Event Link📍 https://www.facebook.com/events/1421412774678534/
Taipei Event Date: 10/25 @Muzeo
🔥 在台灣的精釀啤酒名人幾乎都是進口酒商, 大概只有 1 ~ 2 位保持中立, 黛西的深夜釀酒習題 就是其中之一 , 現在忙碌的她要辦餐酒會啦, 而且還是台北,台中,台南場. 她選擇五款分別代表酸、甜、苦、辣、鹹的酒款,分別搭配上主廚特別為酒款創作的料理, 而且餐廳都是有精挑細選過喔!
🔥 Most Craft Beer famous KOLs at Taiwan are mostly work at imported beer company. Only 1 ~ 2 people stay non-biased point of view. 黛西的深夜釀酒習題 is one of them. Now, she is hosting “Beers Pairing Cuisine” events at Taipei, Taichung and Tainan. She chooses 5 different types of draft/craft beers - sour, sweet, bitter, spiced, salty to pair bistro-level cuisines. There are still seats at Taipei 6:30pm Event @ Muzeo.
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