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波圖天氣 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 的最佳解答
【Bridges' Cruises on the River Douro, Porto】【波圖杜羅河船河之旅】
杜羅河 (Douro River) 全長達897公里, 它不但是葡萄牙境內其中一條最重要河流, 更是伊比利亞半島 (Iberia Penisula) 上第三最長的河流。杜羅河發源於西班牙中北部之索里亞省 (Soria Province),從東向西, 穿越葡萄牙北部國境, 流經重要城市波圖和加亞新城 (Vila Nova de Gaia) , 最後注入大西洋。
Douro River - 897 kilometres long - is not only one of the major rivers in Portugal, but also the third longest river in the Iberian Peninsula. Starting from near Duruelo de la Sierra in Soria Province in north-central region of Spain, it flows across the northern part of Spain all the way to the west, entering the Portuguese territory, passing through Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia, to finally enters the Atlantic Ocean.
在波圖市, 有不同船公司都有舉辦遊船河之旅, 有很多不同種類款式供選擇。最實惠又能快速飽覽杜羅河兩岸風光, 與及以多角度觀賞橫跨波圖市和加亞新城 (Vila Nova de Gaia) 兩城市的多座大橋 (包括著名波圖地標 ~ 路易斯一世橋 / Ponte Dom Luís I / Dom Luís I Bridge), 可以參加一個 50分鐘的 Bridges' Cruise。
這款 50 分鐘的遊船河之旅, 我自己坐過兩次: 1) 冬天12月時, 真是奇凍和風大無比! 2) 但初夏6月中那次再坐, 感覺完全非常不同。天氣很適合, 簡直回味無窮! 建議大家如果夏天來到波圖旅行, 有時間的話要去坐這個船河。 杜羅河兩岸岸邊, 沿途都會見到有不同攤檔職員站著, 在售賣船河門票。通常而言, 每天都有船河舉辦, 但注意, 冬天波圖天氣寒冷而且較早天黑, 旅客少一點, 所以船河可能早點停止服務。
The most economical and the fastest way to enjoy the fabulous scenery of the River Douro is by doing a 50-minute Bridges' Cruise. It also offers excellent multi-angle viewing of the different bridges that span Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia (bridges include Porto's landmark - Dom Luis I Bridge / Ponte Dom Luís I).
I have done this type of boat cruise twice: once in late December when it was so cold and windy sailing on the boat! Another time was in mid-June when the weather was just perfect for any boat trip! I highly recommend you doing a river cruise when you're visiting Porto in the summer.
A variety of river cruises are organised by different cruise companies. You can easily spot booths set up near the Ribeira and Vila Nova de Gaia quays. Generally speaking, boat cruises operate daily, but cruise services may finish earlier in the winter due to cold weather and fewer tourists.
*** About the 50-minute Bridges' River Cruises / 有關50分鐘杜羅河船河之旅: ***
Frequency: Daily (每天)
Duration / 時間: 50 minutes (50分鐘)
Schedule / 班次:
10h00 10h30 11h00 11h30 12h00 12h30
13h00 13h30 14h00 14h30 15h00 15h30
16h00 16h30 17h00 17h30 18h00 18h30
Price per person (收費): 10,00€ (10 歐羅 / 位)