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友訊 研究報告 在 DLS Daniel Lim Santoso Facebook 的最佳解答
Let's stop all this Pedophiles..
在记录片中,被追踪到的兩萬名孌童癖變態色狼来自不同的国家,其中3名来自大马:Australia - 46 Belgium - 13 Canada - 54 Egypt - 21 Germany - 44 India - 103 Italy - 22 Netherlands - 20 Pakistan - 20 Malaysia - 3
Sign Petition Now ! Stop webcam child sex tourism ! - http://avaaz.org/en/wcst/
「你真的只有10歲嗎?」自荷蘭兒童權益組織「地球社」(Terre des Hommes)讓虛擬女童「甜甜」在聊天室上網作餌,研究員就不斷收到類似的交友訊息,短短10星期就有多達20,172人跟自稱來自菲律賓的「甜甜」搭訕,他們來自全球71個國家,包括歐美、日本、南韓和印度,其中有54名恬不知耻、想要透过网路视频与年仅10岁的菲律宾女童进行淫荡活动的加拿大成年人。
他們全部志不在聊天,往往問過年齡後,便急不及待露出狼相,以金錢利誘「甜甜」在網絡鏡頭前寬衣解帶,甚至做出猥褻行為。例如一名自稱40歲的美國網民「Candy Man」很快要求她開啟鏡頭,問他想看甚麼,他竟說:「你,赤裸的。要是你媽媽在,也可以加入啊!」另外俄亥俄州網民知道「甜甜」有一名8歲妹妹時,竟說:「脫光她的衣服和開鏡頭吧!」
总部在阿姆斯特丹的兒童人權組織「地球社」(Terre des Hommes)说,这次的行动为期10周,已经查出逾1,000名成人的身分,他们来自71个国家,其中包括54名加拿大人、110名英国人与254名美国人。
该团体表示,加拿大《刑事法》(Criminal Code)严禁获取儿童色情图像与儿童卖淫,据此应已足够提出检控。
Meet 'Sweetie,' a virtual girl created to target child predators
Children's rights group Terre des Homme creates a computer-generated 10-year-old girl in hopes of nabbing adults willing to pay for a child's Webcam sex performance. Mission accomplished.
They thought they were chatting online with a 10-year-old girl in the Philippines. In truth, they were talking to an incredibly realistic-looking computer-generated child. Now that fake girl could help authorities identify very real child predators.
"Sweetie" is the creation of Dutch children's rights organization Terre des Hommes.
Over the course of a 2.5-month sting operation, the group says, Sweetie helped Terre des Hommes identify more than 1,000 adults from 71 countries willing to pay children in developing countries to perform sex acts before a Webcam. On Monday, it announced that it would hand over video footage of the interactions to international police organization Interpol.
Sweetie first interacted with the potential predators in public chat rooms. Researchers made sure to model their alter ego's online conversation, in style and tone, to that of a preteen Filipino girl.
"As soon as I go online, they come to me," Sweetie says in a short video documentary about Terre des Homme's campaign against Webcam child sex tourism. "Ten, hundred, every hour. So many. But what they don't know: I'm not real."
To show them she was, Terre de Homme researchers hunkered in an Amsterdam warehouse, turned on a Webcam, and using software, controlled the CG girl's conversation, facial expressions, and movements (made realistic through the use of motion capture technology). While the fake girl chatted with the real men, the activists tracked the potential criminals down not by hacking their computers, but by using information they volunteered -\-\ Facebook and other social-media profiles, Skype handles, phone numbers, pictures, and video footage.
For the "Becoming Sweetie" project (PDF of detailed report), Terre de Homme paired with Avaaz.org, an activist group that campaigns on international issues from corruption to poverty to climate change.
Terre de Homme says Webcam sex with minors is a phenomenon that's proliferating fast as access to cheap Internet in developing countries grows. The practice, it says, generally involves men from wealthy Western countries paying children from poor countries for online sex shows.
"These children are usually forced to do this by adults or by extreme poverty," Hans Guyt, director of campaigns at Terre des Hommes Netherlands, said in a statement. "Sometimes they have to testify against their own family, which is almost an impossible thing to do for a child."
At any given moment, there are 750,000 child predators connected to the Internet, according to the United Nations and the FBI.
The adults identified in the Sweetie sting mostly come from the United States, Britain, and India. While Terre des Hommes plans to give authorities contact information for 1,000 adults who showed willingness to pay for a child's Webcam sex acts, the organization says more than 20,000 people attempted to chat with Sweetie over the course of the 10-week investigation.
In a demonstration for the Associated Press, a Terre de Homme researcher logged in to a chat room and identified himself as a 10-year-old girl from the Philippines. Multiple chat windows popped up immediately. A sample interaction:
Sweetie: "What you want see?"
User: "U."
Sweetie: "What u pay for?"
User: "Naked."
Sweetie and her chat partner agreed on a $20 fee to be paid by a wire transfer and Sweetie asked for the person's Skype address, but didn't take the chat any further, according to the AP. No payments were made or received during the Sweetie project, Terre de Homme says.
"We want governments to adopt proactive investigation policies that give law enforcement agencies the mandate to actively patrol public Internet hot spots where this child abuse is taking place every day," Guyt said. "The child predators doing this now feel that the law doesn't apply to them. The Internet is free, but not lawless."
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