Northwest's Salmon Population May Be Running Out of Time
A Washington state report put it bluntly ( ): Because of the devastating ( ) effects of climate change and deteriorating ( ) habitats ( ), several species of salmon in the Pacific Northwest are “on the brink of ( ) extinction ( ).”
Of the 14 species of salmon and steelhead trout in Washington state that have been deemed ( ) endangered ( ) and are protected under the Endangered Species Act, 10 are lagging ( ) recovery goals, and five are considered “in crisis,” according to the 2020 State of Salmon in Watersheds report.
“Time is running out,” said the report, which is produced every other year ( ) by the Washington state Recreation and Conservation Office. “The climate is changing, rivers are warming, habitat is diminishing ( ), and the natural systems that support salmon in the Pacific Northwest need help now more than ever.”
Researchers say recovery efforts — involving state and federal agencies, Native American tribes, local conservation groups and others — have helped slow the decline of some salmon populations. The report found that two species — the Hood Canal summer chum and Snake River fall chinook — were approaching ( ) their recovery goals. It also noted that no new salmon species had been added to the endangered list since 2007.
“We are at least treading water,” said Kaleen Cottingham, director of the Washington state Recreation and Conservation Office. “We have not, however, seen the kind of progress ( ) that we had hoped for.”
With the effects of climate change expected to accelerate ( ), researchers said that more must be done to prevent further population decline and the possible extinction of some species.
Salmon play a vital ( ) role in the environment, economy and culture of the Pacific Northwest. At least 138 species depend on salmon for their food in some way. Salmon support an estimated ( ) 16,000 jobs in the fishing industry, and they are a draw ( ) for tourists.
Before the 20th century, an estimated 10 million to 16 million adult salmon and steelhead trout returned annually to the Columbia River system. The current return of wild fish is 2% of that.
One of the largest factors inhibiting salmon recovery is habitat loss. A growing human population has led to development along the shoreline and the addition of bulkheads, or sea walls, that encroach ( ) on beaches where salmon generally find insects and other food. More pavement ( ) and hard surfaces have contributed to an increase in toxic stormwater runoff ( ) that pollutes Puget Sound.
美國西北部鮭魚 陷瀕臨絕種危機
華盛頓州一篇報告直截了當指出,由於氣候變遷跟棲地劣化的毀滅性影響, 美國西北部有數種鮭魚「瀕臨滅絕」。
華盛頓州休閒與保育辦公室主任Kaleen Cottingham說:「我們至少勉強穩住了情況,但我們沒有看到我們所期望的進展。」
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