點知同佢拍完就勁興奮 .. !! #專業服務 氹到阿嬸幾開心
對呢個所謂"成人嘉年華"主辦單位真係麻麻地 #本來就想冷處理
佢老闆話"it’s not anything to do with sex"
有 #性潔癖 就咪學人搞 #成人嘉年華 啦.. 個 Diversity 窄到呢 ..
不過世界上到處都是 #掛羊頭賣狗肉
你搵到自己想睇嘅就去啦 . 最緊要係做個精明消費者
主辦單位周圍同人合作宣傳 .. 你會見到d promo code 由5% 到17% 不等
不過全城最抵買 一定係 HER Fund 婦女動力基金 嘅慈善門票!!
感激 Good moaning 族長一而再 爭取延期優惠期!!
$230/$280就有2張夜場飛 !! 最後兩日 4月4日就結數啦 !!!
有兩場4月5號 或者 4月8號 揀
益Her Fund 等於益我地 !!! 😊 約埋對象去中環chill下啦 🍷
【Feel Good Friday】一個「皇后大道中 人民如潮湧」嘅下午,咸濕直女界嘅翹楚Good moaning族長「要靠偉大同志 搞搞新意思」,首次伙拍更咸濕嘅攣攣界先驅Gdottv G點電視,讓想去18Plus Central嘅族人先J為快。Ladies & Gentlemen,may I present《澳佬街舞 ft. 清潔港姨》(Aussie Eye Candy ft. Honkie Cleaning Lady)。Oh my goooooood, totally make my day! 😝😂
Seriously there is always gonna be someone who is taller, younger, sexier, hotter, and what makes you different... could be your humour! I have to admit the I was not immediately attracted when I first met the Badboys Australia during this street dance performance, but then their humour impressed me. And after speaking to them, you realize these bad boys are genuine and not as narcissistic as I thought they would be (or maybe I haven't find out yet? Hehe 😝). Never judge a guy by his booty huh. ;) And you could only make others feel good when you actually feel good about yourself first.
Stay tune for the interview Good Moaner did with the Badboys Australia!
一興奮就講英文嘅族長補充:係囉~ 點解族人要睇Good Moaning?What makes Good Moaning special?I bet NO other pages would capture nor give a shit about this hilarious scene. 就係因為你唔會搵到另一個page/媒體會咁認真陪你鳩笑,再配上G點電視嘅膠字幕。族長覺得呢條片實在係非常香港:有路過心諗「唔駛做呀!」嘅食環清潔嬸嬸,後面有周大福同樓盤廣告,仲有行人路嘅大媽、警察雪糕筒、馬路貨車嘅棚架,仲有「Come On」極都冇反應嘅路人,真係only in Hong Kong。另,留咗啲zoom pat pat嘅close up俾大家,enjoy!
P.S. And yes, of course our camera caught Blane cheating at 00:41 with the knee 😝😝
#goodmoaning #feelgoodfriday #badboysaustralia #J圖 #J仔冇罪 #女生也J仔 #族長不行了 #猛男 #型男 #肌肉 #心心眼 #冧豬 #紅都面晒 #jable #hotaf #hottie #eyecandy