引述We art crips 殘障/身心障礙/障礙藝術文化
【障礙運動史紀】美國為什麼有比台灣還要完善的無障礙空間?不是政府特別好,都是身心障礙者發揮公民角色奮力爭取而來的!歷史紀錄38年前的今日,美國19 名身心障礙者權利運動者在克羅拉多州丹弗市把公車當「人質」過夜抗議!抗議政府竟然允許讓缺乏輪椅可及的公車在街上運作,於是用鐵鍊綑綁自己和公車!不讓公車運作!慢慢地,這個擅長以非暴力直接行動的團體開始在各地發酵,形成了名為 National ADAPT跨障別的社會運動組織。而現今,美國各大城市內都有低底盤輪椅可上的公車了。像芝加哥,我們整個城市、每個公車路線、每台公車,輪椅都可以上下!
上禮拜和余秀芷sleeve受邀出席一場針對目前 國家兩廳院 National Theater & Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan封館改修,內部觀眾席位是否會一同改善輪椅席位的質詢會議。答案是:目前沒有這規劃。輪椅席位仍然和30年前的數目差不多,不會改變。
秀芷說: 你可知道,目前兩廳院國家戲劇院正休館進行舞台設備、觀眾席座椅、樓層公共空間的全面更新?而這次的更新當中不包括增設無障礙席。國家戲劇院有1524席座位,只有5席無障礙觀眾席,遠低於身權法的規範,一個代表國家、具有指標性的文化展演場,卻排除了無障礙環境需求者的權利,半價優惠的座位會被樓梯擋到舞台上方,或者被舞台的佈景擋去大半視線,即使願意支付一般票價也別無選擇的五個座位,文化平權,將是一場必須積極爭取,才能化口號為實際的狀態。<https://www.facebook.com/sleeve1217/posts/941036516005926>
圖: 黑白照片前方一群身障者趟在街上,阻擋公車的去路,使得公車被迫停放在路旁。公車窗戶前窗夾著抗議海報 "Taxation Without Transportation" (我納稅,公車還是不給我乘坐)海報畫用線條畫著站立的小人,寫著免費搭車。下方畫有一個輪椅使用者的圖案,寫著,不準搭車。背景可見一台公車也被路霸和輪椅給隔開。
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#身心障礙藝文參與權 #文化平權
TODAY IN DISABILITY HISTORY: On July 5-6, 1978, Wade Blank and nineteen disabled activists--The Gang of 19--from ADAPT (then known as the American Disabled for Accessible Public Transit) held a city bus "hostage" on the corner of Broadway and Colfax one of the busiest intersections in Denver, Colorado. The historic protest lasted overnight. ADAPT eventually grew to become a national grassroots, cross-disability activist organization. Photo via The Denver Post. IMAGE: In the foreground a Denver city bus is shown stopped at the curb blocked from moving by a group of disabled people laying down in the street in front of it. Signs are lodged in the front windshield wipers that read: "Taxation Without Transportation" and a drawing of a stick figure followed by an = sign and the words "Free Ride." Just below that we see a hand drawn version of the universal access symbol with a person using a wheelchair with an = sign followed by the words "No Ride." In the background we see another city bus separated by a row of traffic barricades and a now empty wheelchair visible from the back in the upper right corner. Feel free to share, but be sure to include the image description. Thank you. #WeWillRide
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