來讀 #BBC新聞 了解為何人們喜歡聽故事
📚Our fiction addiction: Why humans need stories
📖A handsome king is blessed with superhuman strength, but his insufferable arrogance means that he threatens to wreak havoc on his kingdom. Enter a down-to-earth wayfarer who challenges him to fight. The king ends the battle chastened, and the two heroes become fast friends and embark on a series of dangerous quests across the kingdom.
-insufferable: 難以忍受的
-arrogance: 傲慢
-havoc: 浩劫、毀滅
-down-to-earth: 樸實的、腳踏實地的
-embark on: 啟程、展開
🖊The fact that this tale is still being read today is itself remarkable. It is the Epic of Gilgamesh, engraved on ancient Babylonian tablets 4,000 years ago, making it the oldest surviving work of great literature. We can assume that the story was enormously popular at the time, given that later iterations of the poem can be found over the next millennium.
這個故事歷經數千年而不衰,足以說明此乃不凡之作。這就是《吉爾伽美什史詩》(Epic of Gilgamesh),刻在4000年前的古巴比倫泥板上,是現存最古老的偉大文學作品。完全可以假定,這個故事在當時非常受歡迎,因為在之後的一千年裏,這部詩作還有新版本被創作出來。
-remarkable: 非凡的
-engrave: 鏤刻
-enormously: 非常地、極大地
📜What is even more astonishing is the fact that it is read and enjoyed today, and that so many of its basic elements – including its heart-warming ‘bromance’ – can be found in so many of the popular stories that have come since.
-astonishing: 令人吃驚的
-bromance: 「兄弟情」
🗿Although we have no firm evidence of storytelling before the advent of writing, we can assume that narratives have been central to human life for thousands of years. The cave paintings in sites like Chauvet and Lascaux in France from 30,000 years ago appear to depict dramatic scenes that were probably accompanied by oral storytelling.
-narrative: (文學)敘事
-cave paintings: 洞穴壁畫
-depict: 描繪
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