2021年6月19日,台灣戰俘營紀念協會創辦人兼會長何麥克 (Michael Hurst MBE) 為美軍戰俘舉行小型追悼儀式,和美國海外作戰退伍軍人協會9957分會人員一起在位於台北大安區的戰俘營紀念牆向1945年6月19日被日本帝國軍處決的14位美軍戰俘致敬。9957分會指揮官陳鷹 (Scott Ellinger)、美國在台協會安全合作組空軍專案主任祁必逸 (Nathan Kibby),以及退輔會簡任視察王凱珩皆出席儀式。更多關於在台戰俘營的資訊請參考:powtaiwan.org。坦承面對歷史向來是美國、台灣及日本堅定安全夥伴關係的重要基礎。
On 19 June 2021, a small group gathered at the Taihoku Prison wall in Da’an District to pay tribute to the 14 U.S. Prisoners of War who were executed by Imperial Japan military authorities on 19 June 1945. Mr. Michael Hurst MBE, Director of the Taiwan POW Camps Memorial Society, organized the ceremony with attendees from the local Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #9957. Tributes were offered by the VFW Post Commander, Mr. Scott Ellinger, AIT Air Force Programs Officer, Mr. Nathan Kibby, and Senior Inspector of the Veterans Affairs Council, Mr. Felix Wang. For more information about the Prisoner of War camps in Taiwan, please visit powtaiwan.org. A frank recognition of history has been an important foundation of the strong security partnership between the U.S., Taiwan and Japan.
台灣戰俘營紀念協會 在 方恩格訪問台灣戰俘營紀念協會創辦人何麥克一起來討論「二戰 ... 的必吃

公民總主筆1090522_方恩格訪問台灣戰俘營紀念協會創辦人何麥克一起來討論「二戰戰俘在台灣」的議題。 520 views · Streamed 3 years ago ...more ... ... <看更多>
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