當我在旅行✈️或在線購物🖥️💶時,都會用Revolut兌換外幣,現在剛好有活動,點我分享的連結進去,申辦成功後可以獲得 #300克朗!
什麼是Revolut? 🏦
什麼是獎金? 💸
-帳號首次付款後可獲得300 CZK獎金
該怎麼辦? 📝
1.打開 https://revolut.com/referral/chiali9w7!G10D21 並註冊您的手機號碼以領取獎金。
When I travel ✈️ or shop online 🖥️💶 I always use Revolut for foreign currencies, and for a limited time I'm given a promotional link with few bonuses, so I share it here. Might be useful for someone too as it's multilingual.
What is Revolut? 🏦
Revolut gives you a physical bank card (Mastercard or Visa) and account where you load up and hold your money in any of 29 currencies. Account and card are for free. Everytime you pay by Revolut's card at restaurant, shop, online or anywhere else, the money are exchanged at real-time interbank exchange rate without any fee.
What is the bonus? 💸
Until Tuesday August 27 the promotional link offers:
- Free delivery of the bank card
- 300 CZK bonus after the first payment by card
What to do? 📝
1. Open https://revolut.com/referral/chiali9w7!G10D21 and register your mobile number to claim the bonus.
2. Install the Revolut app to Apple or Android smartphone.
3. Go through the registration process (your name, address, email, same mobile number, etc.)
4. Verify your identity because of government regulations (photo of ID card and selfie photo - it should match 😂)
5. Load the account with 300 CZK by your another bank card (must be on your name)
6. Order delivery of Revolut's card (choose standard free delivery)
7. The card will arrive in about 2 weeks to your mail box
8. Insert the bank card during the first payment to the terminal and insert the PIN. This will activate the contactless feature and gives you the bonus later.
9. Enjoy!
What should you know? 💡❗
- You need to be at least 18 years old.
- ATM withdrawals are for free up to 4500 CZK/month, then with 2% commission.
- Revolut is the UK financial institution.
- You may register only if you live in the European Union, Norway, Iceland, the UK, Switzerland or Australia.
- Always add money to Revolut by bank card on your name!
- Do not use it for gaming, lottery, business, any illegal or adult activities. It's forbidden.
- If you need another currency during the weekend I recommend to exchange money before the weekend. During the weekend financial markets are closed, and thus exchange rate is a little bit worse but still good. On Monday you may exchange it back.
- Paying at car rental company or on-board of airplane will be most likely unsuccessful.
註冊地址需寫居留證上面的歐盟地址 在 愛爾蘭IRP 居留證與PPSN 申請統整懶人包-GLC鉅霖 的相關結果
信件標題需要清楚註明『IRP card not received』,內容須包含: Full name(護照上英文全名); Full Postal Address(當初填寫的地址); GNIB/IRP number (申辦時, ... ... <看更多>
註冊地址需寫居留證上面的歐盟地址 在 外國人申請辦理或展延補發外僑居留證或居留原因變更送件須知 的相關結果
一、外籍配偶第一次辦理外僑居留證或因結婚變更居留事由為依親時,須有國人配偶同行辦理,並核發一年效期外僑居留證,其申請應向依親之國人配偶現在居住地 ... ... <看更多>
註冊地址需寫居留證上面的歐盟地址 在 瑞典Residence Permit 居留簽證申請| 行前& 抵達辦理事項全紀錄 的相關結果
如果非歐盟/ 歐洲經濟區公民,並且預計要在瑞典待三個月以上,行前就必須向瑞典移民 ... 服務人員會需要你的基本資料、護照、地址、申請號碼等等,一一回覆就OK! ... <看更多>