🏮 我寫中華料理 Review 都會很心虛, 因為吃得不夠廣, 怕被筆戰 (抖).
都一處有兩家分店 - 歷史悠久的仁愛路分店與內湖店. 我跟親戚們是去內湖店.
✅ 我個人蠻喜歡酸菜白肉湯 (NTD $260) 和九轉肥腸 (NTD $320)
✅ 我點合菜戴帽純粹只是N年沒吃很想念, 吃起來還不錯.
✅ 至於燒餅醬肉, 我的燒餅是溫偏冷且乾, 比較可惜.
✅ 褡褳火燒Size較大, 內餡有豬肉, 蝦仁和韭黃, 因為一個 NTD $55, 比較適合點給外國人吃.
地址: 台北市內湖區瑞光路258巷31號
捷運: 港墘站
Do it True Chinese Restaurant - Neihu District
Address: No. 31, 258th Lane,Ruiguang Road, Taipei City
MRT: Gangqian MRT station
Do it True Chinese Restaurant has two branches - Re-Ai Branch and Nei Hu Branch. My cousins and I went to Neihu Branch.
✅ I personally like Pickled Cabbage Soup (NTD $260) and Intestine with Sweet and Sour Sauce (NTD $320).
✅ I simply just miss omelet with bean sprouts and black fungus. The taste is pretty good.
✅ However, I am not found with my pastry with pork because the pastry is cold and dry.
✅ The stir-fried dumpling has pork, chives and shrimp. But since the unit price is NTD $55, it would be better to order this dish for foreign guests.
Blog: http://globalfoodelicious.com
Follow IG: goo.gl/Gh6gyH
🔎 IG: globalfoodelicious
🔆 Follow Where and What I eat
都一處 合菜 戴 帽 在 娜姐 Foodelicious Facebook 的最佳解答
🏮 我寫中華料理 Review 都會很心虛, 因為吃得不夠廣, 怕被筆戰 (抖).
都一處有兩家分店 - 歷史悠久的仁愛路分店與內湖店. 我跟親戚們是去內湖店.
✅ 我個人蠻喜歡酸菜白肉湯 (NTD $260) 和九轉肥腸 (NTD $320)
✅ 我點合菜戴帽純粹只是N年沒吃很想念, 吃起來還不錯.
✅ 至於燒餅醬肉, 我的燒餅是溫偏冷且乾, 比較可惜.
✅ 褡褳火燒Size較大, 內餡有豬肉, 蝦仁和韭黃, 因為一個 NTD $55, 比較適合點給外國人吃.
地址: 台北市內湖區瑞光路258巷31號
捷運: 港墘站
Do it True Chinese Restaurant - Neihu District
Address: No. 31, 258th Lane,Ruiguang Road, Taipei City
MRT: Gangqian MRT station
Do it True Chinese Restaurant has two branches - Re-Ai Branch and Nei Hu Branch. My cousins and I went to Neihu Branch.
✅ I personally like Pickled Cabbage Soup (NTD $260) and Intestine with Sweet and Sour Sauce (NTD $320).
✅ I simply just miss omelet with bean sprouts and black fungus. The taste is pretty good.
✅ However, I am not found with my pastry with pork because the pastry is cold and dry.
✅ The stir-fried dumpling has pork, chives and shrimp. But since the unit price is NTD $55, it would be better to order this dish for foreign guests.
Blog: http://globalfoodelicious.com
Follow IG: goo.gl/Gh6gyH
🔎 IG: globalfoodelicious
🔆 Follow Where and What I eat
都一處 合菜 戴 帽 在 Aimèe 奇幻味蕾之旅 Facebook 的最讚貼文
< 外食日記 > 北平都一處 🍚🍚
住在台北市的人們,應該都不會對『 都一處 』太陌生吧。還記得小時候就常常跟著家人到那邊用餐,沒想到這麼多年後,味道還是完全沒變,一樣美味。在競爭激烈的台北市裡,這家開創了半世紀的餐廳,客人還是一樣多,桌桌爆滿,由衷佩服 👍👏 如果聚餐人數多,真的很適合來嚐嚐這家老字號的北方菜,尤其喜歡吃餅皮類的朋友,應該會非常滿意 ( 大推蒸餃、鍋貼跟會噴汁的牛肉燒餅 ❤️❤️ )
🍴 松子醺雞
🍴 雞絲拉皮
🍴 合菜戴帽
🍴 褡褳火燒
🍴 酸菜白肉鍋
🍴 素菜蒸餃
🍴 芝麻醬燒餅
🍴 九轉肥腸
🍴 清炒蝦仁
p.s 他們的蔥油餅是招牌,只是是要先預訂的,芭寶打電話訂位時,竟然忘記訂了 ( 很想揍人 😕 )。