【 週六長知識,一起聽聽下個世代的挑戰 | Challenge ahead for the next era 】
這次很幸運地能有機會邀請麥肯錫公司全球副董事合夥人暨資深組織諮詢專家 Tianwen Yu,來和我一起探討在下個世代,我們將會遇到的挑戰,究竟我們是否會被科技而取代呢? 一起看看影片怎麼說吧 !
It's a great honor for me to invite Associate Partner & Org. Practice Senior Expert Tianwen Yu to have an interview with me, discussing the topic around the challenge ahead for the next era. Will we be replaced from the technology? Let's take a look, you would find out the answer in the video :)
#2018霍華說說 #Business #EnvironmentChange #Interview #McKinsey
霍華說說 在 Howard C. Facebook 的精選貼文
【 六月人生,關於相信 | Life purpose on June — About belief 】
大家晚安 :) 希望大家都在享受週六的夜晚時光,霍華想和大家分享自己最近在工作上、生活上所得到的成就感!
沒想到,荒唐的日子與生活,依舊能點亮很多人、給予很多人正向的能量。從自己崇拜的人、小讀者、朋友的互動中,得知自己的貼文、分享都可以給大家能量去面對生活,也更加相信自己經營這些社群軟體是有意義的!真心感謝大家的支持 :) ;)
Good Evening! Hope that everyone have a great night during weekend!
Actually I just wanna share my achievement on my work and my life :)
During the past two months, I've tried so hard to enjoy and experience my life journey, especially trying new things and accepting new challenges.
Sometimes my friend would be confused about "This is not the Howard I had known before lol"
I have to say "Yap! I think I got a huge change after experiencing the hospital journey! Become braver to explore my living since life is to short!"
I am quite surprised that my awkward and creepy life journey still could empower and inspire people for gaining positive energy to overcome their obstacles! I am a lucky person that got all your support about managing my blog and social medias! I know that everything that I've done is meaningful ;)
So, in the future, if you have any topics want to share, please kindly reply it on the comment and I would try my best to share ! Have a good night !
#2018June #霍華說說