3 acupoints to relieve abdominal pain
Abdominal pain is a common urban problem. Poor eating habits, high stress, and nervousness can easily cause abdominal pain and discomfort. If it is a mild episode, you can press three acupoints to relieve the symptoms: Central Venter (Zhong Wan) Point, Zu San Li Point, and Upper Great Hollow Point. Pressing these acupoints can nourish the stomach. Apply pressure with your thumb pulp softly for 1 minute on these acupoints. However, it should be noted that the Central Venter (Zhong Wan) Point corresponds to the lower stomach and should not be pressed within two hours after a meal.
Central Venter (Zhong Wan) Point
Effects: nourishes stomach and strengthens the spleen, alleviates symptoms of abdominal pain, poor appetite and digestive system pain
Location: located in the abdomen, below the ribs in the midpoint between rib cage and belly button, about 6 finger widths above the belly button
Zu San Li Point
Effects: strengthens the spleen and stomach. Relieves stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation
Location: on the anterior aspect of the lower leg, four-finger breadth below knee cap.
Upper Great Hollow Point
Effects: nourishes spleen and stomach, loosens the bowels and aids digestion. Relieves asthenic weak spleen and stomach and indigestion.
Location: outer calves above the ankle, knee bends when sitting, on the anterior aspect of the lower leg, four-finger breadth below knee cap.
#男 #女 #胃脹
平日飲食善待腸胃預防胃痛 在 肚臍直上約6隻手指位。 足三里穴 功效:保健脾胃,紓緩胃痛 的必吃
【自療有法】胃痛發作要人命 #記住穴位位置耐心按揉 #平日飲食善待腸胃預防胃痛 #星期六放輕身心 三大穴位紓緩胃痛 ... <看更多>