Uncharted 4 easter egg | 秘境探險4 - Ch.終章 彩蛋 所有收藏位置、寶藏、日記、篇章、對話
展示海報中出現了疑似艾莉的身影,旁邊也出現了疑似《最後生還者》的英文名字,雖然戴著面具,但艾莉拿著手槍的樣子還是非常容易辨識出來的,而另一張有關《Savage Starlight2》的海報更暗示了《最後生還者2》,《Savage Starlight》漫畫曾是《最後生還者》中的一項收集物品,而推出2也似乎再次暗示了《最後生還者2》的製作意圖。
在《秘境探險3:德瑞克的騙局》事件發生後數年,已經從寶藏獵人退休的主角內森·德瑞克(Nathan Drake)將會踏上一段環球之旅,尋找一段歷史陰謀背後所隱藏的、傳說中的海盜寶藏 - 秘境探險4。
Uncharted 4 A Thieves End has 193 Collectibles. 109 Treasures (including the Strange Relic, Strange Fruit & Strange Pendant for Relic Finder), 25 Journal Entries, 23 Journal Notes and 36 Optional Conversations.
UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End Walkthrough video guide for all collectibles (treasures, conversations, journal notes and entries) covers single-player mission story ending 'Epilogue' with PS4 Gameplay. For the full Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Playlist, click here ► https://goo.gl/FHsHlw Enjoy the videos? Hit the ❤LIKE❤ button ! It's your way to help support this channel!
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