久等了!策略顧問—方法與實務(Strategy Consulting: Approach and Practice)即將再度於今年九月開課!
本課程由台大李吉仁教授和波士頓顧問公司(BCG, Boston Consulting Group)合夥人兼董事總經理徐瑞廷(JT Hsu)共同創設,內容以BCG培養新進顧問的方法為基礎,傳授問題解決的核心技巧,包括邏輯思考、假說思考、問題定義、解決方案設計與溝通等,旨在協助學生培養策略顧問與商業決策必備的基本思考能力,使能以企業策略的高度解決實務問題。
課程名稱:策略顧問-方法與實務(Strategy Consulting: Approach and Practice)
課程時間:2021 年 9 月 24 日起隔週五 19:30-22:30(課前的工作坊與期中末報告為週末),共 10 堂課,二學分
課程講師:BCG 合夥人兼董事總經理徐瑞廷、李吉仁教授
選課對象:本課程將招收約 56 名台大、師大、台科大學生(三校聯盟)與政大旁聽學生(無正式學分),開放給不分科系大三以上(含研究所)有志於策略顧問領域、或對顧問方法與實務有高度興趣的學生,需具備基本會計知識。
申請流程:請備齊個人 CV(A4 一頁以內)與 Cover letter(內述個人修課經驗與成績、社團或機構實習經驗、修課動機),在截止期限前至https://forms.gle/FwSnbzoDhNgobunz8 完成線上申請。
申請時間:即日起至 2021 年 8 月 14 日(六)17:00 止,第一階段錄取名單預定於 8 月 30 日公布,並在 9 月 11 日課前工作坊後,於 9 月 13 日公佈最終名單。有任何疑問歡迎來信詢問 NTUSCAP@gmail.com。
Are you a student from the NTU System (including National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology) or National Chengchi University, and would like to…
Challenge your mind on real-life business problems?
Acquire the core skills required of a strategy consultant?
Learn first-hand from BCG, the world's leading advisor on strategy?
If so, apply for the Strategy Consulting—Approach and Practice at NTU!
Strategy Consulting—Approach and Practice (SCAP) is a 2-credit elective course offered by National Taiwan University in partnership with Boston Consulting Group.
In this course, you will learn core consulting skills structured around problem solving, from logical thinking, hypothesis thinking, defining problems, generating insights to communicate with stakeholders. These skills will then be put into practice while you and your team members solve a real-life business case with the support of BCG consultants.
The SCAP course aims to give you the most unique and realistic experience of strategy consulting.
To apply, submit your CV and a letter of motivation online via https://forms.gle/FwSnbzoDhNgobunz8 by 5pm on August 14, 2021.
For more information, please contact us at NTUSCAP@gmail.com.
* This course offers seats to applicants from the National Chengchi University on an audit basis (no academic credit) and expects auditors to complete all sessions.
- 關於台科大研究所錄取名單 在 BCG in Taiwan Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於台科大研究所錄取名單 在 BCG in Taiwan Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於台科大研究所錄取名單 在 錄取名單|科技管理研究所109學年度碩士班甄試 - Facebook 的評價
- 關於台科大研究所錄取名單 在 台科大研究所榜單109的推薦與評價,PTT、DCARD 的評價
- 關於台科大研究所錄取名單 在 台科大研究所榜單109的推薦與評價,PTT、DCARD 的評價
- 關於台科大研究所錄取名單 在 台科大108榜單在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 數位感 的評價
- 關於台科大研究所錄取名單 在 台科大108榜單在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 數位感 的評價
- 關於台科大研究所錄取名單 在 台科大111學年度碩博士甄試錄取名單 - 研究所板 | Dcard 的評價
- 關於台科大研究所錄取名單 在 [情報] 110台科大甄試錄取名單- graduate | PTT職涯區 的評價
台科大研究所錄取名單 在 BCG in Taiwan Facebook 的最佳貼文
策略顧問—方法與實務 (Strategy Consulting: Approach and Practice)即將再度開課!
本課程由台大李吉仁教授和波士頓顧問公司(BCG, Boston Consulting Group)合夥人兼董事總經理徐瑞廷(JT)共同創設,內容以BCG培養新進顧問的方法為基礎,傳授問題解決的核心技巧,包括邏輯思考、假說思考、問題定義、解決方案設計與溝通等,旨在協助學生培養策略顧問與商業決策必備的基本思考能力,使能以企業策略的高度解決實務問題。
課程名稱:策略顧問-方法與實務 (Strategy Consulting: Approach and Practice)
申請流程:請備齊個人CV(A4一頁以內)與Cover letter(內述個人修課經驗與成績、社團或機構實習經驗、修課動機),在截止期限前至 https://reurl.cc/MvmO84 完成線上申請。
Are you a student from the NTU System (including National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology) or National Chengchi University*, and would like to…
• Challenge your mind on real-life business problems?
• Acquire the core skills required of a strategy consultant?
• Learn first-hand from BCG, the world's leading advisor on strategy?
If so, apply for the Strategy Consulting—Approach and Practice at NTU!
Strategy Consulting—Approach and Practice (SCAP) is a 2-credit elective course offered by National Taiwan University in partnership with Boston Consulting Group.
In this course, you will learn core consulting skills structured around problem solving, from logical thinking, hypothesis thinking, defining problems, generating insights to communicating with stakeholders. These skills will then be put into practice while you and your team members solve a real-life business case with the support of BCG consultants.
The SCAP course aims to give you the most unique and realistic experience to strategy consulting.
To apply, submit your CV and a letter of motivation online at https://reurl.cc/MvmO84 by 5pm on August 2, 2020.
For more information, please contact us at NTUSCAP@gmail.com.
*This course offers seats to applicants from the National Chengchi University on an audit basis (no academic credit) and expects auditors to complete all sessions.
台科大研究所錄取名單 在 台科大108榜單在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 數位感 的必吃
提供台科大108榜單相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多科技管理研究所課程、台科大研究所、台科大研究所報名人數109有關資訊與科技文章或書籍,歡迎來數位感提供您完整 ... ... <看更多>
台科大研究所錄取名單 在 台科大108榜單在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 數位感 的必吃
提供台科大108榜單相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多科技管理研究所課程、台科大研究所、台科大研究所報名人數109有關資訊與科技文章或書籍,歡迎來數位感提供您完整 ... ... <看更多>
台科大研究所錄取名單 在 錄取名單|科技管理研究所109學年度碩士班甄試 - Facebook 的必吃
錄取名單 |科技管理研究所109學年度碩士班甄試】 甄試錄取名單出爐囉 歡迎各位夥伴們加入台科科管所 ... 台科大科技管理研究所(Join Ntust TM), profile picture ... ... <看更多>