之前曾寫過一篇關於Netflix紀錄片《智能社會:進退兩難 The Social Dilemma》的簡介。沒想到上禮拜蘋果CEO Tim Cook在國際數據保護日論壇中便直指當前「數據剝削」問題,且論調和The Social Dilemma 如出一轍,犀利程度就算直接放到紀錄片中當開場也毫無違和:
(we can no longer turn a blind eye to a theory of technology that says all engagement is good engagement, the longer the better, and all with the goal of collecting as much data as possible.)
(What are the consequences of prioritizing conspiracy theories and violent incitement simply because of the high rates of engagement?)
(What are the consequences of not just tolerating but rewarding content that undermines public trust in life-saving vaccinations?)
(What are the consequences of seeing thousands of users joining extremist groups and then perpetuating an algorithm that recommends even more?)
(A social dilemma cannot be allowed to become a social catastrophe.)
「我認為隱私權是本世紀最重要的議題之一」-Tim Cook在接受其他媒體訪問時如此說到。