1. 開放性水域
2. 無救生員之游泳池
3. 有高壓、危險氣體,或密閉式未經抽氣處理之地下室、蓄水池、水桶等
4. 無安全護欄之任何高處
5. 任何施工地點(拆政府除外),包括製作消波塊之工地
6. 任何以上未提及但為一般人正常不會前往之地點
1. 車輛上路前會檢查煞車部件、油門線等,並會在加油前關閉車輛電源與行動電話。
2. 絕不擅搶黃燈、闖紅燈。
3. 乘坐任何軌道類交通工具一定退到警戒線後一步以上,直到車輛停妥。
4. 騎乘機車必戴安全帽;乘車必繫安全帶。
5. 絕不接近任何會放射對人體有立即危害的輻射之場所(如核電廠)或設備。
6. 颱風天不登山、不觀浪。
I declares to whom may concern:
I am optimistic with healthy fitness,
without any illness or disease confuse me,
so I will NOT do any thing connected to suicide by any means.
I do NOT have medical issues with sleeping,
so I do NOT need to take any medicals about it.
I am NOT an alcoholic nor having drug addiction,
neither visit the following places alone and / or with relatives or friends:
1. Open water area
2. Pool without watcher
3. Closed place like not ventilated tank, pool, cellar with hazardous gas
(i.e. high pressure gas, explosive gas, toxic gas, etc.)
4. Any place without safe barriers from falling
5. Any building site (well, except the deconstruction place for governmental buildings),
including spots to making concretes.
6. Any place does not mentioned above, where no common people might visit.
I strictly follow the under rules:
1. I check my brakes and parts before driving,
and turn off my mobile and the power of my vehicle.
2. I do not rush in traffic lights.
3. I keep the distance for more than one step from the security line
while taking any vehicle or transportation if they have, until they are
fully parked and ready to aboard.
4. I wear helmet with scooters or motorbike properly.
I wield safety belt while driving or being a passenger.
5. I will NOT close any harmful radiative place (like nuclear plant) or equipments.
6. I will NOT go hiking, wave seeing, or visit any dangerous places.
I try my best to watch over the usage of appliance, gasoline and fire.
My place uses legally certificated safe electricity equipments,
登山行動電源mobile01 在 Wilhelm Chang Photography Facebook 的最讚貼文
最近在規劃秋天去印度、尼泊爾、緬甸和柬埔寨的行程,由於有長距離、比較顛簸的移動,有點擔心我傳統型隨身硬碟的耐用度,加上編輯照片、短片的需求日益增加,越來越覺得應該升級到SSD,今天趁著COMPUTEX來看看Western Digital最新的固態硬碟產品,了解有什麼選項。
這次Western Digital主要有四款產品,分別是SanDisk Extreme Portable SSD、WD My Passport SSD、WD My Passport Wireless SSD和G-DRIVE mobile Pro SSD。 我認為前三款很適合攝影師,第四款G-DRIVE mobile Pro SSD因為傳輸速率高達2800MB/s以及特殊的散熱設計,更適合有4K、8K影片剪輯需求的人使用。前兩款的SanDisk Extreme Portable SSD、WD My Passport SSD是最輕也體積最小的,速度也達到500MB/s以上。攝影人熟悉且信任的SanDisk更是針對時常移動的攝影需求增加防潑水、防塵和防摔的功能。
但我最感興趣的是WD My Passport Wireless SSD,因為它除了是行動硬碟外,同時也內建SD讀卡機、電源和無線存取功能。 內建SD卡槽可以把記憶卡一鍵備份(CF卡使用者可以用內建的USB孔另接讀卡機),基本上有了這台就不用因為要備份而另外帶筆電出門。這次去尼泊爾打算健行到聖母峰基地營,約九天的高海拔健行行程實在不想背筆電上去,因此這款產品十分吸引我。加上WD My Passport Wireless SSD除了可以當行動電源幫手機充電外,還可以用手機以無線網路方式檢視和管理照片(含RAW檔)、影片,手機上搭配Lightroom CC就可以進行編輯進而發布照片,可以一定程度的加快工作流程。相信有長天數登山縱走需求,或者出國旅行較長時間想要輕量化不帶筆電的人,應該也會對WD My Passport Wireless SSD有興趣。