Are your friends or family curious about why people are willing to spend time and effort just for a cup of coffee? We’ve even heard that someone would rather be late for work just to brew some coffee.
A customer shared a story with us –
Once I took my 1Zpresso grinder back home for a long vacation. My dad has always found it difficult to sense the difference between each coffee. The caffeine was enough for him. While I was grinding the coffee I bought for him, he felt confused since it looked so effortless and only took a few seconds. “Are you really grinding the same beans as I ground this morning?” he asked. Looking at the ceramic grinder for less than a thousand dollars in the cabinet, he murmured that the beans I bought were so hard to grind and weren’t good at all.
After he drank the coffee I brewed, my grinder has never left his house.
小編好奇問了才知道了這個故事 在 社群行銷第一線:臉書日常經營的「小編文案」該怎麼寫? 的必吃
因此你在開頭時,就應該讓目標族群,知道你在對他們說話。 方法有二:. 1.問句開頭:問一個你們族群才會在意的問題。 例如:. ... <看更多>
小編好奇問了才知道了這個故事 在 1Zpresso Tw - 不知道你們在家使用磨豆機,朋友或 ... - Facebook 的必吃
小編還遇過有人寧可遲到也要沖杯咖啡才願意出門上班的朋友有用戶和小編分享了一段故事... ... 小編好奇問了才知道了這個故事 ... <看更多>