亞里安 (1967 – 2020)
認識亞里安,是始於他跟Timmy Lok和Johnnie Lok兄弟組成的「地下」synth-pop三人樂隊Minimal(那時另一創團成員Alan Ip已離港到加拿大升學),當他們在1988年自資出版《以心電信》卡式帶專輯時,我也急不及待地跑去購買,而這盒以「手作仔」D.I.Y.形式自家翻錄生產的卡式帶,也令到Minimal成為香港首隊履行自資出版錄音作品的獨立電子樂團。
三人時代的Minimal只維持了短短幾年時間,然後亞里安以Noira之個人名義 (其名字Arion之倒寫)跟Adam Met Karl (AMK前身)、Juno’s Infant、梁基爵等年青獨立音樂單位集資在1989年底出版《集感》卡帶合輯,繼而在1990年夏天於藝穗會舉行《集感》音樂會,標誌著這個香港獨立音樂的新勢力組群之崛起。
而亞里安曾獨力支持過Minimal一度日子,隨著李端嫻(Vee)在1994年間加入,Minimal蛻變成男女二人組陣容,即Minimal 2.0年代,亞里安與Minimal也開始廣為人熟悉,音樂上也換上了源自trip hop、電影配樂的薰陶,從而締造出其「甜美電氣」聲音,帶來過〈Singles〉和〈重復〉等派台歌。
1995年6月叱咤903節目《豁達音樂天空》舉辦的《樂勢力大閱Band 之 河水犯井水》,是Minimal首次跟黃耀明同台演出。到了1995年底黃耀明出版的《愈夜愈美麗》專輯裡,亞里安與李端嫻的Minimal創作了〈萬福瑪利亞〉和〈天國近了(你們應當遊戲)〉兩曲(作曲/編曲/聯合監製),從而展開了二人跟明哥合作無間的歷程,日後成為「人山人海」創作團隊的核心成員。
多年來亞里安/ Minimal曾為明哥主理過的歌曲可謂不勝枚舉,當中還有〈夏娃的第8天〉、〈光天化日〉、〈下落不明〉、〈眼淚贊〉、〈快樂到死〉等。而亞里安/ Minimal也有為別的歌手操刀,如編曲的有梅艷芳的〈艷舞台〉、彭羚的〈我的美麗與哀愁〉、盧凱彤的〈圓滑〉、郭富城的〈最深愛的人是妳〉等,更為樂迷津津樂道是陳珊妮的整張2000年專輯《完美的呻吟》全交由Minimal包辦編曲。
可惜亞里安與李端嫻的Minimal跟著卻無以為繼、日漸淡出,成為了樂壇的「失蹤人口」樂隊。2017年,成軍30週年紀念的Minimal在本地薑音樂節《wow and flutter The Weekend》的「九龍台」舉行復出公演,陣容除了亞里安和李端嫻,還有Alan Ip歸位再加上鼓手肥仔明(….Huh!? / 假音人),同日發售Minimal 30週年卡式帶《M30》。而亞里安的近作,是去年他為ViuTV劇集《婚內情》所創作(亞里安作曲/Minimal編曲)由關淑怡與黃耀明合唱的主題曲〈快樂到死〉。
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅MPWeekly明周,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今日KJ請到三名特別嘉賓(黎寶鈴、許榮臻同劉卓昕),同大家分享4月19日由Music Lab演奏會嘅本地薑音樂節《琴戀克拉拉》演奏會!想了解更多背後概念同欣賞音樂嘅朋友,快快Click入嚟收看直播啦!...
本地薑音樂節 在 Cy Leo 何卓彥 Facebook 的精選貼文
非常欣賞 MRRM 的 Editor,問題獨到到位!
最後機會說了,明天晚上,8 PM HKU Grand Hall,一次非常值得香港人留意的演出,看看我們本地作曲家的才華!
口琴音樂家 #何卓彥 已累積了共 17 項國際口琴賽事的冠軍寶座,近年更躋身於國際賽事的評審團,成為最年輕的國際評委。年僅 23 歲
本周四(21/6),他與色士風家 孫穎麟 Timothy Sun 及鋼琴家 KaJeng Wong - Pianist 組成的音樂組合 Smash 將會在「本地薑音樂節2018 - SMASH: Originals」演奏香港原創音樂,想支持本地音樂的話馬上到 Music Lab 了解更多!
#MR_Dream Cy Leo 何卓彥 #MusicLab #本地薑音樂節 #SMASH COBO HOUSE HONG KONG #CoboHouse #ralphlauren Ralph Lauren
Follow MR Instagram 得知更多即時資訊!
Username: @mrrmhk
本地薑音樂節 在 Alison Lau 劉卓昕 Facebook 的精選貼文
上星期六在 Hotel Stage 預演了
好法國 - 詩人夢境
1 June 2018 (Fri) | 8PM
好法國 - 法式承傳
8 June 2018 (Fri) | 8PM
中華基督教會公理堂 – 演奏廳 (香港銅鑼灣禮頓道119號6樓)
#ChamberMusic #FrenchMelodie #MusicLabFestival
Le French May 法國五月 Alliance Française de Hong Kong
本地薑音樂節 在 MPWeekly明周 Youtube 的最佳貼文
今日KJ請到三名特別嘉賓(黎寶鈴、許榮臻同劉卓昕),同大家分享4月19日由Music Lab演奏會嘅本地薑音樂節《琴戀克拉拉》演奏會!想了解更多背後概念同欣賞音樂嘅朋友,快快Click入嚟收看直播啦!
本地薑音樂節 在 MPWeekly明周 Youtube 的最佳貼文
「KJ音樂」第十八集:KJ今晚將同大家分享由Music Lab本地薑音樂節呈獻、KJ本人演出的「Fingerman god or no god」演奏會。各位KJ的樂迷,想知道演奏會的背後理念,快來收看啦!
