外傷醫療中有一個專有名詞,叫做「損害控制手術(damage control surgery)」,強調的不是如何「拚鬥」,反而是什麼時候該「撤退」,當出現上述已經超過外科手術所能處理的範圍時,外科醫師必須知道該是撤退的時候了,撤退不等於投降,而是轉換戰場到加護病房,把病人的生理狀況調整好,手術勝算提高後,重回手術室再戰。
誰在一壘英文 在 倒數60天職場生存日記 -上班族都該領悟的道理 Facebook 的最佳解答
跑過二壘時,想起了在DAY 15 中寫過拿到打擊王後被資遣的往事。從小我就很會打棒球,總是能莫名其妙的擊中球心、在關鍵的時刻逆轉勝負。跑過三壘時,隊友全部衝上了本壘板旁等著我的歸來。過去發生過什麼都不重要了,我決定全心全意地享受著此刻的榮耀、以及幻想⋯⋯
誰在一壘英文 在 出版魯蛇碎碎念 Facebook 的精選貼文
跑過二壘時,想起了在DAY 15 中寫過拿到打擊王後被資遣的往事。從小我就很會打棒球,總是能莫名其妙的擊中球心、在關鍵的時刻逆轉勝負。跑過三壘時,隊友全部衝上了本壘板旁等著我的歸來。過去發生過什麼都不重要了,我決定全心全意地享受著此刻的榮耀、以及幻想⋯⋯
誰在一壘英文 在 【Who是一壘手】第一次聽到這經典英文笑話 - Facebook 的必吃
【Who是一壘手】第一次聽到這經典英文笑話,真的霧煞煞,後來發現這個梗常出現在別的外國影集裡,。 經典影片: http://goo.gl/VuE6 說文解字: http://goo.gl/8d2PG. ... <看更多>
誰在一壘英文 在 [轉錄][相聲] 誰在一壘? (中文版+ 英文版) - 看板Cross_talk 的必吃
※ [本文轉錄自 Kuan1202 信箱]
※ [本文轉錄自 AAAAAAAA 看板]
作者: gobbler () 站內: AAAAAAAA
標題: [相聲] 誰在一壘? (中文版 + 英文版)
時間: Tue Jan 12 05:23:17 2010
中文演出 是 趙自強和劉亮佐
英文演出 是 Abbott和Costello 在1945年的段子
Who's On First by Abbott and Costello
Abbott: Well Costello, I'm going to New York with you.
You know Bookie Harris, the Yankee's manager,
gave me a job as coach for as long as you're on the team.
Costello: Look Abbott, if you're the coach, you must know all the players.
Abbott: I certainly do.
Costello: Well you know I've never met the guys.
So you'll have to tell me their names,
and then I'll know who's playing on the team.
Abbott: Oh, I'll tell you their names,
but you know it seems to me they give these ball players
now-a-days very peculiar names.
Costello: You mean funny names?
Abbott: Strange names, pet names...like Dizzy Dean...
Costello: His brother Daffy.
Abbott: Daffy Dean...
Costello: And their French cousin.
Abbott: French?
Costello: Goof?
Abbott: Goof? Dean. Well, let's see, we have on the bags, Who's on first,
What's on second, I Don't Know is on third...
Costello: That's what I want to find out.
Abbott: I say Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know's on third.
Costello: Are you the manager?
Abbott: Yes.
Costello: You gonna be the coach too?
Abbott: Yes.
Costello: And you don't know the fellows' names?
Abbott: Well I should.
Costello: Well then who's on first?
Abbott: Yes.
Costello: I mean the fellow's name.
Abbott: Who.
Costello: The guy on first.
Abbott: Who.
Costello: The first baseman.
Abbott: Who.
Costello: The guy playing...
Abbott: Who is on first!
Costello: I'm asking YOU who's on first.
Abbott: That's the man's name.
Costello: That's who's name?
Abbott: Yes.
Costello: Well go ahead and tell me.
Abbott: That's it.
Costello: That's who?
Abbott: Yes.
Costello: Look, you gotta first baseman?
Abbott: Certainly.
Costello: Who's playing first?
Abbott: That's right.
Costello: When you pay off the first baseman every month, who gets the money?
Abbott: Every dollar of it.
Costello: All I'm trying to find out is the fellow's name on first base.
Abbott: Who.
Costello: The guy that gets...
Abbott: That's it.
Costello: Who gets the money...
Abbott: He does, every dollar. Sometimes his wife comes down and collects it.
Costello: Who's wife?
Abbott: Yes.
Abbott: What's wrong with that?
Costello: Look, all I wanna know is when you sign up the first baseman,
how does he sign his name?
Abbott: Who.
Costello: The guy.
Abbott: Who.
Costello: How does he sign...
Abbott: That's how he signs it.
Costello: Who?
