在衛福部石崇良次長、外交部常務次長俞大㵢及貝里斯駐台大使碧坎蒂(Candice Pitts)等人共同見證之下,這場 #貝里斯護理人員學習成果發表會 不僅是 #台貝醫療合作 的里程碑,在COVID-19疫情之際,透過國際醫療合作,台灣針對醫療照護、專業知識等方面與貝里斯合作,協助推展醫療技術與衛生訓練,更展現台灣 #醫療外交 軟實力!
#奇美醫學中心醫療副院長 田宇峯在外交部協助下,在2019年率團至貝里斯衛生部簽署5年合作意向書,去年3月份這群貝里斯「護理天使」來台進修18個月,這段期間台貝友誼不僅持續深化,藉由在台灣的經驗也將提升貝里斯醫療品質,造福貝國全體人民健康福祉!
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Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare Chung-Liang Shih, MOFA Vice Minister Alexander Yui and Belizean Ambassador Candice Pitts attended an achievement ceremony held recently for five graduates of the #Belize Nursing Training Program in #Taiwan.
The program builds on an MOU signed between the Chi Mei Medical Center and the Belizean Ministry of Health and Wellness in 2019 aimed at strengthening ties and increasing medical cooperation, exchange and training initiatives.
The graduates started the program in March 2020 and are scheduled to return to Belize later this month to put all that they’ve learned in different departments including general surgery, orthopedics, maternity, ENT and neurosurgery, into practice!
貝里斯護理人員學習成果發表會 在 台灣針對醫療照護、專業知識等方面與貝里斯合作 的必吃
在衛福部石崇良次長、外交部常務次長俞大㵢及貝里斯駐台大使碧坎蒂(Candice Pitts)等人共同見證之下,這場#貝里斯護理人員學習成果發表會不僅是#台貝醫療合作的 ... ... <看更多>