist/ violinist Fisher Kan and all-round bassist/ instrumentalist Hansun Chan. Charted songs included, “Flying Fairy”, “Gravity”, “Speed” and “For me, on my journey”, etc.
“Nowhere boys” has been involved in many mega events since grouped, such as “Wow and Flutter the Weekend”, “Freespace Happening in West Kowloon”, and “Dr. Marten Stands for Something”, etc. They have also got the chance to perform in Dongguan and Guangzhou in Mainland.
They have released their third album, “Pandora’s Box” and staged their own concert in 2017. Then, the concert was toured to Guangzhou in 2018 for the first time. Moreover, Nowhere Boys was granted the championship to represent Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau bands to attend the Midi Festival in China recently.
香港亞洲流行音樂節2017 在 Jannine Weigel Facebook 的精選貼文
See you guys in the big concert "Hong Kong Asian-Pop Music Festival 2018" on March 23! 😘
วันนี้ #พลอยชมพู จะเดินทางไปแสดงคอนเสิร์ตที่ฮ่องกงในงาน #HKAMF 2018 เริ่ม 23 มี.ค. นี้ เป็นกำลังใจให้ด้วยน้าา 😍 <3 //Ad Eke
Jannine Weigel [泰國]
Jannine Weigel於2000年7月30日出生於德國施泰因富爾特。
從2010年中開始直至現在,她主要生活在泰國。她成長為一名歌手,詞曲作者和女演員。2012年,她與 GMM GRAMMY 簽約。在2013年2月她12歲時開始在 YouTube 上翻唱別人的歌。這使她成為第一位僅在兩年內獲得 YoutubeGold 按鈕的泰國歌手。雖然有了一個標籤,但她在 YouTube 頻道上可以呈現的內容仍有一些限制。但她很幸運,後來得到了她的唱片公司的支持,讓她發佈自己的英文和其他語言的原創歌曲。
2015年4月當她14歲時,發行了第一張名為《Love Mai Love》的泰國單曲,同年9月,她發行了第一張英文EP《創世紀》,這是一張獨立發行的專輯。 2016年2月,在 GMM GRAMMY 旗下發行的泰國單曲《Away》使她在泰國及其周邊國家非常知名。這首歌也是Jannine Weigel 的第一首歌在 Youtube 上達到了超過1億觀眾。
2017年6月,她的第一張德國單曲《Zurueck zu Dir》(回到你身邊)由 Berlin Production Music / 環球唱片公司發行。2017年7月6日出版了第二張英文專EP《DEEP END》。同年9月15日,她被邀請在美國監製 GAWVI 的一首名為《鑽石》的單曲上演唱。除此之外,她還為日本動畫電影、泰國電視劇、泰國電影、肥皂劇和廣告唱過幾首電影原創音樂(O.S.T)。
Jannine Weigel (Heart Stop)MV:
Jannine Weigel was born on the 30th July 2000 in Steinfurt, Germany.
From mid 2010 until recently she lives primarily in Thailand. She developed to be a singer, songwriter and actress. In 2012 she got signed with GMM GRAMMY. In February 2013 at the age of 12, she started to do covers on YouTube. That made her the first Thai singer who achieved the Youtube Gold button within 2 years only. While being with a label she had some restrictions of what she could present on her YouTube channel. But she was lucky to later on get the support of her label to let her release her own original songs in English and other languages.
In April 2015 at the age of 14 she released her first Thai single called "Love Mai Love". In September 2015 she released her first English EP "Genesis". In February 2016 her Thai single "Away" that reached over 100M views on Youtube and has made her very well-known.
In June 2017 her first German single "Zurueck zu Dir" has been released under the label Berlin Production Music / Universal. On the 6th July 2017 she released her second English EP "DEEP END". On the 15 th September 2017 she has been featured on a track with the American producer GAWVI on a single called "Diamonds". Other than that she has sung several original soundtracks (O.S.T) for Japanese animations movie, Thai TV series, a Thai movie, soaps and TVC's.
香港亞洲流行音樂節2017 在 Supper Moment Facebook 的最佳貼文
Supper Moment [香港]
香港樂隊 Supper Moment 成立於2006年,成員為主音及結他手陳仕燊 (Sunny)、低音吉他手張祖光(CK)、結他手梁燿鵬 (Martin) 和鼓手陳鴻達 (Hugh)。 他們於2006年於廠牌「紅線音樂」旗下推出首張專輯。樂隊活力十足的現場表演一直是最具感染力的部份。
在2015-2017年間數次獲得商業電台叱吒頒獎禮中的組合金獎、叱吒十大和觀眾票選出的我最喜愛的組合。Supper Moment 曾參與海內外多個音樂節如Clockenflap,演出足跡由中國大陸、台灣、韓國、新加坡,到澳洲和英國等等。 Supper Moment 是「香港亞洲流行音節」首支代表香港作為表演嘉賓的樂隊。這四個小伙子用了十二年時間探索音樂,並繼續向外推展,將音樂帶到更遠。
Supper Moment (說再見了吧) MV:
Supper Moment is one of the most popular Cantonese pop-rock bands in Hong Kong. Band members are Sunny(Vocal & Acoustic Guitar), Martin (Guitar), CK (Bass Guitar) and Hugh(Drum). The four-piece band was formed in 2006 and officially debuted in 2010 under Redline Music. Live performance of the band is acclaimed as energetic and powerful.
During 2015-2017, the band have been awarded several times “The Best Band and My Favourite Group”. Having been to various local and oversea gigs and festivals such as Clockenflap, Supper Moment spread their music to Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Australia, Singapore, UK, and over 10 cities in Mainland China. Supper Moment is the first of band to represent Hong Kong as the guest performer in Hong Kong Asian Pop Music Festival .The four young guys spent 12 years exploring music, and hope to continue spread their music further around the world.