Abbott: Yes.
Costello: All I'm trying to find out is what's the guy's name on first base.
Abbott: No. What is on second base.
Costello: I'm not asking you who's on second.
Abbott: Who's on first.
Costello: One base at a time!
Abbott: Well, don't change the players around.
Costello: I'm not changing nobody!
Abbott: Take it easy, buddy.
Costello: I'm only asking you, who's the guy on first base?
Abbott: That's right.
Costello: Ok.
Abbott: All right.
Costello: What's the guy's name on first base?
Abbott: No. What is on second.
Costello: I'm not asking you who's on second.
Abbott: Who's on first.
Costello: I don't know.
Abbott: He's on third, we're not talking about him.
Costello: Now how did I get on third base?
Abbott: Why you mentioned his name.
Costello: If I mentioned the third baseman's name,
who did I say is playing third?
Abbott: No. Who's playing first.
Costello: What's on base?
Abbott: What's on second.
Costello: I don't know.
Abbott: He's on third.
Costello: There I go, back on third again!
Costello: Would you just stay on third base and don't go off it.
Abbott: All right, what do you want to know?
Costello: Now who's playing third base?
Abbott: Why do you insist on putting Who on third base?
Costello: What am I putting on third.
Abbott: No. What is on second.
Costello: You don't want who on second?
Abbott: Who is on first.
Costello: I don't know.
Abbott & Costello Together:Third base!
Costello: Look, you gotta outfield?
Abbott: Sure.
Costello: The left fielder's name?
Abbott: Why.
Costello: I just thought I'd ask you.
Abbott: Well, I just thought I'd tell ya.
Costello: Then tell me who's playing left field.
Abbott: Who's playing first.
Costello: I'm not... stay out of the infield!
I want to know what's the guy's name in left field?
Abbott: No, What is on second.
Costello: I'm not asking you who's on second.
Abbott: Who's on first!
Costello: I don't know.
Abbott & Costello Together: Third base!
Costello: The left fielder's name?
Abbott: Why.
Costello: Because!
Abbott: Oh, he's centerfield.
Costello: Look, You gotta pitcher on this team?
Abbott: Sure.
Costello: The pitcher's name?
Abbott: Tomorrow.
Costello: You don't want to tell me today?
Abbott: I'm telling you now.
Costello: Then go ahead.
Abbott: Tomorrow!
Costello: What time?
Abbott: What time what?
Costello: What time tomorrow are you gonna tell me who's pitching?
Abbott: Now listen. Who is not pitching.
Costello: I'll break your arm, you say who's on first!
I want to know what's the pitcher's name?
Abbott: What's on second.
Costello: I don't know.
Abbott & Costello Together: Third base!
Costello: Gotta a catcher?
Abbott: Certainly.
Costello: The catcher's name?
Abbott: Today.
Costello: Today, and tomorrow's pitching.
Abbott: Now you've got it.
Costello: All we got is a couple of days on the team.
Costello: You know I'm a catcher too.
Abbott: So they tell me.
Costello: I get behind the plate to do some fancy catching,
Tomorrow's pitching on my team and a heavy hitter gets up.
Now the heavy hitter bunts the ball.
When he bunts the ball, me, being a good catcher,
I'm gonna throw the guy out at first base.
So I pick up the ball and throw it to who?
Abbott: Now that's the first thing you've said right.
Costello: I don't even know what I'm talking about!
Abbott: That's all you have to do.
Costello: Is to throw the ball to first base.
Abbott: Yes!
Costello: Now who's got it?
Abbott: Naturally.
Costello: Look, if I throw the ball to first base, somebody's gotta get it.
Now who has it?
Abbott: Naturally.
Costello: Who?
Abbott: Naturally.
Costello: Naturally?
Abbott: Naturally.
Costello: So I pick up the ball and I throw it to Naturally.
Abbott: No you don't, you throw the ball to Who.
Costello: Naturally.
Abbott: That's different.
Costello: That's what I said.
Abbott: You're not saying it...
Costello: I throw the ball to Naturally.
Abbott: You throw it to Who.
Costello: Naturally.
Abbott: That's it.
Costello: That's what I said!
Abbott: You ask me.
Costello: I throw the ball to who?
Abbott: Naturally.
Costello: Now you ask me.
Abbott: You throw the ball to Who?
Costello: Naturally.
Abbott: That's it.
Costello: Same as you! Same as YOU! I throw the ball to who.
Whoever it is drops the ball and the guy runs to second.
Who picks up the ball and throws it to What.
What throws it to I Don't Know.
I Don't Know throws it back to Tomorrow, Triple play.
Another guy gets up and hits a long fly ball to Because.
Why? I don't know! He's on third and I don't give a darn!
Abbott: What?
Costello: I said I don't give a darn!
Abbott: Oh, that's our shortstop.
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