KJ 突然宣布,4月這場演奏會將是未來一段時間內最後一場鋼琴獨奏會,算是一場 farewell concert ⋯⋯KJ 說,覺得有時要退下來一段時間,才能更進步,才能找到一些自己未能找到的東西,尋找更多意義。
本地薑音樂節 在 Cy Leo Youtube 的精選貼文
A live recording on the tune Schindler's List by John William with the one of the most promising classical pianist in Hong Kong Kajeng Wong.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CyLeoHo
Ho Cheuk Yin Leo
卓彥為近年國際口琴界及唱作音樂界的新星。他自2006年起已累積了共十七項國際口琴賽事的冠軍寶座,包括 2013年在德國世界口琴節中奪得,半音階獨奏指定曲目組別的「世界冠軍」。何卓彥六歲起曾跟隨李尚澄先生、日本大師和谷泰扶先生、挪威大師Sigmund Groven、及意大利大師Willi Burger習琴,以古典音樂為基楚。
另外,他近年更有幸躋身於國際賽事的評審團,成為最年輕的國際評委。何卓彥演奏的靈活性極高,活躍於古典音樂、爵士音樂、流行音樂等界別,踏上香港最大型音樂節 — 香港藝術節2010及Clockenflap 2015的主舞台演出。早在十六歲,卓彥便經常遠赴亞洲、歐洲、北美洲的超過四十個城市演出,其精湛琴技均大受好評。他現亦為Honher Music 的國際代言人之一。
Leo is one of the most promising harmonica players and singer-song writers internationally. He has accumulated 17 international championships since 2006. In October 2013, Leo made his debut in the World Harmonica Festival, and excelled among all contestants by seizing the World Championship in the Test Piece Chromatic Harmonica Solo category, which is renowned as the highest honour of chromatic harmonica player.
Under the tuition of Mr. Lee Sheung-ching, Leo has gained exposure to classical harmonica training since 6. He then went on the study with Watani Yasuo from Japan, Sigmund Groven from Norway and Willi Burger from Italy respectively, during his exploration on classical music.
Since the age of nineteen, Leo has already been invited to be the adjudicator in various international harmonica festivals. His performance reveals extraordinary flexibility, ranging from classical, jazz, R&B, to rock music. The talent has sparkled off both local and international recognition. He was invited to perform in the two most renowned international festivals in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Art Festival 2010 & on the main stage of Clockenflap 2015. Meanwhile, he has performed in more than 40 cities within Asia, Europe and North America, receiving high acclaim on his virtuosic technique and unique musical interpretation. He is currently the international endorser at the Honher Music.
那些年的KJ曾在記錄片《KJ音樂人生》出現。 今天的KJ是一名小鋼琴家,小老師,小藝術總監,小藝評,小專攔作家和小人類。師從羅乃新,郭嘉特和埃米爾.拿奧莫夫老師。他亦曾跟隨楊寶智、馬忠為及何紅英學習小提琴。在印地安那大學雅各斯音學院畢業回港發展音樂事業,專注練習,教學,演出。試驗兩年後開始舉辦《本地薑音樂節》,展開新的一頁。
Once documented in the film “KJ Music and Life”, KJ is now a pianist, a music teacher, an artistic director, an art critic, a columnist and a person. Studied the piano with Nancy Loo, Gabriel Kwok and Emile Naoumoff, he also learned the violin with Yang BaoZhi, Michael Ma and Ho HungYing. Graduated from Indiana University, he primarily focuses on practicing, teaching and performing. After two years of various experiments, KJ now leads the Music Lab Festival, turning a new chapter for himself and local musicians.
Ho Cheuk Yin Leo
Leo is a twenty-two-year-old emerging chromatic harmonica virtuosic player and singer-song writer. He has accumulated 17 international championships since 2006. In October 2013, Leo made his debut in the World Harmonica Festival, and excelled among all contestants by seizing the championship in the Test Piece Chromatic Harmonica Solo category, which is renowned as the highest honour of chromatic harmonica player.
Under the tuition of Mr. Lee Sheung-ching, Leo has gained exposure to classical harmonica training since 6. He then went on the study with Watani Yasuo from Japan, Sigmund Groven from Norway and Willi Burger from Italy espectively, during his exploration on classical music. However, his performance reveals extraordinary flexibility, ranging from classical, folk, pop, and jazz to rock music.
In 2010, Leo was invited as a guest performer in the Hong Kong Art Festival with the King’s Harmonica Quintet. As the lead player in the Veloz Harmonica Quartet, he has also been invited to perform in Macau, Singapore, Prague, Munich, Ljubljana and Bratislava since 2011. In February 2014, they appeared in the TV programme “Amazing Chinese” broadcast on CCTV 1, which attracted up to 100 million audiences and received critical acclaim. As a soloist, Leo was often invited to perform and offer master classes at various international festivals and concert held in Norway, Germany, Bahamas and Korea.
Only at the age of nineteen, Leo has already been invited to be the adjudicator in various international harmonica festivals. He is also currently the international endorser at the Honher Music.
Recently in 2014, Leo has participated in a jazz tour in Poland collaborating with the prominent 3-0-3 Tango Fusion Band from Argentina. They were selected as one of the 12 finalists at the Cotai Blues & Jazz Festival in Macau. He was also invited to the main stage at the largest music festival, Clockenflap 2015 in Hong Kong as a guest musician with Yoyo Sham & Jing Wong. Meanwhile, he is actively collaborating with numerous local pop and jazz musician including Lowell Lo, Sandy Lam, Eugene Pao, Ted Lo and Yoyo Sham etc.