【MIDWAY JOURNAL extra.】59 - 日常生活的趣味 單位展
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June - column MIDWAY journal debut in Milk Magazine Weekly Hong Kong
Same month - column MIDWAY journal debut in Milk Magazine Bi-weekly Taiwan
4月──首次將旅行的回憶實體化,並邀請到日本三百年企業的「中川政七商店」與奈良百年文化財町家「紀寺之家」合作,更於MILK MART中環摩天輪內舉行期間限定店。
12月──於中環 Common Ground cafe 舉行為期四個月的 MIDWAY Popup Store
April - Popup Store at MILK MART, The HK Observation Wheel, Central. MIDWAY's first visualised project, a presentation of their travelling memoirs, a collaboration with Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten, a 300 years old corporate and Nara machiya-do Kidera-no-ie, a corporate maintain and runs 100 years old accommodation.
October - column MIDWAY journal debut in Milk Magazine Bi-weekly China
December - Popup store at Common Ground cafe Central ( to Mar 2017)
1月──開始於台灣《The News Lens》生活文化平台《every little d》作文字專欄連載
5月至7月初──於上環磅巷文化藝術場地 C-dou 舉行為期兩個月的 MIDWAY Popup Store,將旅行中所收集回來的好東西及故事與客人分享。期間亦邀請到東京旅行、設計專欄作家吳東龍先生從台灣到場,與MIDWAY舉行「在街角上轉轉、描繪東京散步路線」作對談分享會,得到超額報名,反應相當熱烈全場滿座。
6月──開始於台灣《Shopping Design》設計資訊平台作文字專欄連載
8月──開設首間店舖 MIDWAY shop,推廣選物背後的故事,並不定期在店內舉辦小型展覽及分享會
January - Contribute debut to《every little d》column, a media platform under the《The News Lens》Taiwan
May to July - MIDWAY Popup Store at C-dou, Pound Lane Sheung Wan, another presentation of travelling memoirs, including a seminar collaborating acclaimed Designer, Columnist and Writer Mr Tomic Wu, who’s also known as a Tokyo travel expert, to share his travelling experience.
June - Column debut at 《Shopping Design》, an art and design themed web media platform .
August - MIDWAY shop retail shop debut, a presentation of stories behind products, also a venue for panel and seminar.
航程途中,要盡情欣賞舷窗外風景。 MIDWAY in our life journey, enjoy the scenery through the porthole.
航程途中,要盡情欣賞舷窗外風景。 MIDWAY in our life journey, enjoy the scenery through the porthole.
台灣展覽場地 在 咖啡館、展覽場地長春醫院變身藝文空間【客家新聞20230828】 的必吃
老洋樓新故事|咖啡館、 展覽場地 長春醫院變身藝文空間【客家新聞20230828】. 129 views · 1 day ago ...more ... 從 台灣 看見世界的故事•208K views. ... <看更多>