【政策簡單說】齋戒宅經濟 電子巴札app疫軍突起🖖📱
#馬來西亞 🇲🇾訂定「優化人民潛力、共享繁榮未來」為今年APEC主題,但遇上了 COVID-19(武漢肺炎),保持社交距離人人有責,如何共享繁榮🤔
4月24日 #伊斯蘭齋戒月 開始,除了遵循宗教戒律,吃,也是重頭戲。馬來西亞擁有眾多伊斯蘭教信仰人口,以往齋戒月皆可見穆斯林朋友穿梭擁擠市集採買,但今年在家「一指」就可搞定。
三月起,許多大學生、女性企業家及新創團隊嗅出商機 #超前部署,開發 #電子巴札app(巴札,Bazaar,即市場之意)。其一就是馬來西亞市集攤商聯盟 (GPPPKMM)與電子錢包Kiple Pay合作推出的「開齋節數位巴札計畫」,將當地市集2萬多個攤商推〝上線〞,既幫助小攤商在疫情下乘勢數位轉型,生意不流失,也為今年的伊斯蘭開齋節增添 #數位創新風貌🔥
The theme for APEC 2020 is “Optimising Human Potential towards a Future of Shared Prosperity”. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, how could we realize “shared prosperity” with social distancing?
Muslim is made up of a large proportion of Malaysia. The Islamic Ramadan commences in April. Besides practicing religious ceremonies and commandments, “eating” counts too. However, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, Muslims couldn’t complete their purchases from stalls to stalls in Bazaar as usual. Fortunately, Various college students, woman entrepreneurs and startups have developed e-Bazaar mobile Apps that allow Muslims spend the Ramadan with just a click at home. For example, the Coalition of Malay Small Traders Association and e-wallet Kiple Pay cooperated to promote e-Bazaar app for small traders to get on the train of selling from Off-line to On-line (O2O) while they faced with the pandemic. The risks resulting from COVID-19 may also create opportunities.